Status: Taking a break...

Paw Prints in the Snow

Teachings of the Tribe

As I finished my second bowl of goodness, I looked back over my friends. I learned a little more while I ate. I didn't have to do much talking, they just talked to me.
We lived in North Carolina, and it was January 18th, 2010. We all lived together because our parents either didn't want us, or were passed away, and didn't have anywhere else to go.
I was told I grew up in an orphanage. I ran away when I was 14, and met Dawn. He was 15 at the time. He told me about this house in the woods. He said he had other friends there, like me. I asked what he'd meant by 'like me' but he'd said we'd talk about it later.
Shela came all the way from Australia when she was 15, wanting to start a new life. Her parents were in a really bad car accident, and there was nothing left for her in Australia. But something happened, and she had to escape from the people she'd grown so used to. I tried asking about what happened, but she said she'd tell me later.
This is becoming common, telling me later...
Ricky was in a military family, always moving around, not staying long enough to make friends. He decided to runaway one day, and that's when he got lost in the woods. He's the newest addition to our family, because he joined when he was 17. He turned 18 five months ago.
Red, her real name Terry, joined us when she was 15, right after I joined. She had an abusive family, and was thrown out of her home, into the streets of Detroit. She traveled south for several months, until coming across our little home. Dawn introduced himself to her, and the rest was history.
Jinx, however, was the first to join. He was an exchange student from the United Kingdom, in his Sophomore year, and was doing pretty good. But, one day, some jerks decided to gang up on him and beat him to a pulp. All they would tell me is that when Jinx got mad, something happened. And those three guys were put in the hospital. He was immediately demanded to fly back to Britain, but, when he heard word of this, he went on the run. He hated his family, they only wanted him to become rich, so they could live off of his profit. He ran for a full year, until he was waiting at a bus stop, and Dawn was there.
They talked, exchanged their background, and Jinx was invited to live with Dawn in his giant house.
Jinx was on board.
A couple months later, I joined.
After everyone had told their story, I turned to Dawn.
"...Yea?" he asked, after a few moments of silent staring.
"How did you come across this place? What's your story?" I asked.
He smiled. "Well, it's kind of hard to believe, and it takes some explaining."
My head cocked to the side. "Well, we've got time..."
Dawn seemed to eye everyone else. One by one, they all nodded a 'yes'. Were they deciding whether or not to tell me something?
Dawn let his gaze fall back to me. "I'll tell you, but please, what I'm about to tell you is a hundred percent true...I would not have any reason to lie to you." he said, putting a hand over mine. I nodded slowly, a little confused.
"Jamie...a long time ago, there were some people who worshiped animals. They learned how to hunt and live from animals. Their most sacred, the wolf. The wolf was their god of life, it's how they survived, living with the wolf. They say that they dressed up like wolves and attacked other threatening tribes. "
I guessed this was a story about a native American tribe, a few centuries ago.
"But, one day, the whole tribe just up and disappeared." This is getting good.
"Other tribes described that when they went to the old grounds you saw cloths scattered all over the place, the food was all strung out, and half eaten, the houses and buildings were all run down, and half standing. In other words, it looked like a pack of wolves ransacked the place." My jaw dropped.
"Other tribes say there was an increase in wolves in that area. Their live stock kept getting snatched. Other tribes say, that on a full moon night, you can hear the old tribe, back at their camp, singing songs of the wolf, and beating their drums. But when the tribes went to investigate, they'd get attacked by wolves."
This is amazing. If what I'm hearing is correct...than that means those people....were...
"Werewolves." I said aloud.
Dawn's eyes widened in shock.
"...or, am I being silly?' I asked, quickly after, not wanting to be made a fool.
"Actually, Jamie, your exactly right." he smiled.
"So, there were real werewolves?" I asked.
"Were?" Ricky snickered, a grin on his face.
"...What, are there still people from that tribe around?!" I asked, getting excited.
Dawn looked down. I could tell by the bouncing of his back, he was laughing.
"Ok then, what is it?" I asked, getting a little impatient.
"Jamie. The wolf god was real. He granted those people the gift to become wolves. When those people died, they became demi-gods." I nodded, trying to understand.
"Those demi-gods can now choose other mortals the power to become wolves. The ones who really deserve it..."
...Wait, what?

