‹ Prequel: RabbiDt Love
Status: On Going

Rabid Love History

Piece of Ass

"Get back here you little brat!" Voices yelled chasing after me down an ally way. Brushing against a metal bin. It fell over, the clattering didn't stop my pursuers. Just made them try to go faster to catch me. I breathed hard having a item clutched tightly to my chest as I dashed down another path that was more cluttered then the last path. Almost tripping over many things, losing some balance but catching myself in the end. Gun shots snapped violently in the air. I ducked behind another corner going towards the back of a shop of some sort that had it's doors wide open.

Shooting in them I turned quickly almost falling to the sudden turn. I quickly took my free hand and slammed the doors shut and pinned them shut with random stuff that was closest to me. Banging went on the doors. I allowed myself to fall to the ground and loosen the grip on the item that happened to be a very nice diamond necklace.

"Um...who are you?" Shuffling back up to my feet to the sudden voice. I looked up a man my age stood there looking slightly confused.

"Kegan." His green gaze slid up and down my body. Instead of disgust or disapproval he looked at me with interest.

"You look like shit Kegan." Smirking a bit relaxing only a bit as the banging on the doors stopped.

"And you look like a ass but I ain't judging." He laughed loudly as I dusted off my ripped black jeans. He really did look like a ass. With the fancy shoes, expensive looking shirt, and a suit jacket over that. And it was clearly made of the finest stuff around. His eyes finally landed back on me. He was hot, maybe I can have fun with him? He looks very tasty.

"I'm Damion. Nice to meet you. What are you doing back here?"

"I was running. But now I'm thinking how fun it would be to fuck you." His dark red eye brows slid upward in amusement.

"Really?" Smirking a bit shoving the necklace in my pocket. Looking back up at him with a wide smile.

"Oh yeah."

"Well I'd let you do that. But I have a job that requires me smelling decent." Walking over slowly a bit teasing. He seemed to be on the same page as me. At least one bright moment of the day.

"Care to help me shower then?" Deeply husked out making him go some what serious. Maybe I said something wrong? Or maybe he got serious when he was turned on.

"Screw it. I cant handle a husky voice." Damion snapped before grabbing the long brown locks of my hair and yanking forward. Unfamiliar yet moist lips pressed against mine aggressively. Returning the heat. Biting and nipping on his lips before thrusting my tongue in his mouth forcefully getting agitated with his denying. Hearing a deep throat growl from him that turned into a moan. Damion's fingers slid out of my hair and on my shoulders, slowly caressing downwards.

Moaning to the touch I moved closer closing the gap between our bodies. Feeling under that fine fabric his well defined abs. Nipping on his lip harshly hearing his hiss. I sucked the lip on my mouth poking it with my tongue tenderly before letting it pop out. His hands slid down to my waist and dug in. Jerking a bit a loud moan slid out of my mouth. Pulling away to the slight shock of pain mixed with pleasure. His eyes glittered at me heatedly, he pressed in my hips again. Feeling my neck give out that made my head drop.

"Mh ah..." Rolling my hips for more pressure with those delightful finger. He obeyed the silent command. Feeling them dig in more made my head shoot up. If they dug in any more blood would be drawn. I could feel his breath tickling my neck as I let my head hang back. Warm lips brushing across the skin before pressing down.

"Damion where are you?" He pulled away and looked around. A feeling of loss washed over me but I didn't miss it that terribly. I looked at my hips in question. When the hell did I become so sensitive to people touching me there? Narrowing my eyes at my hips having my shirt raise up. Each side were already sporting light bruises of finger tips. That's some strength in those fingers.

"Over here." Looking up having my shirt drop down. A man came in the store room I guess. Or some kind of plastic storage room. I don't know that's what it looked like. The man also had dark red hair. Father? Questioned tilting my head to the side. The man was huge. But you know what they say, ' The bigger they are the harder they fall.' and in this case the guy would fall pretty damn hard and fast.

"Where have you been and who is this?"

"I've been talking to my friend Kegan. Sorry to keep you waiting. What is so urgent grandfather?" Well what happened to grandfathers looking old?

"There's no time for you to be talking to filthy people like him. Lets go, your father is waiting. Also someone stole your mothers necklace." Damion's eyes widened a bit.

"What? Alright I'm coming. Tell him I'll be there momentarily." His grandfather nodded to him and gave me a disapproving look. I just stuck my tongue out at him that was still dripping in saliva from Damion's mouth.

"Suck on that old fuck." Hissed getting a rather nasty glare from the goat before he left. Damion looked at me with one raised eye brow.

"You either have no fear or as crazy as hell." Chuckling getting in my pocket pulling out a necklace his eyes widened wider than they were a moment ago.

"Both." Who knew I made a huge U turn back to this place. Humph. Damion started laughing, one of his arms flung over my shoulders and pulled me towards his body.

"Hey meet me outside in two hours. I'll help you get cleaned up. And we can talk about how the hell you got this off of my mothers neck. Deal?" Turning having my nose rub against his for a moment, breathing on his lips teasingly.

"Deal." With a quick kiss he left. And I just kinda chilled out there. Damion equals : Dinner and a fine piece of ass for the night. Mh.
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W O R D S : 1 0 8 6

Hello and welcome to the side story to Rabbi[d]t love! For new readers you don't have to read the main story unless if you want to.

Okay so to sum it up in this time span Kegan and Damion are 16 1/2 mkay?

So what do you think of the first chapter??