Status: Comment bitches!

You Get The Cake, I'll Start The Car

And So It Begins...

I stood behind the counter, bored out of my mind. Yet again, it was as slow as molasses. In winter. In the middle of Wisconsin. Yeah, it was that slow. I was also at work by myself. This part was actually cool because at least I could put on whatever music I wanted. What did I choose? Avenged Sevenfold. Of course, I went with their self-titled album. It had just came out and was the sexiest thing since sliced bread. If sliced bread could be sexy. I had just started jamming out to Scream and stocking the selves when a customer finally walked in. I didn't bother seeing if they needed help because they looked like belonged there. I went behind the counter and started to straighten the pins for the umpteenth time when the man finally came to the counter.

"Nice music choice." he commented. I shrugged and looked up and froze. My eyes were met with the bluest eyes I had ever seen. And I had seen those eyes somewhere before.

"Dude, do you know who you are?" I asked sounding like a star-struck fan. I suppose I was, I mean I was wearing a shirt by them.

"Hold on, lemme check my undies." he said seriously and turned and pulled his jeans back a bit.

"According to these, I am Matt...wait...that doesn't sound right..." he gave me a puzzled look.

"Jimmy!" I exclaimed, laughing hard. This crazy-ass man was the drummer for Avenged Sevenfold A.K.A my favorite band.

"Hey! That sounds like my name!" he said excitedly and clapped. He then looked at my shirt.

"Okay, I won't swear to it but you seem to be a fan." he said in a serious tone again. I nodded.

"But shh...don't tell them. They might perceive me as a crazy fan and while I am crazy I'm only slightly dangerous to their sexy drummer." I whispered confidentially. His eyes widened a bit.

"Why?" he asked curiously.

"Cause I'm pretty sure the things I'd do with that man are illegal in the state of California." I nodded. Okay, this was pretty epic, I was having a conversation like this with the very guy I wanted and he only seemed more curious and slightly interested.

"Oh really? And uh, what area few of those things?" he asked, his curiosity nearly tangible.

"Like running around in the middle of the night singing 'We're Off To See The Wizard' as loud as we can." I nodded happily. Jimmy stared at me, slightly shocked. Then he grinned hugely.

"EPIC!" he shouted, fist pumping into the air. I smiled and shrugged. What can I say, it's just how I am.

"Vi!" Ellie came running into the store, completely oblivious to the tall, lanky drummer.

"Ellie!" I cried out in the same tone as her.

"Jared says your break starts in ten minutes and I want food!" she said, coming up to the counter.

"Ooh! I want food too!" Jimmy said excitedly and clapping. Ellie turned to see who chimed in and her eyes went big.

"JIMMY!" she screamed and tackled him. I face-palmed.

"Ellie! Come off the nice drummer man before you scare him away." I said gently, pulling her off of him.

"Awe..." she said disappointedly but still got off. Jimmy stood up and brushed himself off. I prepped myself for him flipping about my friend's brashness. I knew he had to be cool from all of the videos I had seen of him but that didn't mean he liked having fans tackle and practically rape him.

"What's your name?" he asked Ellie.

"Ella Mariee Way but yooou can call me Ellie!" she sang.

"Ellie?" he said.

"Huh? I didn't do it! It was Vi!" she exclaimed, pointing to me. I face-palmed again. Jimmy said nothing, just tackle-hugged her.

"I looove meeting big fans with lots of enthusiasm!" he said happily, spinning her around. She giggled and he sat her back down. I smiled. How could I not? The way he handle my best friend was good. No...great. No...fantastic!

"So how about it, Vi?" Ellie said turning to me, "we get food?" she pouted. I sighed but smiled.

"Yes, we can get food." I said, waving at Shannon as she came in for her shift.

"DUDE!" she exclaimed, "you'll never guess what happened!"

"Queso?" I asked her. Yes, that did mean cheese. And yes, I did use it as the word what....

"I won four tickets to the midnight showing of Harry Potter and The Order Of The Phoenix!" she squealed. Ellie and I screamed bloody murder and jumped up and down.

"Ahh!" Jimmy screamed out. We stopped and looked at him. He shrugged.

"I felt left out..." he pouted. How could you not love this man?

"Dude, you are tall!" Shannon exclaimed, looking up at him. She was the tallest out of us but he still towered over her.

"No, I'm Jimmy." he corrected her with a pat on the head. She rolled her eyes.

"I figured as much, you're all my sister ever talks about." she sighed, pointing to me. I blushed as Jimmy turned to look at me.

"Gee, thanks." I mumbled sarcastically.

"Well, lucky me." he said charmingly. This only caused me to blush brighter.

"Awes! Vi-bear has a crush!!!" Ellie sang, wincing slightly as I smacked her.

"Then I'm hoping she would like to join me for some food of the foody-edible nature." he smiled at me, blue eyes sparkling. I smiled and blushed all at once. Gravy.

"I guess I could do that..." I replied, trying for nonchalance and failing.

"Yay!" Jimmy clapped. He and Ellie shared a victory hug and dance. All I could think was Wow.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hi there! Yes, this is yet another fanfic from the lovely mind of Violet...
She was bored, inspired and entered two contests with the same idea...
She hopes it works out...
Guess what else she did...

Made outfits! *cues applause*

Yes she is aware she has much to time on her hands but she is perfectly fine with that...
It just means she creates more story magic *cues applause again*
Who knows what will come out of her mind next??? *crowd gasps*

A Few Things You Should Know About This Story
~Yes, It will probably be continued...
~It has a word count of 950
~Ellie and Shannon be real afraid...
~JimJim is missed very moochly foREVer in our hearts
~Yes, Violet is hyper and sleep-deprived right now...
~Violet demands comments cuz they make her think of awesome music...always welcomed and never tired out...
~Violet ish gonna go now *waves*

Now Zacky Vengeance commands you to go comment, right Zack?
Zacky: Do it.