Status: Taking a break...

Paw Prints in the Snow

A cold night

It was all around me. It's all I could feel. My limbs hurt. My lungs were burning. My fingers, nose ,and ears were frozen. I opened my eyes.

It was so dark, it's like I'd never opened them at all. I finally got the courage to stand, but I was unstable, and I fell over. I hit the ground, and noticed the pine needles. I was outside. I glanced around me. Dark figures were clustered around me. Trees, my mind told me. I was in a forest. Why am I in a forest....?
I took another look around myself, and noticed light.
It came from above. The moon.
The moon....It was so full, so beautiful, so bright.
Why hadn't I recognized it's beauty before? It was almost impossible to not notice.

Just then, I heard crunching of leaves, the snapping of twigs, the swinging of branches being pushed out of the way. Someone was coming. For some reason, I was engulfed with fear. I ducked behind a tree, and made myself completely still, completely quiet. Who ever was coming this way, hadn't noticed me.
As the steps drew closer, I became even stiffer, if that was possible.
I made myself peek from behind the tree, despite my fear. As I gazed, I wondered why I was so afraid in the first place. Should I not be out in the woods? Was I going to be in trouble?

Then I heard it. It was frantic breathing. Heavy panting. Then I saw him.
It was a boy. He had a dark hoodie, and was wearing capris. Capris? In this cold?
His face was what really got me to look. He was scared. No...worried. Was he being chased? No, hes looking for something. Someone.
Out here? Who could be out here? Well, then again, Im out here.
Oh, yea... Why am I out here?........
Was he looking for me?
....I.... I....?