"Are you saying that..." I looked around at everyone in the room.
They all smiled back.
"We're Werewolves!?" I screamed.
Everyone cheered and clapped.
"You got it!" Shela exclaimed.
"Totally!" Jinx hugged my neck.
"Shes getting really good at this." Red told Dawn.
"H-hold up! Are you serious? You guys really think your WereWolves?!"
This can't be true! Werewolves aren't real!
"Jamie, if you don't believe us, ask yourself this. Did you ever feel cold outside?"
It was snowing, but I didn't feel completely frozen. Just my ears, and nose. My body stayed neutral.
"Well, just a little."
"Jamie, your wearing a tank top and shorts, how could you stay warm in freezing weather?" he asked, a grin on his face.
"And haven't you noticed how fast you are?"
Fast? I guess I haven't.
"Jamie...Come outside with me."

Dawn lead me outside, the others close behind. He stepped out into the front yard, and put up his hand to keep me on the porch.
"If we're just some silly kids who like to pretend, then tell me how I can do this."
I will never forget what I saw...
Dawn, regular, handsome, guy, turned into a wolf.
His body turned black with fur, his eyes glowed yellow, his face grew a snout, a tail sprouted from his butt, all of this happened in 5 seconds.
He was now a big black wolf!
"Oh my god!" I yelled, backing up into Jinx.
"It's ok, Jamie, it's just Dawn." he gently pushed me to Dawn, the wolf boy.
I was a little scared at first, but when I got closer, the wolf Dawn sat on his hind legs, and it looked like he was smiling.
I smiled too, Dawn wouldn't hurt me...right?
I came up to him.
"...Wow..." I whispered. I stuck my hand out to him. He set his giant head on my hand, letting me pet him. I giggled. Petting dawn was pretty cool.
"What'd I tell you."
"You can talk?!" I exclaimed. Dawn wolf laughed, but it sounded like a laugh and dog noises mixed.
"So...does that mean-" "Yes." I looked behind myself, and almost jumped out of my skin.
Jinx was behind me...but as a big blond, brown wolf! "Don't do that!" I yelled.
"Try it, Jamie. You can do it too." he told me. I looked into his big yellow eyes. He nudged me on the shoulder with his nose. "C'mon. Give it a go."
"But, how?" I looked toward Dawn.
"Close your eyes." he told me. So I did.
"Just imagine yourself as a wolf." he told me. So I did.
I imagined me, with big yellow eyes, and a cute little snout. I'd have a big bushy tail, and paws.
Just then, my upper body became unstable, and I fell forward.
"Whoaa!" But when I fell, I caught myself with my hands...
My hands? No, they were...PAWS!
My hands were paws!
"Im a wolf!" I screamed.
Everyone laughed. "Yes, very good." Red came up beside me, as a big red wolf, her glasses still sat at her nose.
"This is so cool!" I yelled, hoping up and down. I was a pure white wolf.
"I wanna race!" I yell, looking at the others.
Instantly, Ricky transforms into a big gray, black wolf.
"Let's do it!" he yells, running right at me.
"Hey! Take it easy! Shes still hurt. Don't forget that." Dawn yells.
"Once to the road and back, the usual." Ricky says jotting up to a pair of logs I hadn't noticed earlier. He stood with his heels touching the log and facing a path into the forest.
"Red! Hit the lights!" Ricky yelled. "Im on it!" she yelled back, biting a rope and pulling it near a little shed I also hadn't noticed. When she pulled the rope, I set of lights turned on, then another, and another, and so on and so forth.
It made a trail through the woods, and disappeared behind a turn.
"C'mon, Jamie! It's time for you to loose!" he yelled in a sing song voice.
I barked, "Yea right!"