A Little Less 16 Candles, A Little More Touch Me

Ypu Call Youselves Hunters...

The next day I skipped work (calling in sick), talking to Patrick all day long about Pete, since he was asleep in a coffin in the cold basement, hiding from the light. Patrick spent the whole day explaining the situation (talking about the whole ‘vampire’ thing and how he wouldn’t bite me since he drunk a special mixture 3 times a day, I mean night, instead) and going over the plan for tonight about a million times. Just after tea, Andy and Joe arrived, Andy particularly excited about the plan for some reason. Pete woke up earlier than usual (according to Patrick) and we all got in Andy’s car, Andy driving us very close to the town on it’s way to being taken over by evil vampires. He parked the car near the edge of a cliff, overlooking the town.

“So we all know the plan?” Pete asked for the millionth time. Andy nodded and I climbed into the front seat to join him. Why? I don’t know yet. Joe got out, getting something out of the boot of the car, Pete and Patrick also hiding.

“So,” I said, stretching and getting just a tad uncomfortable. I was usually with someone else and Andy, not just Andy by himself.

“Do you know what we’re meant to do?” he asked and I admitted that I had no idea. “We’re meant to make-out. Attract some bad vampires.” I started to laugh, taking this as a joke. Then I saw the look on his face.

“Oh. You’re not kidding,” I said, fading off at the end. I had to kiss one of my brother’s best friends who I didn’t like and had no intention of doing that with him. I sighed and looked out the window, trying to spot either my brother or the ‘good’ vampire, but saw no sign of neither, not even Joe. “Well, I didn’t take the night off work for nothing…” I leaned in for it and he brushed my hair back. This is soooo wrong…

BANG! Something, I mean someone, had jumped onto the bonnet of the car. I screamed as two more joined ‘it’. Andy was freaked out too, holding onto me as I screamed my head off. One broke the glass in front of us, covering me in small pieces of glass. Luckily it was all over pretty quickly. As soon as the three vampires had been caught, I ran into Patrick’s arms, shaking. He hugged me tight, telling me I’d be okay.

“You call yourselves hunters,” Pete spat. He turned around and jumped off the cliff. I suppose he turned into a bat and flew away, but I didn’t really take much notice, since I was still scared.

“Well next time you be the bait!” Andy yelled out the car window at him. Man I was so freaked, and I never ever got scared. Still shivering, I got in the car, snuggled up to my big brother, and Andy drove us home. When we got home, Pete was there, drinking some more of his ‘concoction’ instead of blood. My blood. My brother’s blood. I shivered (again, I know) and could see him staring at me as I walked past him. He wouldn’t take his eyes off me. I was about to exit the room when he talked, stopping me since he surprised me.

“Are you okay?” I looked around for Patrick, but couldn’t see him. Pete was approaching me. A vampire was approaching me. I tried slowing my breathing, but not being successful. He must have noticed. “It’s alright. I won’t bite you. I know you’re scared of me doing that to you.” He held up his hands, trying to get me to trust him and I looked away. It was like he was reading me like a book, knowing my exact thoughts.

“Well, you are a vampire,” I said and he nodded, giving a small (but yet cute!) smile. That made me smile a bit, but I don’t know why.

“Look, I really want to get to know you, and I can’t if you don’t trust me,” he admitted. I looked back at him, straight in his eyes. He wants to get to know me? What did he mean by that? “Vampires have, in the past, gotten to know humans, and they always start with ‘Trust Exercises’. Do you wanna try?”

“Uh, I dunno,” I said, starting to feel uncomfortable. Maybe if I’d paid attention at school I would have learned how to deal with vampires. Especially the ones that ‘want to get to know you’.

“Please? Can we just try?” he asked, looking down on me. “If it doesn’t work, you can forget about it.”

“Um, okay,” I said sheepishly and he grinned.

“Well, no offence, but you’re gonna have to work on your defence skills. You can’t just sit there and scream,” he said and I smiled.

“Yeah, I know.”

“Do you wanna go for a walk? While it’s still dark?” he asked. “We can talk.”

“K. I’ll… I’ll just get my coat.” I quickly ran upstairs and got my light blue denim jacket, putting it on as I came out of my room.

“Where are you going?” Patrick asked, blocking the exit to my room.

“For a walk,” I said, but he didn’t move.

“With who?”

“Me.” Pete had come up the stairs and Patrick turned to face him. “Don’t worry, she’ll be fine.” Patrick sighed and moved out of my way. I walked over to Pete and he walked down the stairs with me. I waved my brother goodbye, getting a smile and a small wave back. Pete held open the door for me, shutting it after he’d gone through. We walked out onto the street, walking pretty close on the footpath. We headed towards the road that leads to the ‘vampire’ town. It suddenly became much colder and I started to shake.

“It’s a cold night,” I said, starting the conversation. We had walked for a while without talking, and he said he wanted to talk. I was a bit confused.


“So… you were going to teach me defence, right?” I asked and his eyes lit up.

“True. And offence too, if you want,” he said and showed me how to punch someone harder than a woman usually would be able to. “Come on, punch me in the guts. Show me what you’re made of.”

“What?” I laughed. “No way!”

“Come on! Do it!” he said, chuckling too now. “It won’t hurt me since you can’t punch.” I punched him hard in his stomach. I think I hurt my fist more than I hurt his abs.

“Ow…” I said, turning away while shaking my hand. Pete laughed at me. “It’s not funny…”

“Sorry,” he said, and when I didn’t respond (just teasing him) he came and stood in front of me. I looked up into his eyes. “We’ll work on it, alright?”

“Okay.” I smiled and we continued walking. Suddenly, arms grabbed me and pulled me back.