And Yet Life Goes On Despite the Heart Breaks

I'm Leaving Without You

When I woke-up the next morning I started to plan which concerts I wanted to go to as I got ready. I decided upon Fall Out Boy, The Cure, Marylin Manson, Green Day, AFI, and Good Charlotte. This was going to one fun deal for me! Free concerts! Now who doesn't wish they had that? And I planned on making the boys get me loads of t-shirts,and not to mention backstage passes! This was going to be awesome!

~Next Day~

Today was the day the boys were coming home! I couldn't wait to go get them from the airport! I hadn't gotten to spend much time with the guys in a while.

~At The Airport~

"Caitie!" Came Brendon's voice as soon as he stepped out of the terminal.

"Hey Brendon!" I said hugging him.

"Oh I see what's going on here! No love for Spencer! Well fine you losers!" Spencer said jokingly as he joined us. I threw my arms around him and gave him a huge hug.

"I would never forget you Spencer! You wouldn't let me!" I laughed as we broke apart.

"Now I know you didn't forget me! I'm even harder to forget than both of these two idiots combined!" Jon whined from behind me.

"How could I ever forget my Johnny Boy?" I laughed while hugging him. "Now where is your accomplice in the crime of annoying me, Brendon? He has an announcement to make to the entire airport!" I said grinning my oh-so evil grin.

"Uh-oh I know that grin, what do you have in store for us today?" Jon questioned me.

"Oh nothing. It's just that-" I began.

"BRENDON IS MORE THAN A FRIEND TO I, RYAN ROSS!" I heard Ryan yelling over to our left.

"What brought this on Caitie? Why did Ryan just say that?" Spencer asked looking worried.

"We had a deal. By the way, thank-you Brendon. I couldn't have done this without you!" I said flashing my evil grin.

"I'm confused, how did I help?" Brendon asked me looking extremely confounded.
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Okay so I have a few more chapters of this story to post tonight before I go on to another story....