One in a Million

I got me some rehearsals

Jessica and I were on her tour bus catching up on things after 2 years of being apart.

"Oh my God! Aaliyah, you changed so much!"

"How?" I said chuckling.

"Your face, your hair, everything!" Jessica said, stunned. Both of us started laughing

"Well you can't blame me. it’s been 2 years!" I said smiling.

"I know, so fucking long!" Jessica said throwing her hands up in the air. Both of started laughing again. I really missed these days with her. She was like the sister I never had. I could confide in her even though sometimes I didn't want to.

"So what do you want to do today? My treat." Jessica said smiling.

"I just want to spend the day with my girl like we always used to do." I said smiling.

"Aw, you complete me." Jessica said holding her heart, I laughed.

"We can go shopping. What do you say?" Jessica said smiling

"Sure, why not?" I said smiling with my teeth bare. Jessica laughed and threw a pillow at me.

"But first I have to look presentable." Jessica said gesturing to herself.

"You look fine!" I said chuckling “Its me, who has to change!”
She rolled her eyes and I laughed. Once we looked Presentable enough, we got out of the tour bus and went to the local mall. We shopped and shopped and shopped till we dropped!

"You tired?" Jessica said taking a spoon out of her frozen yogurt.

"Not even close!" I said smiling.

"What are you, the Tasmanian devil?" Jessica asked me.

I laughed and almost chocked on my Ice cream.

"No, And Jessica you know me. I could never stop shopping."

"That's true." Jessica said agreeing with me.

"So tell me, how is the tour so far for you?" I asked

"It's really fun, but now that you’re here, its going to amazing," Jessica said smiling,

"Oh stop. You’re making me blush." I said batting my eyelashes. Jessica burst out laughing.

"But to tell the truth, sometimes it could get a little stressful but you get used to it," Jessica said. I nodded my head and continued to eat my ice cream.

"What about you. How is the tour for you so far?" Jessica asked me.

I turned to face her and give her and confused look "Jess, I have only been here for 4 hours, I can't say anything yet." I said chuckling.

"True that true that." She said nodding her head. I shook mine and turned away to look at how huge this mall was. I heard Jessica's phone beep and I was guessing she got a text message.

"We have to go." She said looking up from her phone.

"Wait, why?" I asked, confused.

"Cause I got me some rehearsal" Jessica said snapping her fingers.

"Please never do that again." Jessica hit me and we got back to the tour bus. It was 20 minutes before we got to the studio

"You ready to meet more new people?" Jessica said smiling

"More?" I questioned “I thought the entire state of Texas was at the studio before.”

"Yeah you'll be surprised how many people are on the tour."

"Wow." I mouthed to myself as I tried to imagine.

"I know." Jessica said chuckling.

We entered the studio and I saw people stretching and warming up. I guess those were dancers for the show.

"Mrs. Jarrell is in the building!" Jessica yelled.

"Such a diva I muttered to myself."

"Don't think I didn't hear you." Jessica said to me. I laughed and everyone greeted Jessica.

"Who's your friend Jess?" A muscular man asked, coming up to us.

"Oh this is my friend. Aaliyah, Leah Michael, Michael Aaliyah" Jessica said introducing us.

"Nice to meet you." the Hispanic man said to me I smiled and shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you too."

"Yeah mike, that's my best friend, your speaking to." Jessica said taking off her flats and changing into her chucks.

"Oh! Jessica has been talking about you nonstop." Michael said smiling.

"So I’ve heard." I said smiling.

"Can we get to rehearsals now? I'm bored." Jessica said whining, both Michael and I laughed.
“Man Jessica, you have to attention span of a hummingbird.” I said. She gave me a playful glare.

"Ok princess, Go get warmed up with the other dancers so we can get cracking." Michael said waving Jessica off. She stuck her tongue at him and left. I went to the back of the studio and watched them practice their different routines for the show, and that's when somebody entered the studio. It was Joseph .At least I think that was his name, or is it Jake? Whatever! It was the kid who sang that baby song with the bowling scene and everything. Anyway he entered the studio with his "posse" if you want to call it that and he had a look of anger plastered against his face. I shook my head and continued to watch Jessica and her team rehearse. 10 minutes later, I was bored of watching and decided to listen to some tunes. For some odd reason I felt somebody was watching me. I shook it off and continued to listen to my music.
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Wow Guys 5 subs in 2 days? Thank you soo much! I think there should be more subs ;) and readers too and guys feel free to tell me what you think about the story so far I need feedback!

Ivy <3