Status: Taking a break...

Paw Prints in the Snow

Rest and Relaxation

I sat down with my piping hot bowl of Jinx's beef stew. The dinning room was painted a peach, tan color. The chairs were a dark wood, with dark red cushions. Dawn sat down beside me on the left, Jinx on the right. As soon as we sat, a dozen more people came in, all smiling, and staring at me.
"Do you remember me, Jamie?" asked the black haired girl from before. She took a seat right across from me, on the other side of the table. Now, with better lighting, I could see her more clearly. I noticed her eyes.
They had no color. There was a black outline of the eye, and just the pupil, creating a dot within a circle look. Her spiky hair was pulled back in a tight pony tail, but a lot of her hair was left out, split to the left side, framing her face, making her have a wild, animal type look. She had snake bite, black lip rings. Her smile was wide, and toothy. Her teeth...
She had some serious sharp teeth!
I also noticed the faint remains of a scar. It started at right at her ear, on her cheek, and ended right before her mouth. The way she was smiling wrinkled it a little. You could hardly see it. I just so happen to see it as she turned her face, letting some light touch.
Just then...
When I thought of light...
Yes...there was a light....Head lights....she couldn't see where to go...
She got hit by a car, running across the road. The glass cut her cheek so severally, we had to race her to a hospital. I remembered myself sitting in a chair beside her bed, crying...
But then she put a hand on my knee to quiet me down. Then she said something I could never forget...
"It would have been worse, were it not that you came into my life..."
I know there was some, more deeper meaning to what she said, but I couldn't remember that part...

"Your scar..." I said.
Her smile slowly faded.
"What about it...?" her tone was a little defensive, but I guess it was from many years of that same question being asked, and her getting tired of explaining it.
"It would have been worse if you hadn't met me..." I said slowly.
Her facial expression was of shock, and joy, and sadness.
"...Yea..." she said, a little of her smile coming back.
I smiled too. "Shela."
Shela's full smile came rushing back, even brighter than the last. "Knew you couldn't forget me!" she exclaimed, overjoyed.
Everyone in the room laughed and cheered. Dawn squeezed my shoulder. I looked to him.
He was smiling, a deep earnest smile. He was proud of me.
I took a big spoon of stew and shoved it in mouth.
Holy crap...
"MMMMhhmm!" I mumbled around the food in my mouth.
"Jamie, are you choking?!" Jinx put a hand on my back, ready to preform the Heimlich.
"Mmmm." I shock my head 'no'. Jinx let out a giant sigh of relief. "Don't do that..." he breathed. I finally swallowed, "Wow! That's awesome!" Jinx rolled his eyes.
Dawn laughed so hard, it looked like he was about to fall right out of his chair.
"Jamie, me next! Can you remember me?" asked a very excited buffed looking guy.
He had short, light brown curls atop his head. He had big, brown eyes, and wore a shark tooth necklace. Shark tooth...
"I gave that to you for your birthday!" I exclaimed, jumping out of my seat, pointing to it. Everyone jumped a little, too. The guy looked completely thrilled.
"Yea! That's right!" he then reached across the table and got me in a bear hug. It wasn't too strong, but it still held a lot of warmth and love. I smiled at him, a little apologetically.
"I'm sorry, but I can't remember your name." he just winked. "All I needed was what you gave me. I'm Ricky." I smiled. I had a feeling it was something with 'icky' on it.
I ate some more, but right on cue, another friend came to me.
"Jamie, please say you can remember me." This girl, she had thin rimmed black glasses that sat at the tip of her nose. She looked sad and desperate. Her dark red hair sat around her face, and laid on her shoulders, one thick curve of hair covered her right eye.
Her full lips were glossed with lip balm.
Her red hair is what got me thinking. Her name has something to do with her hair...
"...Red?" I ask.
She smiles brightly. "Although that's my nickname, it's a start."
I smiled back. Maybe getting back all my memory wouldn't take so long after all.
I quickly shoveled down some more food before the next contestant in the 'guess who I am' game show came forward.