As The Blood Is Drained, It's Bad For Business

The One That Got Away

Matthew and I have had a change of luck. We recently received oodles of money from various neighbors for doing yard work. We’ve just bought ourselves new skateboards, and we’re walking out of the store. I hop on mine, ready to try it out. Matthew does the same. We smile to each other, nod, and start skating home. Halfway home, Matthew grinds on a railing, kickflips, and lands perfectly.

“Nice one, bro!” I yell, a couple feet away. He gives me a thumbs-up. Unfortunately, he’s not looking where he’s going and he skates head-first into a pole. His skateboard flips over and stays where it lies. Matthew, on the other hand, falls, and rolls off the curb, dangerously close to oncoming traffic.

“Matthew!!” I scream. I kick my board out from under me and sprint over to Matthew, dragging him away from the curb just in time. He lies on his back, inhaling and exhaling loudly. My eyes dart from our boards, the traffic, the curb that he rolled off, and back to him.

“Are you okay? You can’t just flirt with death like that,” I pant. He squeezes his eyes shut.

“Yea, I’m fine. Thanks,” he mutters, his eyes still closed. I’m still worried beyond belief.

“No problem,” I smile slightly, “what are little sisters for?”

I took an extra machete from under the bed, seeing as I didn’t have my bowie anymore. Stupid vampire. I grabbed my old skateboard from the garage and I was out of the house in a matter of seconds. Unfortunately this was my only form of transportation; no one ever taught me to drive. I had a pretty good idea of what I was doing, but if I drove it still wouldn’t be legal. Of course, a lot of what I did wasn’t legal.

I skated as fast as I could, taking into consideration that I was slightly weighed down with the amount of weapons, oil, and fire sources that I carried around with me. I was almost to sixth street. I rounded my way to the street sign when I got another text from Chuckie.

“Intersection of 6th headed towards Sandy St.,” this one read. I was very close…and that’s when I saw him. The most beautiful vampire I had ever seen; he was about to attack a boy about my age, near a white dumpster in a vacant parking lot. The boy was walking backwards, trying to slowly edge away from the vampire. I hopped off my skateboard and started sprinting, so as to make less noise. My hand was on the handle of my machete, ready to strike.

Seconds away from striking, the boy gave me away. His face held an expression of relief, and the vampire turned just before I could get his head.

“What the hell?” the vampire yelled, dodging to the side. The victim stood there for a moment, not sure what was going on, and then ran off in a fit of fear.

“Die,” I demanded, waving my machete again.

“Those won’t do any harm to me,” the vampire sighed, thinking he had won already. I laughed.

“That’s what you think,” I replied. We danced around each other, each wanting to strike but neither of us knowing exactly how. But in a matter of moments he was on top of me, leaving me weaponless as my machete fell to the ground. He was as quick as lighting and I didn’t even see it coming. My arms were held behind my back and his mouth was aimed at my neck. I bit my lip, trying not to panic. I inched my hand towards my back pocket. If I could get a dagger I stored in there, I would be safe…for the moment. I shoved my hand in my back pocket, producing a small dagger. Meanwhile, the vampire rubbed his nose against my ear, trailing it down my neck. Sniffing my blood. Sickening.

I kicked the vampire in the leg, tried to spin free of his vice-like grip [and failed], and shoved my dagger right into his stomach. The vampire gasped and staggered backwards.

“How the hell did you-” he started, but gasped again, this time louder. The poison that the dagger was lined with had kicked in. I smirked as he grasped his stomach tighter. He bit his lip, and I quickly went and grabbed my machete. I started towards him, but he realized what I was doing and it was too late. Because of his wound, he wasn’t as fast as he could have been, but he still managed to dash away without a trace.

“Dammit!” I screamed, actually throwing my machete to the ground in a fit of rage. This was the very first one that had ever gotten away.