Shall We Dance?

You Know

You know I hate you.

You know I really can't stand to be with you.

You know this.

You know I hate the way you look at me.

You know how I hate that your eyes are too green and your hair to to bright a red.

It burns my eyes and I hate it.

I hate feeling like I can feel at all in a way thats not quite dislike towards you.

I hate the way you know me to well--maybe you know me better then I do myself because you watch me and stare.

Why do you care? I hate that you care.

The way your laughter is loud and warm is mocking and tempts me to join you in chuckling.

God I hate that.

When you take my hand and say you've decided we're going somewhere, I feel like I'm going to rip your insides out with my bare hands.

When you kiss me, I hate that you sometimes start smiling.

It angers me to no end.

I really hate you.

I've never hated something so much in my life.

I hate the way you know I'm lying in just about every word of this.
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't know. Its late and I'll have to edit it later.