One in a Million

Time to Go!

Today is the best day of my life; I’m going to see my best friend Jessica Jarrell after 2 years. She was on tour with some kid named Justin Bieber. As I finished packing up my things, my mom came in my room.

"Aaliyah, are you finished packing yet? Your plane leaves in 1 hour."

"Yep mom, but can you help me with these, they are kind of heavy." I said with a struggling look on my face.

"Sure sweetie." My mom said taking the suitcases away from me.

"Thanks." I said as we walked down the stairs. We walked out to the drive way and we took of to the Atlanta international airport. I turned up the radio and that Bieber kid was on. I rolled my eyes and changed the radio station.

"Why, don't you like him?" My mom questioned me.

"Just because I’m a 16 year old girl, that doesn't mean I admire every single move that kid makes." I told her

"He's got talent, that kid." my mom said smiling.

"Yeah, at sounding like a girl." I said rolling my eyes.

My mom chuckled to herself and continued driving, 20 minutes later we arrived to the international airport

"Plane to Dallas, Taxes now boarding." The man over the P.A. system called.

"Well, I’ll see you in 3 months mom." I said, looking at her sympathetically. She started to sniffle.

"Don't cry mom, I’ll be back before you know it. I'll make sure to call you when I have the chance."

"Bye sweetie, I’m going to miss you." She said giving me a really tight bear hug.

"Mom - can't – breathe." I said trying to gasp for air. She started laughing and she let go of her embrace. I turned on my heel and started boarding the plane.

"Be carful honey!" My mom called after me. I waved her off and boarded my plane to Dallas, Texas where I would reunite with my Best friend


The plane ride was ok but it could've been better; there was a crying baby behind me and a man who would snore like his life depended upon it. I slipped in my earphones and simply slept through the whole flight. It was better then the vacuum cleaner of my man beside me. The plane finally landed and I got my bags and got out of the plane. When I reached the main floor of the Dallas airport, I looked around and I saw a man who was holding up a sign with my name written on it. I walked up to the man.

"Uh that's my name." I said pointing at the sign. The man looked at the sign then back at me.

"So you must be Aaliyah!" He said joyfully.

"Yea that’s what I just said" I said with a laugh.

" I have heard so much about you!"

"Uh ok who are you by the way?" I asked. I was fearing he was a 40 year old internet pedophile.

"Oh I’m so sorry, silly of me; my name is Alexander your chauffeur for tonight." He said holding out his hand to me, I took his hand, shook it and smiled

"Nice to meet you!" I said

"Nice to meet you too! Now come along, we don't want to keep everyone waiting," Alexander said taking my bags from me. I furrowed my eyebrows,

"By everyone you mean?" I asked behind him,

"Like everybody on the tour, Jessica has been going on and on about you all day. She won't stop!" Alexander said and laughed. I chuckled to myself 'typical Jessica' I thought to myself and shook my head. Alexander opened the car door for me and boy was the car flashy, I stepped into the car and we drove off to the venue.

Once we got to the venue, I got out of the car and took a step back; there were 6 huge tour buses in front of me
"Damn." I muttered to myself.

"Come along Aaliyah, this way." Alexander motioned towards the entrance to the venue. I followed Alexander and we walked down the long hallway, until we reached a door.

"What's this?" I asked Alexander with a confused look.

"Open the door and you'll find out" Alexander said smiling; I shrugged my shoulders and did as he told me. When I opened the door I found Jessica, and a group of people sprawled against couches. Jessica didn't notice that someone entered the room but everyone else did. So I took that opportunity to surprise her myself, I crept behind her and covered her eyes.

"What the hell!" She said surprised, I bit my lip trying not to laugh.

"Who is this?" She asked confused, I let go and she turned around and she immediately screamed.

"OH MY GAWD!,AALIYAH!" She screamed so loud that it caused everyone including me to cover their ears. Jessica practically tackled me to the floor but I kept my balance.

"Oh my God! Look at you!" She said holding my shoulders and scanned me from head to toe. I chuckled.

"Look at you!" I replied.

"Ahh! How have I missed you so much! Its been so long/" She said giving me another one of her deadly bear hugs/

"I know." was all that could come out of my mouth. She finally let go of her tight embrace and smiled like a complete idiot. She started to jumped up and down like a toddler. I started laughing and tried to calm her down. She took my hand and brought me to where everyone. They were all staring at us.

"Everybody, I would like to introduce you to my most awesomest bestest friend, Aaliyah" Jessica said, smiling ,

I laughed and waved. Everybody else smiled and waved back. After I got to know everybody in the room, Jessica ran out of her dressing room and Started screaming:

"MY BEST FRIEND IS HERE, MY BEST FRIEND IS HERE." in a sing song voice while running down the hallway. I just shook my head and chuckled to myself. Boy this tour is going to be very interesting
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Comments please :)

The main characters in the story:


