Shall We Dance?

The Way We See

Honey, those gauzy skirts and silver bangles only hide so much. Your pretty blue eyes are the same frosty colour of your lips; hm, that seems to be a bit much, don't try and hide from me.

The skin on your neck is soft. Goose bumps follow my lips as I trace patterns of sweet nothings over you.

I can't help but think of how many people figure you as a girl as we saunter past them, our arms linked as whispers past between us behind henna-painted hands. You tell me my eyes are the colour of green glass-bottles that you find left on the beach.

I tell you your eyes are like the sky on a day you would go to the beach.

We giggle behind our hands as we stumble down the side walk, delirious with cigarette smoke and the feeling of each-others skin.

I press my lips to yours for a second, not long enough for anyone outside of us can see. I feel you stop breathing.

Don't do that, you warn.

You tell me you don't want to feel anymore; to deal with the fact that maybe--just maybe--life is better with someone else there living with you.

I brush my lips against yours again, and I feel you stiffen. But you don't stop me. I can feel the way your body buzzes when I touch you.

You tell me to please stop. I do. You thank me. You apologize. I forgive you. Your mascara starts to run down your face.

Fuck off, leave my alone, don't look at me like this, you say.

I laugh, and later you tell my the sound was like glass-bottles breaking. Thats fitting, I say. My eyes flood and my hands shake as you run, falling because of your stilettos.
The next time we see each-other, your eyes are the colour of winter. I look at you for a while. Your coffee is probable getting cold. I sit down across from you.

I can't do this anymore, you say.

I wait for you to elaborate, but you seem content to be silent, so I don't ask any questions.

You stand up and lean over the table, kissing me lightly. Wait for me, you say. We can try in another life.

I nod, and you kiss me again.
I take your ashes and scatter them at the beach, out to where the sky meets the water.

Its our special place. I leave behind a green glass-bottle.

I love you.
♠ ♠ ♠
ugg for some reason this became harder to write the longer I went on; so I cut it off.

maybe I'll add stuff later. maybe.