Rock Your Body

Shake It Like A Salt Shaker

“Dude, I’m getting married!” Kayci screamed and automatically, I began screaming with her. After we called down, Kayci started giggling. “Eric’s divorce finalized and I was fixing a romantic dinner, he came in and dropped on one knee. He asked me to marry him right there.”

“When are you getting married?” I asked looking down at my laptop that made a dinging noise to signal I had mail.

“We haven’t set a date. I don’t really want too, I don’t want to rush and marry him. I like where we are,” Kayci shrugged her shoulders casually and sat down on the side of my desk. “What about you and Jonathan?”

“What about me and Jonathan?” I started clicking away on my keyboard, trying to ignore Kayci as she made noises to catch my attention.

“When are you guys going to start talking again? Its been nearly a week,” Kayci whined a little, when I ignored her further she reached over and shut my laptop.

“What the hell?” I asked loudly, throwing my hands up.

“Stop working and talk to me, Rachel Anne,” she said sternly. “What is happening between you two?”

“He’s asshole that loves his work more than he loves me,” I snapped and pushed my laptop screen back up into the proper position.

“He’s not the only one that’s a workaholic. I know my brother, Rachel. He loves you but he had a responsibility to his fans to work non stop to make great things become extraordinary. Your being selfish to throw away a love like this,” Kayci jumped off the desk and crossed her arms. “And I’m not talking to you until you come to your senses.”

“Kayci, don’t be like—“ I watched her walk out of my office. “That.”

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

“She hates me,” Jonathan complained to his sister. Kayci sighed and put her hands on her hips, she hated mediating their fights.

“Get over yourself,” Kayci snapped and slapped his arm hard. “She’s mad because you won’t spend any quality time with her. You’d rather work every single day, every hour instead of taking her out to lunch every now and then. Give her a surprise or something. Your so arrogant and stuck in your mind, she’s your girlfriend Jonathan. Act like it.”

“I hate when your honest,” Jonathan glanced down at his feet and stuffed his hand in his pockets. “What do you think I should do?”

“Truthfully?” Kayci asked crossing her arms. “Apologize and mean it, then you should grovel and buy her lots of nice things.”

“She hates when I buy her things, especially nice things,” Jonathan nearly whined, Kayci grimaced at her brother and shook her head.

“Then be nice and get her something from the heart,” she told him and walked away.

“Be nice and get her something from the heart,” he paused to think it through. “What the bloody hell does that mean? Kayci!”

-- -- -- -- --

“Why am I here?” I crossed my arms over my chest, holding my purse in my hands instead of sitting it on the table beside me. I didn’t plan on staying long, I was still pissed at Jonathan.

“Because I asked you to come, sweetheart please, sit down,” Jonathan held out a chair and pushed it in for me when I sat down. “I asked you to come here because I have some things I want to say to you.”

“Proceed,” I told him coldly. I hadn’t meant too, I sounded like I did at work.

“I love you, I always have and I know lately that I’ve been acting like a real douche. I know I haven’t shown you much attention, hell I haven’t seen you enough to show you any. I know it has to stop, I have to make room for you because I would give up everything for you,” Jonathan confided. “I hope I don’t have too but if you asked, I would drop it on a dime.”

“I love you to much to hurt you like that,” I said softly, sitting my purse down on the ground. “I just want you to acknowledge me every once in awhile, call me just to say you love me or a text would do. I just want to know your thinking of me.”

“I will, I’ll promise you’ll be my number one,” he nodded frantically and gave me a happy smile. “I love you.”

“I love you too, you Irish bastard,” I joked and watched as he stood and walked over. He kissed me softly, weaving his hands through my brown roots until it was a kiss so sensual that he had to pull away before things became to much for the public.

“Don’t hate me for this,” he winked as he dropped to one knee. I almost shrieked with shock, I had to cover my mouth. “To show you I’m serious and that you are the only thing I ever think about. I want to marry you, right now. Fly down with me to Vegas, we’ll come back and we’ll plan a real wedding for everyone else but I want you to be Mrs. Jonathan Rhys Meyers, now.”

“Yes,” I breathed.
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Descriptions are in the character info.