As The Blood Is Drained, It's Bad For Business

Skeletons...And Psychics?

Mom, Matthew, and I push through the entrance to the emergency room. Mom runs up to the guy at the front desk.

“Officer Michael Tiernel, please,” she sniffs. She’s been crying the whole drive over here. The boy’s probably only a few years older than Matthew and me. He checks his files and looks up at us.

“He’s just about to go into surgery. If you hurry, you’ll catch him. Room 211.” Mom nods feebly and motions us to hurry along.

We get to his room just in time. The doctors are rushing him out on a gurney, preparing to probably dislodge the bullets. He looks up at us as we try to run along with the gurney.

“Elizabeth…” he whispers. Mom cries even harder.

“Michael!” she screams, and Dad is pushed through the Operating Room doors.

Why did they kidnap me if they weren’t going to kill me? I couldn’t understand it. I still hadn’t seen Cayden yet and it was almost twilight. As soon as I was healed, I would kill him first. This was pissing me off. At least my wrist was in a brace now. I actually tried putting the ice to my head, but it hurt too much. Head injuries shouldn’t be this extensive. It was a wonder I still remembered who I was.

Daniel walked into the room, immediately snapping me out of my thoughts. Whenever there’s a vampire nearby, my nerves get shot and I go on red-alert. It keeps me on my toes.
Daniel sat down on the coffee table, where he had been earlier.

“What do you want now?” I snapped. He smiled. I honestly don’t know how something so horrible can always be in such a good mood.

“Why do you hate vampires so much?” I blanched.

“I-you-that is a story for me to know and you to never find out,” I said childishly. He only smiled more.

“Ah, so there’s a story behind the hatred? Now I’m quite interested. See, I didn’t do anything to you personally, so I’m wondering…” he pondered. I glared at him with a hatred that would stop the devil himself in his tracks. Unfortunately, Daniel continued to just stare right back at me.

“Go away,” I growled. He got up.

“Okay, okay. Someone has skeletons in their closet…and I’m intending to find out what they are, sooner or later.” I growled again, taking off my brace and throwing it at his head. He spun around, catching the brace perfectly in his hand before it hit him. He smirked.

“Nice throw,” he said, throwing it back at me much more forcefully than I had thrown it at him. I reached my good hand up and caught it before it flew over the couch.

“Nice catch,” I grumbled. I think I heard him chuckle as he walked away.

As I was wallowing in self-pity and loathing, I heard the front door slam. Heavy footsteps walked from the front door, to the kitchen, and to the entrance of the living room, where I was. I wished dearly that I could turn my head so I could see who was there. Did they have more vampires living here? Ugh. I didn’t think I could handle two…the two that had talked to me, at least. The footsteps made their way to the back of the couch and stopped. I swiveled my vision, but I couldn’t see who was standing there.

“Ha ha, very funny. Tease the poor girl with a head injury. Daniel, if that’s you you’re dead. I’m not joking, the minute I’m healed I will kill you.” I was completely serious. Vampire slayer was I before I was kidnapped, and vampire slayer I would be when I was healed. There was a moment of silence, yet the presence remained. It coughed.

“I hear you’ve met my brother,” the vampire whispered. My breath caught in my chest.

“Um,” was all I got out. The vampire walked around the couch and sat on the lounge chair as far away from me as possible.

“Sorry about your head…and your wrist,” he apologized, motioning towards me. I had pure hatred towards this vampire, the one with the long wavy hair. So why couldn’t I just open my mouth and threaten him? I clenched my good fist and parted my lips.

“You are so fucking dead once I’m off this couch. Both you and your little friends.” I was more convincing than I thought it would be; my voice didn’t crack. He merely looked at me, piercing my soul with his violet stare. His eyes had a different effect on me than his fellow vampires. I felt like they broke my heart. And I think his heard had been broken, too…what am I talking about? Vampire hearts don’t even beat. Sometimes I can get so disgusted with myself…

“Nice to meet you, Scarlett,” he whispered. He closed his eyes as if saying that was painful. Then he got up, and exited the room as far away from me as possible.

How did he know my name?
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i'm sorry i won't be able to update as much now. but i shall try my hardest!! =D