Status: Taking a break...

Paw Prints in the Snow

The Findings

My mind...was blank.
I couldn't remember my name! Who am I! What happened to me!? Where do I go from here!? How do I get help!?
As all these thoughts rushed through my head, my body swayed with the weight of confusion. I most have made myself seen, because the next thing I know, a pair of strong, warm hands are on my shoulders. My shoulders...

Im wearing a tank top, I notice. Why am I wearing a tank top in the winter!? I look up at the boy. His lips were moving so rapidly, but I couldn't hear anything he said. Why is he holding me, I thought. I tried to make myself fight him off, but my body betrayed me and did the complete opposite.
My arms flew up around his neck, and my legs swung around his hips. Why am I so comfortable doing this? Is it because I know him? Must be...

My hearing seems to come back and I hear him say "Are you ok? Why did you run from me?! Where have you been?! I was screaming your name! If it was that jack ass from before, scaring you, tell me! I'll handle it!" he seemed so angry, yet relieved at the same time. So he did know me. Well, he should know the answer to quite a few of my questions. "" he looked at me concerned. "Yea? What is it?" he set me down on the ground. I fiddled with my fingers not knowing what to really say. "I...I don't know who I am...sir..." I looked up at the boy, whose mouth had dropped.

"Wh...what? Jamie, what are you saying?" he said, looking me over. He started to touch my head, which should have made me uncomfortable, but didn't. "J-Jamie?" Was that my name?
The boy flipped some of my hair to the side and made a wincing sound. "Oh no. You've got a huge gash right here." when he said that, it was more to himself than to me. "UH, is my name Jamie?" I asked sheepishly. The boy just shook his head, still gazing at my wound.
"Let's get you home. Get some food in your system. I bet your starving after two days in the woods." What? I've been out here for two days?
Just then, in lighting speed, the boy took my hand and slung me on to his back. Out of instinct, I put my legs around his body, clinging to him. He set my arms around his neck and held the back of my knees so I didn't have to cling. We started walking through the woods, in the direction he came from.
"When did you loose your memory?" he asked me, after a few moments of silence. "J-just a couple seconds ago. I woke up just then. And I heard you coming." he nodded in understanding. "So, you just lost your memory. So that means you can't even tell me what you've out doing these past few days. I know you won't know what Im talking about, but Dawn will be so freaked when you get back." he said, with some soft laughter.
Soon, the dark forest turned into a lighter forest. I saw a narrow road, and the boy seemed to brighten up. "We're almost home, Jamie." he said with a smile. It's weird...He kept calling me Jamie, but....It didn't feel like it was my name. It felt off.
"Um...if you don't mind me asking...Wh-what's your name." this question made him stop walking completely. "Wow..." he started walking again. "...Im Bishop." I nodded. "...I wish I could remember you, Bishop..." he smiled again. "Me, too, Jam."
It was silent again.