Shall We Dance?


When Roxas had first met Axel, he'd seen him as the one who would always be different. No matter what he wore, what he acted like, he would always think differently from other people.

Roxas immediately saw that part of himself reflected in the green eyes.

He felt the small spark of something--he couldn't name it, he'd looked in the dictionary thousands of times but nothing fit--that came when seeing something very familiar.
When Roxas first spoke to Axel, he'd asked him where the fiction section was. He knew perfectly well where it was, but something made him ask anyway.

The red-head had laughed and said he should know, because Roxas practically lived in the bookstore.

Roxas promptly blushed--he would deny it later--and asked why the flying fuck Axel was watching him.

But Axel just laughed and Roxas made a note to never shop at that particular bookstore again.
The first time Roxas had gotten kissed by Axel was probably the best thing he could remember.

It wasn't quite romantic, but it was sweet; a chaste pressing of their lips.

That was the day Roxas fell completely in love with the red-head.
The first day after Axel had died, Roxas cried.

He cried like he never had before, there was an endless amount of tears.

He'd scattered Axel's ashes the second day without him.
The first time Roxas saw Axel again, he was young again.

Naminé told Roxas that He was waiting.

So Roxas came to him.
That was the first day the world had either Axel nor Roxas.
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Haaaa not quite as weird as they usually are.