The Battles of Your Youth


"Ouch, Jared!" I heard my mom exclaim once she answered the door as I made my way down the stairs "What happened to you?"

I saw his dazzling smile stretch across his almost perfect face "You should see the other guy."

My mom chuckled and I could tell that she didn't quite know whether he was being serious or not "Well, you take care you hear?"

He nodded, his eyes catching my own for a second "You have my word."

"Um, I'm gunna head next door with Jared mom," I announced, pushing past her to stand beside him. As he was suspended from school for a week for fighting I had neither seen him nor - due to Shan and Annie wandering in and causing us to spring apart - discussed the previous night's events.

"Okay honey," Mom smiled adding "Have fun!" Without even reminding me of my curfew...seriously, what is this magic Jared seems to possess?

"Hey," He smiled, digging his hands into his jeans pockets, walking on my left so his black eye was facing away from me.

"How are you today?" I asked, linking my arm through his.

"Smug," He replied with a smirk "It has come to my attention that I broke young Christopher's nose."

I chuckled, leaning my head on his shoulder "Thank you for looking after me."

He stopped, standing in front of me he held my face in both his hands "Anytime."

"We can't do this," I heard my stupid common sense force me to say as his nose brushed mine, his breath on my lips.

He smiled "You won't lose me Angel," He assured me, leaning his forehead on my own.

"I can't live without you JayJay," I replied softly.

He nodded, an understanding look on his face as he pulled away, letting my face go he stood back at my side, allowing my arm to loop through his once again "You won't Lauren, I promise," He said, almost in a whisper "Neither of us are ready yet but we'll take it slow."

My heart pounded as he grinned down to me, not only had I - stupidly - rejected a kiss from Jared Leto but had he just admitted to liking me?

"Hey Lauren," Annie greeted once we entered the Leto household "Jail bait," She nodded towards Jared who groaned, unamused.

"Very funny," He rolled his eyes as we sat on one of the couches in the front room.

"I know!" Annie replied, an amused grin coming to her face "So how long you off for?"

He smirked "Week."

As I rested my hand in the space between our almost touching legs I felt his fingertips brush from my wrist and down my palm until our fingers laced. I glanced up to him for half a second, a small smile gracing his lips as his thumb gently stroked my skin.

"What will we do without you?" Annie said sarcastically, if she noticed how our hands were linked she managed to stay unfazed.

"I'm sure we'll live," Shannon joked as he breezed into the room, Jared 's hand slid from mine as his brother passed him our bowl of popcorn. My skin felt cold.

Jared rolled his eyes at his older brother's comment "You gunna put the movie on or spend all night taking the piss?"



I ducked my head down, ignoring the call of my name as I stalked down the school corridors. It was the 3rd day of Jared's suspicion and the place didn't feel the same without him.


Anger burned my veins as I stopped in my tracks, spinning around to face him. "What?" I snapped, finding it hard not to smirk as my eyes scanned over the bruising Jared had caused.

"I, um -" Chris paused, scratching the back of his neck nervously "You haven't returned my calls."

I sighed impatiently "I wonder why."

"You're with him now aren't you?" He snapped.

I didn't back down "Even if I was it has nothing to do with you Eckles!"

"Lauren!" Shan exclaimed, appearing by my side he sent Chris a glare "Annie's saving us a table in the cafeteria."

I nodded, turning out back on Chris we walked away, not giving him a second glance.


"Are you excited?" I grinned, squeezing Jared's arm as I spoke.

He chuckled "After a week of lie ins and doing fuck all? Not very."

I pouted jokingly, folding my arms across my chest as we began our trek to school.

"Lauren?" I ignored him, trying to stop myself from smirking "Angel! He whined and, before I knew it, slid his arms around my waist, placing his hands in my hoodie pockets and his chin on my shoulder "I'm sorry."

I rolled my eyes with a smirk, turning my head I kissed his cheek "I forgive you."

"Good," He replied triumphantly, letting me go and going back to walking by my side, his hands deep in his jeans pockets.

"Where are Shan and Annie anyway?" I asked, placing my arm through his, leaning my head on his shoulder.

He shrugged "They left early. I think they may suspect something's going on," He smirked "Especially Annie."

I couldn't help but smile at his words "Trust her."

He frowned "Is there anything to suspect?"

My heart hammered in my chest as my lips answered before my brain had time to catch up "Do you want there to be?"

His arm wriggled away from mine, looping round my waist "Only since I met you."

I blushed "I can't lose you."

"And I can't lose you," he agreed, squeezing me even closer to him in a one armed hug "So, like I said, slow is good."


I yawned as I left my math class - one of my only ones without Jared - and headed to meet my friends.

"You are with him aren't you?" I sighed, reluctantly turning around to face Chris as he continued "I can tell."

I rolled my eyes "What is it to you?"

His hand came out from his jeans pocket and grasped onto my arm. He bent down, his face a few inches from mine "I don't condone cheating Lauren."

I tried to wriggle from his grasp unsuccessfully, leaning back to create a larger space between us "Nothing's happened between me and Jared." I snarled, still trying to yank my arm away from him "And we're finished!"

He finally released my arm, pushing me away from him "Tell your boyfriend this isn't over."

I sighed and rolled my eyes at his pathetic-ness as I walked away, furiously blinking my eyes to contain the angry tears threatening to fall.

"Hey, you'll never guess what Shan - are you okay?" Jared's expression fell from amused to concerned as I sat beside him at our usual table.

"Fine," I shrugged, avoiding his gaze as Shan and Annie joined us.

"You're so not fine," Annie mused as she tucked into her plate of chips.

Jared raised his eyebrows, his blue orbs searching my face "Lauren?"

"Chris spoke to me okay?" I burst out, not making eye contact with any of them "But it's fine," I added quickly, glancing up to see anger flash across both Leto brothers faces.

"It's not really fine though is it?" Shan frowned "He never dares to do it when you're with us does he."

I rolled my eyes "It's fine honestly," I insisted, resting my hand on Jared's forearm "Don't get into any more trouble because of me."

Jared and Shan's faces fell, both muttering "You never let us have any fun."
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't know if Jared is as handy in a fight as I am making out he is but I don't care. :)
I think he is (Y)