Status: active, more so than my others.

Where the Lines Overlap

The Fight

"I'm not taking this shit from you anymore!"
"Fine! Then take it from somebody else! I'm fucking done, Zachary Baker!" I fumed, storming past him and into the alley.
I lit a smoke and took a long drag before somebody came out to find me. It was dark and rainy outside, and I honestly was waiting for someone to come abduct me.
"C'mon, honey. He's just being a dick," came Val's soothing voice from behind me.
I sighed and shook my head. "No, he means it. This isn't one of those times when we fight then make up. We're done. This is it."
Her arms found their way around my slender waist. "Babe, everything's gonna be okay."
The tears I was fighting escaped and I found myself crying on her shoulder. This wasn't the first time Zachary Baker had hurt me....

I picked at the bandaid on my knee. I didn't like that kid.
"What happened?" my best friend Val asked me once I got back to class.
"Some kid pushed me off the swings at recess. I got hurt," I said as I pulled my math book out of my desk.
Val smirked. "I bet he likes you."
I playfully hit her arm. "Just 'cause we're in second grade doesn't mean that boys like us. They still have cooties."
"No, they don't. I think Matt likes me."
I laughed. "He's a bully. Why would you say that?"
"He smiled at me when I was at the water fountain."
"Well I hope you become friends with him. My sissy says best friends make the best boyfriends."
Val laughed this time. "Your sissy sure knows lots."
I smiled. "Yep, she does."

Matt slung his arm around Val's shoulder.
"So, are you two a thing now?" I asked. They both nodded eagerly.
"We're in eighth grade, I think the whole dating thing is perfectly acceptable," Val said with a smile. I returned it warmly, wishing I could have somebody like Matt. Sure, he was a jerk to some people, but to me and especially Val, he was a sweetheart.
Matt laughed and pecked her on the cheek. "I love you, babe."
I hated when people did that. I understand you're in love and everything, but don't rub it in everybody else's faces.
"Hey, little girl!" I groaned and turned to find those amazing emerald eyes ganging up on me.
"Zachary James, leave me the hell alone."
He smirked and shoved me against some lockers. "I see little girl has a big girl mouth now. When did that happen, sweet cheeks?"
"When my fucking sister died, you ass."
He released his grip on my shirt, his eyes softening. "Oh, I'm, uh, sorry."
I shoved past him and back into the flow of traffic. "No you're not, dickface."
I was glad he didn't follow me, because it was becoming harder and harder to hide my feelings for him.

"It's senior year, motherfuckers!" Matt yelled as we entered the building for our last first day of school.
Val kissed Matt. They were still going out, they never stopped. I was jealous, mainly because the only boy I'd ever liked was a total dickhead to me. There was no chance for us.
There was about twenty minutes until our first class started. I sat down in the auditorium and began to doodle.
"Hey, sweet cheeks."
I looked up to the green eyes I'd fallen in love with.
"Fuck off, Zack."
He smiled, but it wasn't he one he gave me before I was pounded into a locker. It was a smile that meant something good.
"Hey, Jayden, don't talk like that. It's our last year, I don't want to be enemies anymore." There was actually honesty in his voice. I realized then what I was doodling - Zack.
"Fuck," I mumbled and closed my notebook quickly.
He chuckled. "I saw it. You like me, don't you?"
I looked at him with such hatred he stumbled back a bit. "Why the hell would I tell you?"
He bit his lip. "Because I like you, too." My eyes widened in shock. "I've liked you ever since you turned 13. I remember when you were at the park, singing, and I came up and asked you what you were singing. You shook your head and walked away. We know the rest..." he trailed off. I sure fucking did know the rest. He threw me into the pond. "Look, I want to be with you, but-"
"Hey, baby," came the same bitchy voice I'd always hated.
"Gena," Zack breathed out.
Gena Paulhus had him for the longest time. As long as Matt and Val were together, actually. She was fake and unappealing, but what Gena wanted, she got.
She hugged him from behind and planted a kiss on his neck. "Tonight's a big night, isn't that right, honey?"
Zack swore to himself but put on an act. "Bigger than ever, baby."
She giggled and left him with a final kiss.
"Sorry about that," Zack mumbled. "I'm breaking up with her tonight," he whispered.
I couldn't help but smile.

He never broke up with her. And I hated him for that. Until last year, when he dropped her and picked up me. I knew it was too good to be true. We fought constantly but somehow, convinced ourselves we still loved each other. I really believed it, too. Until tonight.
"C'mon, let's you get you home," Val said kindly. Matt had found us and was helping me into their car.
"I'm gonna fucking kill him," Matt said loudly once we were on the road.
I sniffled. "Please, do. He's an inconsiderate asshole."
"So, where are we taking you? Our house?"
I decided I want to stay with my best friend. "Take me to Brian's."
♠ ♠ ♠
New story..........
Lots of flashbacks, but it all comes together in the end. (: