Story Of A Girl (Alex Gaskarth Sister Story)

Hello, Hello

Urgh, day one in this hell hole. Oh hi there, i'm Lexi, Lexi Gaskarth. Yes Gaskarth, but it's all glamour as you may think it would be.

You see i have "emotional issues" according to my "family". Our older brother Daniel died a year ago, since they i haven't really spoken to anyone. He was the ONLY one who understood me.

Alex was always the favourite child, you'd think me being the youngest and being the only girl in the family would make me the favourite? Well, its doesn't....and i'm happy about that.

Me and Alex use to be, basically, joined to eachothers side 24/7. But not since Daniel died.

He commited so-called "family" think i'm going the same way.

Yeah, ok, i suffered from an eating disorder and i self-harm. That is because i feel invisible to everyone else. No one seems to care about me. Which i think i proved because they sent me to this rehab.

I lucky made sure i did NOT have my mobile taken away, nor the charger. Oh how i'm grateful for bra's.

I've been texting my three best friends, who basically died when they found out i was sent *cough* dragged *cough* here.

Luce is freaking out, Toby is trying to think of a way for me to escape, gotta love Toby. And Marcus is basically spazzing out with Luce.

Yes, two of 'em are guys, gotta a problem with that? No? Good! Yes? Go get fucked my friend.

And there ya go. Welcome to my shitty life.
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Ok, my punctuation is shit. My vocabulary is pretty fucking good. :P

Please comment & i'll try and upload the next chapter tomorrow. ;D

Peace, Love & ATL ;)