As The Blood Is Drained, It's Bad For Business

I Was Kidnapped. What Next?

Matthew and I grab our skateboards from the garage and get ready to go.

“Hey Mom! We’re going for a walk!” I yell to her, but she doesn’t answer. Of course she doesn’t. She’s too engaged in the TV.

I hop on my skateboard and my brother and I ride off to the band together. Just like I thought, the whole block is filled with police cars, ambulances, fire fighters, and worried onlookers. I hate this. I hate that my dad is in there, and I can’t do anything to help. The feeling surrounds and engulfs me like a sickness.

“Come on,” Matthew says, pulling me forward as he pushes our way through the crowd. It’s a good thing we’re small.

We make our way to the very front, where the scene has been roped off with yellow caution tape. I see officer McGeoffrey who is relatively good friends with my dad.

“Jeff!” I yell, trying to get the officer’s attention. He turns around and makes his way towards Matthew and I.

“Is our dad okay?” I ask fearfully.

And that’s when we hear the gunshots.

Keenan and I walked back into our empty practice space, prepping ourselves for another round of fighting. This time we grabbed daggers, ready to face off. He seemed more prepared with food in his stomach.

“Ready?” I asked. Keenan nodded. I was about to attempt to strike when Chuckie came rushing in.

“Scarlett!” he yelled, panting as he ran in the room. I dropped my daggers on the ground, making sure not to miss my feet.

“What do you want? I was about to gouge this kid’s eyes out,” I said, slightly aggravated. Keenan gulped; I guess he can’t handle a little sarcasm.

“You’ve been granted redemption. Guess who’s hanging out on 6th and Sandy St.?” Chuckie said, smiling like we’d just won the lottery.

“Not the same vampire?” I asked in disbelief. He nodded.

“The very same one!”

“But the lightning never strikes in the same place twice…”I pondered.

“Well apparently this one does. Now get your asses our there and kill that demon!” he said. I grabbed my daggers and Keenan and I were out of there.

We arrived at 6th and Sandy faster than any scene I’ve ever gotten to. We hopped off our skateboards [I found an extra one to loan to Keenan] and quietly started towards the vampire. It was the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen on this job. The vampire was just standing there, as if he was waiting for something. His long, wavy chestnut-brown hair was waving with the wind; he looked like a scene from a movie. And I was there to ruin it. I turned to Keenan, put my index finger to my lips, and then pointed to the other side of the trash can. I would attack from the front, and give him the advantage of coming from the back.

I jumped up and ran full speed, watching as Keenan mirrored me from the opposite side. The vampire didn’t do anything. He stood still, like a cardboard cutout. I drew closer and closer, and he still remained motionless. But upon the last second before it appeared that I would decapitate the damn thing, he moved at the speed of light and ended up behind me. Keenan stopped in his tracks.

“Keep moving, moron!” I screamed at him. He nodded and kept coming. I attempted to spin around, swiping my bowie at the vampire’s head again. But again, he moved so fast I couldn’t even see it happen. He was now in front of me, stepping closer every second. I involuntarily dropped my bowie. This had never happened before. Right when Keenan was about to get the vampire, the vampire turned around and smacked him on the head, knocking him out. I hate how strong vampires can be. I reached for my lower calves, knowing I had my favorite daggers strapped there. Too late. The vampire moved again, grabbing me by the waist and straightening me back up.

“Let go of me!” I screamed, grabbing his arm with my hand and trying to force him to loosen his hold. It was my last hope.

“Stop,” he commanded. He took my wrist and shoved it away from his arm. I felt my wrist crack. I did whatever I could to keep from making any facial expressions whatsoever. He had most likely broken it, and it hurt like a bitch. He spun me around so I was facing him.

“What do you want?” I spat, inches away from his face. He still remained emotionless.

“Gah!” I screamed, pushing against his chest. He actually loosened his hold, and I fell backwards towards the cement. There were only seconds before I felt the shooting pain from hitting my head. I started slipping into unconsciousness, and just as I slipped into the dark, the vampire picked me up and whisked me away.