Shall We Dance?

White Lie

It was a white lie, a little white lie.

It was hardly a sentence, but maybe the rules of Literature didn't apply now. Roxas did not seem to care.

But maybe Axel did. Maybe he didn't know if he cared; maybe he cared more then he said.

Don't remember.

You don't remember, Roxas? Maybe I'm hurt, maybe I hate you now. Would you care.

He didn't know though, Axel thought. Its not his fault, really.

Blond eyebrows rose in question and concern.

I'm... really sorry, but I don't... recall--anything, really.

Blue eyes lied in green ones. Blue eyes were lying right in front of his face. Really, after all this time he couldn't remember? After all of the--what, Axel wondered; there was essentially nothing he could remember, nothing he was supposed to, nothing at all--

That he should want to remember.

I want you to remember so we can share what's left of us with each other.

But it was to much to ask, and Roxas didn't remember

Axel didn't want to remember anymore, either; there was no one to share with; no one to love and mourn with.

So Axel Kissed Him and for a second Roxas was remembering because he Kissed back--

But that was as good as it would get.


Maybe it would be love in the next life, maybe when they both had forgotten.
♠ ♠ ♠
what? an update so soon?
really, this one is hard to read.