As The Blood Is Drained, It's Bad For Business

You Don't Know Me...Yet.

Vampires. They’re nearly unbreakable and as strong as steel. They are inhumanly beautiful and flawless…but of course they are. They aren’t human. They have an especially remarkable sense of smell, eyesight, and hearing. They can run up to two hundred and ten miles per hour. Contrary to popular belief, they do not burn in the sunlight. They glitter; they glow. They are not afraid of garlic or crosses, nor do they sleep in coffins. And we can all, in fact, see their reflection and take their picture. And the trickiest part of all: you can’t kill them by merely shoving a steak through their heart. It’s not beating; why would it lead to their downfall?

My name is Scarlett Tiernel, daughter to the late and great Michael Tiernel. He’s a local legend in my hometown: Astoria, Oregon. He was the city’s greatest police chief they’ve ever seen in near twenty years…until he died of a bullet to the head while trying to stop an armed bank robbery when I was sixteen. My mother Elizabeth, on the other hand…she hasn’t been the same since my father’s death. They were like Batman and Robin. When he died, he took a large piece of her with him. She started heavily drinking, and has been slowly going senile because of the extreme alcohol overdose. It’s like she’s decaying…rotting from the inside out. She’s more like a pet than a mother. It’s better that way, anyway; it makes it harder for them to track me. Too bad I can’t save her. I save everyone else.

And finally, there’s me. I’m almost always out; I never go home except to try to take care of Elizabeth. I’m five-foot-four; fairly small but tough for my size. I have extremely long black hair, which is almost always tied up because I’m almost always kicking someone’s ass. I’m seventeen years old. My wardrobe consists of black clothes and combat boots. Black to blend in with the night, and boots for the combined force of running and the occasional smashing someone’s face in.

I carry some form of weapon with me at all times. Of course, anything can be a weapon, if you know how to apply it to your situation. My weapons of choice are my daggers. They’re light, convenient, and perfectly equivalent in balance. Most importantly, they’re small and easily concealed. And of course, I carry what I call my ‘D&D tools’. It stands for Dismantling and Destroying. Those are necessary with a job like mine.

Don’t get me wrong, they don’t all deserve to die. There are those who have always been ‘vegetarian’. They kill animals, not humans. But anyone who has ever tasted a drop of human blood…they’re going down. They get what’s coming to them. And I’m glad to be the one to serve out their punishment on a silver platter. The police take care of the criminals. The mortal criminals. And I take care of the immortal ones.

You could call me your present-day Buffy The Vampire Slayer.
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please give it a chance? i think it will be a lot more interesting than my other stories =D