Status: Taking a break...

Paw Prints in the Snow

In the Shadows

Deeper in the woods, a woman and two younger men stand, stiff in the winters harsh wind.
They stared at a paw print.
"....why did you let her escape?" asked the female. The youngest of the two boys looked up at her, his gaze trying not to meet her eyes. As if when you looked at them, it's glare would turn you to stone. "She was too fast for me. And one of her own was quick behind my trail. I had to fall back, or our whole plan would have been a failu-" *SMACK*
The woman stroke the boy, making him yelp. "It already is a failure, thanks to you! I spent three days tracking her down, and another TWO trying to get her! Then you!" The woman pointed a sharply nailed finger at the boy, making him shrink back. "You just had to come in, and ruin it, by letting her get away!" The woman stroke the boy again, with another smack. The boy bit his lip, drawing blood, to keep from crying. If he cried, that showed a sign of weakness. Weakness was not acceptable in the pack. The other boy, who'd been quietly waiting, said "What do you mean, Gail? We can find her again." he said calmly. He'd been with Gail for quite some time, and knew the right way to speak to her.
Gail pinched the bridge between her nose and eyes. "Shes back with Dawn, she'll tell him what we've been doing, he'll come after us! What part of this do you not understand, Skylar?!" she began softly, but with each word her anger rose, along with her volume.
Skylar only looked back down at the paw print. It was now slightly filled with snowflakes. Skylar hadn't even noticed it started to snow.
The boy who'd been stroke started to shiver.
Gail sighed. "Go home, Mark. We don't need you here." Mark nodded "Thank you, Gail." and then got on all fours.
In a split second, his form went from human to animal. Mark grew hair from all over, his hands became paws, his nose became a snout. Mark transformed into a wolf.
None of this bothered Gail or Skylar. In fact, they weren't even paying attention. This wasn't very interesting to them, they've done it a million times themselves.
Mark ran back to base, on all fours, still in his usual cloths,(A pair of blue jean shorts and a black wife beater.)
As the wolf Mark ran off, Skylar watched until he was completely out of sight. As soon as he was gone, Skylar grew an evil grin across his lips. Gail seemed to feel the change in atmosphere and looked up at Skylar. Just as she looked, Skylar growled, and pinned her against a tree, her hands being held up above her head.
"Well, what do we have here?" Skylar said, his voice low and husky. Gail frowned. "I'm not in the mood, Sky. I'm too aggravated." Gail hissed out the last part.
Skylar's mood seemed to droop. He let go of her hands and turned. "Fine. Let's just get back to base." Gail rolled her eyes. "Are you jealous?" she asked, letting her breathe seepe down his neck. It made him shiver.
"Don't be ridiculous. I'm no more jealous of Cravic than you are of Hesha." Gail snarled at the sound of her name. Skylar smiled. "It's actually very funny, really." he began. "The alpha male sleeping with a lower level female, and the alpha female sleeping the a lower level male." he looked to the ground, at the paw print. "Both pretending they don't know of the others affair." he concluded.
Gail only stayed silent.
"Maybe when we finally catch this slinky little wolf, we'll be able to separate from Cravic and start our own pack...." he hinted at the proposal, tilting his head up ever so slightly. Gail couldn't help but let a small smile cross her lips. "Let's get back to base." she said softly.
Skylar nodded and turned into the gray and white wolf he transformed into.
Gail was right behind him, turning into the dark red wolf she was. Skylar howled to the moon, and ran off in the direction Mark had ran off in.
Gail stretched her spine and her legs, getting ready for the long run ahead. They'd traveled a long ways to hunt down the wolf girl, and had to back off. She'd been found and taken back.
Gail gave another glance at the paw print in the snow, now barely visible.
"Today, you were lucky. I sign that the moon is truly on your side...."
Gail crushed the remaining impression that was left with her front paw, and started with a sprint after Skylar.
"But next time you won't be so lucky!"