The Battles of Your Youth


Over the next few weeks I threw myself into being the best girlfriend I could. Chris drove me to and from school, I spent most of my time at his place and barely saw Jared, Annie and Shannon.

"Have you moved out?"

I glanced up from my cereal, coming eye to eye with my younger sister; Scarlett "Of course not."

She nodded, chewing on her bottom lip "You're never here anymore though."

I smiled "I'm sorry, I promise I'll stay home tonight yeah?" I answered, her 10 year old innocence tugging on my heart strings.

She grinned "Cool. Jared's been helping me with my homework."

His name jolted my heart but I forced myself not to show it "Really?"

"Uh-huh!" Like every female Scarlett had fallen for Jared's charm. Though he was 6 years older than her and viewed her as a younger sister she had the biggest crush on him "He said he missed you...don't you hang out with him anymore?"

It was harder to hide it this time "He said that?"

She nodded "He's different when you aren't here," She mused "He doesn't smile as much and he doesn't tease me."

The sound of Chris' car horn interrupted us and I got to my feet, slinging my bag onto my shoulder "I better go munchkin," I said, kissing her cheek as I used mine and Jared's nickname for her.

She rolled her eyes, seeming so much older "Have fun."


The day passed in a blur. Nothing that was said to me registered, I simply stared meaninglessly into space. Deep down I hoped I'd run into Jared but I never even caught a glimpse of him.

"I'm gunna have a night in tonight."

Chris looked confused at my announcement "How come?"

"Scarlett is worried I've moved out so I've promised her a girly night in," I explained s he took the route to my house.

"Aaw," He replied with a soft smile, although he was part of an only child family he fully understood my closeness with my younger sibling. He turned in his seat to face me once he came to a stop outside my house "Have fun."

I smiled, leaning over an kissing his cheek "I'll see you in the morning."

I waved as he drove away, slowly opening the front door I bounded in "I'm home Scar!" I announced, heading to the living room "Got any homewo-" I stopped, sat on my sofa - explaining something to my younger sister - was Jared.

They both turned around once they had heard me. Scarlett was grinning, an unreadable expression graced Jared's face as he didn't allow our eyes to connect.

"I better go," He mumbled, pushing his hair out of his eyes as he stood, flinging his bag onto his shoulder. Scarlett had been right in what she'd said, something about him seemed different.

"Y-you don't have to," I heard myself mumble as I noticed Scar's face fall.

He didn't look up at me, just ran his fingers through his hair once more. He seemed...messy, although his appearance was (as always) perfect he in himself seemed all over the place as his blue eyes darted all over the room.

"I think I do," He replied, not even seeming like he was talking to me.

I went to protest but as my mouth opened he slipped out of the room, the sound of the front door slamming a few seconds later told us he was gone.

Scar glanced up from her homework as I sat beside her "Told you so."

I nodded with a frown as I bit my bottom lip. I wasn't sure who that was exactly but he most definately wasn't my Jared...
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Bit of a filler.
VioletTwist is awesome :)
