Status: Taking a break...

Paw Prints in the Snow

Tensions in the Pack

It was my second time beating Ricky, and I was pooped. "C'mon! One...More...Time!" he said after every deep inhale. He was bent over on his knees, in human form, trying to get more air.
I only smiled as I stepped up on the porch, collapsing in the rocking chair by Dawn.
"Having fun?" he asked. I smiled.
"Hey." I said.
"Yea?" he asked, looking over at me.
"You never did tell me how you got this place. And Bishop, he didn't tell me his story. Did you kick an old couple out, or what?"
He laughed a little. "Well, first off, Bishop is my brother. I guess I forgot that you forgot." he said.
The laughter died when he continued. "Our parents passed away a few years ago. We inherited this place, along with all the money."
It was silent for a few moments.
"Hey." he said.
"I need to check some more things. Come with me." he said, standing and taking my hand.
He lead me into the house and into the bathroom.
I stood in front of the mirror while he fished around in the cabinets for medical supplies. That's when I got the chance to really look at myself.
I had light brown hair with golden high lights. My hair was long in the back, and I had longish bangs that hung on the sides of my face. My hair was parted more to the left, and I had a thin black band that kept my hair in place. My eyes were a dark brown, I had pink, full lips. My nose was short, and a little mushroomy. I was wearing a light blue tank top, with black hearts scattered all over the place. My blue jean shorts looked like they'd been cut at the bottom, as if they were turned into shorts, from pants. I was bare foot, and had a few cuts on my ankles.
When I was staring down at my feet, a small plastic bag was put into my vision. Dawn was holding to my face. "What is this?" I asked.
Dawn pulled the plastic away to reveal a little plastic cup, with a lid.
"I need you to pee in this." he said with a straight face.
"There's only so much the naked eye can observe from the outside." he said with a smile.
I sighed, and took the cup from him.
I stared at him for awhile.
"Oh! Yea, I'll go now." he said with some nervous laughter. I shook my head and got it over with.

Jinx lay on the front lawn, staring up at the stars. The stars that were so familiar, so distant, yet complete strangers. "Why did this have to happen?" he asked himself.
"What?" asked Bishop, laying down beside him.
Jinx sighed. "Nothing."
The air was silent, except the sound of night birds passing.
"If you wanna tell Jamie how you feel, I suggest you do it before she gets all her memory back." Bishop said ominously.
Jinx sat up and stared at him for awhile. Bishop only stared back up at the stars. The ones so familiar.
"....Bloody hell." Jinx groaned, getting up off the grass.
I emerged from the bathroom, mini cup in hand, and asked Dawn "What are you gonna do with it?" He took the cup from me and replied, "I've got a lab in the basement for my medical work."
Wait, what?
"You know how to-" Dawn pulled a picture frame down from on top of the cabinet, and showed it to me.
It was a doctors certificate. He's a doctor!
"Oh my god! No way!" I exclaimed, looking closer at the paper.
"Well, I had to learn how. If we got hurt, we couldn't go to the hospital. We heal rapidly, and that would bring up a lot of questions." I nodded in understanding.
"Dr. Wolfman." I mumbled.
Dawn burst out in laughter.
"You should go check out the rest of the house, all I'm going to do is go down to the lab and test this. Pretty boring stuff." he kissed my forehead and left the bathroom.
I set his certificate back on the cabinet and went to discover the mysteries of the wolf house.
I made my way back to the kitchen. The bowl I'd been eating out of was already gone.
I turned down a hallway, and saw several doors. Just then, I smelled something. It smelt familiar, and warm. I followed the scent to a door. It was the door at the end of the hallway.
I opened the door. I huge wiff of the smell exploded in my face, along with a mental image of someone. 'So this is his room...' I thought.
The room was a red, orange color. The bed was messy, and un-kept. I sat down on the edge. The pillows were soft. The blankets were red, a little torn, old. He had posters of bands on his wall, some foreign, some home based. The lamp at his desk was still on. I stood up and looked at what was there.
I small Polaroid picture sat there, with two figures, holding hands.
It was me and Jinx...
"Now what do we have here?" Just then, Jinx was standing in the doorway, a smirk on his face. I laughed and backed away from the desk.
"I didn't know this was your room, I'm sorry." I confessed.
Jinx laughed.
"It's practically your room, too. As much time we hang in here." he said, sitting on his bed.
I took a seat beside him. "For a second, I thought a wild animal lived in here." We both laughed.
It was silent for a few moments. Not really awkward. We both knew we wouldn't have much to talk about. Me not having any memory and all.
He sighed. "So, I'm guessing you wouldn't remember what the last thing I told was...would you?" he asked, a sad smile on his face.
I could only shake my head a 'no'. I felt like crying.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.
Dawn popped his head through the door and said, "The results are in, and....Jamie...You are the father!" We all laughed, and Dawn came in with a piece of paper he had marked on. "Your good to go, although you do need some rest, and you need to drink more fluids. Other than that." he made the 'ok' sign with his fingers.
(An hour south of Jamie's pack.)
The wind had picked up, the snow feeling like tiny frozen needles. Two frozen wolves came running out of the forest, stopping in front of a giant cave. When they stepped in side, they transformed into their human forms.
"Sweet Jesus! It's cold!" Complained the female.
The male reached to the ground and grabbed a handle sticking out from the dirt.
It was a trap door, leading down into the earth.
The two made their way down a set of vertical ladders, going deeper and deeper.
Soon, a light appeared at the bottom, along with some voices.
The two hopped off the ladder and took off their jackets.
"We should check the weather channel next time we decide to do that crap." complained the slender male.
"Stop your complaining, Sky!" yelled another male, coming from around the corner. He had jet black hair, with red streaks. His black eyes like ice, his skin like silk.
His full lips were curled up into a quirky smile.
"Shut up, Zero." Skylar replied.
Zero was leaning up against the wall, eying the two.
"So, Gail, what took you so long?" he asked.
"That's none of your concern." replied Gail, bluntly.
Zero rolled his eyes, and fell back into the next room.
Skylar yawned as he made his way into the living room. The T.V. was turned to a news story, something about a robbery. Skylar quickly snatched it out of the hands of a sleeping she wolf. She'd been asleep for quite some time, so she wouldn't mind.
Skylar turned it to his show, 'Real World'.
Gail made her way into the kitchen for grub, Zero following close behind.
"What did I tell you about stalking me." Gail mumbled, not taking her gaze away from the fridge. Zero laughed lightly.
"I just wanted to remind you about tomorrow." he said.
Gail rolled her eyes, pulling a wrapped bowl of spaghetti out of the ice box.
"You don't have to remind me. I've been counting down the days." she growled at him.
How could she forget such an important day like tomorrow?
"I just figured, sense you didn't come back with a little wolf on your hip, you might want to reconsider being the one going and picking up Cravic." Zero said calmly, making circles on the counter with his finger.
Gail sighed, scraping a scoop of spaghetti into a bowl.
"Two months in jail isn't anything." she scoffed.
"Hmph." Zero walked out.
Gail set her bowl in the microwave, the insides covered in splatter from over heated foods.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took me so long to get this chapter out, guys. School is getting rough.