The Battles of Your Youth


"Wait a second!"

I sighed as Annie's eyes lit up with excitement, knowing I should have never informed her of where I was headed at 7.

"You're going on a date with Eckles and he doesn't mind?" She questioned in amazement, pointing towards Jared.

He frowned "Why would I care?"

Annie and Shannon exchanged a raised eyebrow look, answering his question together "Maybe because you hate Eckles?"

I glanced over to Jared as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat "I don't hate him."

"Yes you do!" Shannon chuckled, ignoring his brother's glares.

I laughed, reaching over and ruffling his hair "It's fine JayJay, I know you don't like him."

"'Don't like him'?" Shan repeated in amusement "What was it you said-" Jared frowned, stopping his brother's sentence by throwing a cushion his way.

"I better go anyway," I announced getting to my feet. It was 6 already and slouching around in the Leto's basement with them was getting me nowhere. Smiling down to Jared I squeezed his shoulder "I'll see you guys tomorrow."

"Tomorrow," Annie grinned as she hugged me, Shannon sent her an unimpressed glance as he kissed my cheek goodbye "Have fun!" She squeaked.

I glanced back as Jared added "Don't let Eckles impregnate you!"

I rolled my eyes and chuckled "Later JayJay."


"Mom! I'm going out!" I called, reaching the bottom of the stairs as Chris pulled up outside my house.

She appeared by my side in no time, a 'concerned' frown creasing her forehead "Where?"

"Just out," I shrugged, an innocent look on my face "I'll be back by 10."

Her frown deepened as her eyes searched my own "Nine thirty."

As I tried to protest she interrupted "It's a school night Lauren. Be thankful I'm letting you go."

I sighed, deciding that pretending to be on her side would help my cause a lot more "Thanks mom, I'll see you later."

Without another word I swung the door open, slipping out and slamming it shut before my mom noticed who was waiting for me.

"Hey," He smiled as I slid into the passenger seat of his car.

"Hi," I replied, clicking my sealtbelt into place as he stepped on the gas "So, where are we going?"

"To grab a bite," He answered, glancing from the road to me for a second. I shrugged with a nod, my friends' words echoing in my ear "So, Leto not too happy you're out with me?" He asked as though he was reading my mind.

I frowned "Huh?"

His face said it all - he clearly didn't understand my lack of knowledge behind his and Jared's little feud "I saw him looking...out of the window."

"Oh," I nodded, my gaze ending up out of the window "He's kind of over protective."

"I get that," Chris smiled "He's your best friend."

"Hmm," I shrugged as he pulled into a car parking space at our local cafe. We both got out at the same time, slamming the doors shut. He locked it as we walked away "Sometimes it's like he's my dad."

Chris chuckled, opening the door for me. As we found a table he slipped his hand into mine.


"How was it?!" Annie practically screamed as I exited my house.

I winced as she grasped onto my arm, dragging me ahead of the two guys "It was fine," I smiled, leaning my head against her shoulder.

"Oh really?" She smirked, arching her eyebrow "Did he kiss you?"

We both turned around as a disgusted sounding noise emerged from Jared.

"What?" I asked with a confused frown.

He simply shrugged, turning his attention back to the conversation he was having with his older brother.

Both me and Annie exchanged glances with her mouthing 'Strange Child'. I giggled, linking my arm back through hers and leaning my head back on her shoulder.

"I'm going back out with him on Friday."

Annie squealed once again, soon followed by the disgusted noise once more.


"So, what's your deal with Chris?" I asked Jared as I sat beside him in our Bio class.

He shrugged, his piercing blue eyes concentrating on the board at the front of the class "It's nothing Lauren. Really."

I lay my chin on his shoulder "It doesn't seem like nothing JayJay."

He rolled his eyes "I'm not going into it Angel," He replied softly, keeping his gaze trained to the board "I'm not getting involved."

I frowned "Huh?"

He glanced my way for half a second "I'm just not."

I edged away from him "Oh," I breathed, my eyes searching his emotionless face as our teacher walked in.

Had one date with one guy caused me to lose my best friend?