And Yet Life Goes On Despite the Heart Breaks

And So It Goes Back to the Remedy

"Well Brendon since you annoyed Ryan for me I was able to strike up a bargain. Thus that little scene." I said still grinning.

"Now I get it, you used both Brendon and me to get what you wanted! Very clever and sneaky." Ryan said.

"Aw shucks, I feel so special!" I said giving Ryan a hug.

"I think that's it time we leave the airport before all the fans show-up." Jon said.

"No it's more fun to watch you guys get mauled by fans." I said jokingly.

"I like Jon's idea better," Spencer said.

"Yeah you're just mean," Brendon said sticking his tongue out at me.

"Go ahead and stick your tongue out at me Urie, see what happens!" I said smirking as he quickly put his tongue back in his mouth.

"See you are mean," Ryan said in a smart ass voice.

"You asked for it," I said getting up on of the airport chairs."Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Panic! at the Disco!"

"You are sooo dead now!" Ryan said looking evilly at me.

"Yeah right! Catch me if you can!" I said grabbing Ryan's little carry on bag and taking off. And but of course he followed hot on my trail.

*Normal POV*

The whole chase scene lasted for about five minutes. It would have gone on longer but I was tackled by all of the guys.

"Now can I have my bag back?" Ryan asked from the top of the dog pile.

"I hope you didn't have anything valuable in their Ryan. 'Cause the bag is under me and I'm under neither you four!" I said trying to make my way out from under the dog pile.

"Yes I did! My camera is in there!" He said looking down at me evilly.

"To bad, so sad. I just don't give a crap," I said as I finally got out. I handed him the bag and started to make my way out of the airport. "Bye! I'm going home," I called back to them teasingly.

A chorus of "wait-up!" followed me.
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I know the girl is a total bitch, but just be patient and watch the story unfold!