Status: Taking a break...

Paw Prints in the Snow

Faceless Friends

I guess I had fallen asleep on Bishop's back, because the next thing I know, Im being bounced slightly on his back. He was trying to wake me. "Jamie, wake up. We're here." he whispered. I made a protesting moan. He chuckled lightly and said, "Don't be scared when we get inside, you've been gone for awhile, and no one knows you've lost your memory yet."
'We?' I thought. Whose 'we'?
I looked over Bishop's shoulder to get a better view.
At first, all I saw was the woods and the snow. But soon, we came to a clearing, and I then saw the most cutest house out in the middle of the woods. It had an up stairs, maybe seven or nine rooms, 3 bath, and I bet it had a pretty big kitchen. Some how, I didn't feel like I was too off. Maybe because that little bit of information was still stuck in my brain.
As Bishop got closer, I noticed that the only lights that were on were the ones down stairs, maybe the living room.
When we stepped on to the porch, I saw three rocking chairs, a few beautiful wood carvings of bears and wolves, and a table surrounded by bar stools.
Bishop set me down on my feet and turned to face me.
"Ok, the people you are about to meet are your friends. If they run, hug, and scream at you, it's only because they love you." he smiled sweetly. I smiled back, showing my teeth. I hope they weren't too mad at me.
Bishop took my hand and lead me to the door, not even knocking, he opened the door and Iwe stepped into the coolest house I think I've ever seen.
The first of my senses to register my surroundings was my hearing. I heard several cranky sounding people fussing and arguing, and I heard some music. Coming Undone, by Korn.
Instantly, without even thinking about it, I blurted out, with an authority I didn't know I had, "Turn that f**king music down before I cap someones ass!"

The fussing and bickering stop instantly.
I throw my hands up over my mouth, as if a told the pope to go suck it.
Bishop, trying to hold back laughter, covered his mouth too.
I looked around, and people I'd never seen before(Or I have, but can't remember.) start to swarm me!
"Jamie!" this one blond haired boy throws his arms around my neck, suffocating me in a hug. A girl with black, spiky hair, yanks the other boy from around me, and eyes me up and down. "...Uh-" but, she grasps around my waist firmly, lifts me into the air, and twirls me around, a giant grin on her face. I laugh, enjoying this, but my laughter stops when she flings me into the air. I scream, but, I fall into the hands of someone.
I look into the eyes of my catcher, and meet the gaze of...

"Jamie..." he calls my name. Bishop comes up beside us, "Um, I have something to tell you about Jamie. She doesn't-"
"Dawn..." I respond. It's so natural the way I said his name. I guess when I saw his face I remembered his name.
He has beautiful brown straight hair, and the lightest color of green eyes. His lips are curled into a smile, his eyes soft as he gazes upon my face. I wanted to stare at him like this forever, but Bishop ruined it. "Dawn, Jamie was in the woods, she hit her head." he then shows Dawn the gash on my head. Dawn gasps. "C'mon, Jamie, what were you thinking?" he asks, walking us out of the living room. It seemed like everyone who was in the house followed us. Even some people who hadn't toyed with me yet, were coming out of the wood work.
"Bishop, what happened?" Dawn asked Bishop, concerned. Dawn sat me down on the toilet in the bathroom, and turned to the cabinet, grabbing the first aid kit. Bishop took a knee beside me. "Im guessing she was running from someone. I found her running in the east woods a couple hours ago. I think I dropped my phone." "Ah! That's why you wouldn't answer." Dawn said, untaping a band aid to put on my head. Bishop nodded and continued. "I almost lost her a few times, but she slip and fell, she hit her head on a rock when she came down. When I found her, she was wandering around, and when I spoke to her..." he paused looking at the ground.
Dawn eyed Bishop.
Bishop looked up at me. "She has amnesia." he concluded.
Everyone at the door gasped.
"What?!" "No way!" "Is it permanent!?" "Son of a bitch!"
The cream he put on my wound stung a little, but I didn't make a sound.
When Dawn put the bandage on my wound, he got to a knee, too. He looked me in the eye with a sad face. I didn't like it when he wasn't smiling. It always made me sad, too.
"Well, there's nothing we can do about it, but wait." Dawn said, putting a hand on my knee. Just then, I felt a hot tear fall from my eye. Dawn was quick to whip it from my cheek. "Don't cry. We'll get your memory back, babe." and he kissed me softly on the lips. Some how, that didn't surprise me, or make me uncomfortable. It felt so familiar, actually.
When he separated our lips, he took my hand an pulled me up.
"We have soup in the kitchen. You can ask as many questions as you want." he said, smiling.
As we walked out of the bathroom, the blond haired boy from before looped his arm in with mine. "I made it." he said, in a proud voice. I noticed that he a cute British accent. I smiled. "What's your name?" I asked, as if it were my first day of Kindergarten. His smile only faltered for a second. "Jinx. we're best friends." I gasped. Jinx's smile only grew wider. "It's ok, Jam, I'm not mad that you don't remember me." he said, and took my hand and kissed the top.
We had made it to the kitchen, and as I expected, it was pretty big. All silver chrome, and dark wood. Very pretty.
I smelt something really good, and went right over to the stove. A pot of beef stew sat on the front burner. I inhaled it's steam deeply. And, at that exact moment, my stomach growled. Everyone around me laughed, along with me.
"Here, I'll make your bowl." Dawn said, reaching in a cabinet.