One in a Million


I sat there watching Jessica make a fool out of her self by dancing randomly. Yeah that girl got moves but that's only when she is choreographed. I shook my head at her and laughed when ever she would do a diva a pose.

"Alright Mrs. Jarrell, play time is over, Now let's get back to the real stuff." Michael said scolding.

"Way to ruin the fun, killjoy." Jessica said with her hands across her chest. It's pretty funny when ever Jessica would act like a stubborn 5 year old child.

"Alright, let's get started with the first routine. Jessica, take your place!" Michael said in a loud voice. Jessica took her place in the middle of the studio and the other dancers went off to the side to watch. The music filled the studio and Jessica started dancing in sync to the music. To be honest she wasn't that bad. When she was done with the routine, Michael told her to take 15 minute break.

"So how do you like rehearsals?" Jessica said taking a seat beside me.

"Very interesting." I said smiling.

Jessica laughed and bumped her shoulders against mine "You know what would make the rehearsal's even better?"

My eyes went wide. I knew what she was going to say.

"Don't even think about it." I said looking at Jessica with annoyance.

"Why not." Jessica said whining.

"Cause I said so."

"Aaliyah, Come on, you’re one of the best dancers I know."

"No Jessica, no matter how much you beg, I’m not doing it." I said not giving her eye contact.

Jessica sighed "Why do you have to be so stubborn."

I shrugged my shoulders and continued looking straight ahead.

"Just this once?" She asked me.

"No." I retorted.

"Please?" She said pleading .

I sighed "If I dance with you just this once, will you shut the hell up?" I said annoyed.

Jessica nodded her head frantically and smiled with her teeth showing.

I rolled my eyes and got up. Jessica led me to where Michael was.

"Ladies." Michael said taking a swig of his water.

"Michael, Do you think you could teach Aaliyah the up and running routine." Jessica asked

Michael raised his eyebrows and looked at me "You dance?"

"For fun." I replied. Jessica rolled her eyes and sighed. She knew what I was doing.

"Sure, I love teaching new people." Michael said smiling.

I nodded my head and followed Michael .

"I'm warning you now this routine is pretty hard." Michael said pointing his finger at me. I furrowed my eyebrows

"I can take it."

"Okay." Michael said in a sing song voice., I laughed and shook my head.

Michael taught the routine to me and I danced it with ease.

"Damn girl you got moves, ready to dance with the music?"

"Yeap." I said laughing.

"Okay, let's do it!"

Michael went over to the sound system and press play and before I knew it Michael and I were dancing to the Music in sync.


Urg! How I hate coming to rehearsals especially when I got a hot chick waiting for me, back at the hotel.

"Scooter how long is this thing going to take?" I said aggravated.

"I don't know you tell me?"

I rolled my eyes and sighed, this was no fun at all. Yeah I got a show tomorrow but there is honestly no point of me rehearsing when I know all of my routines by heart. I looked around the room trying not to look bored, Jessica was busy running through her routines and my back up dancers were doing the same thing as usual dancing.

"Justin why don't you be a good little boy and run over your routines for the show tomorrow." Scooter said

I cussed a few swear words under my breath and shook my head

"Ok it's your loss" Scooter said sighing, I don't need him scolding at me I leave that job to my mother.

To leave me out of my boredom I started texting Cindy girlfriend number 5, Yeah I got more than one girlfriend so what? Girls throw themselves at me. What can I do?

"Which girl are you texting now?" Ryan asked .

"Number 5." I replied.


I finished texting all my girls and decided to go run through one routine. Once baby started playing, everybody in the room started going crazy except for one person. She was sprawled across the bleacher bench looking up at the ceiling with earphones in her ear. Who was she? Damn she is sexy. My mouth dropped to the floor. I've never seen her before and that's when I saw Jessica talking to her. She must be one of her back up dancers or something but if she was why wasn't she with the rest of the dancers? I shook the thought out of my head and continued to entertain everybody like I always do.

When we were done with the baby routine, I went back to where I was sitting before and took a breather.

"That was awesome." Ryan Said smiling

"I know, I know." I said chuckling

All of a sudden Jessica's song filled the room. To be pretty honest this was one of my favorite songs by her. I started swaying my body and mouthing the lyrics to the song. People started cheering and howling. I looked towards where it was coming from and I saw mostly everyone in a circle crowding somebody I couldn't tell who it was but when someone step aside I saw who they were cheering for. It was the same girl that I saw 10 minutes ago on the bleachers. She was dancing in sync with Michael to the music.

"Damn that girl can dance." Ryan said.

"Who is that?" I asked

"Beats me." Scooter said shrugging his shoulders.

"She's amazing." I said in awe.

"I know." I both Ryan and scooter said at the same time. When they were done dancing Michael and the girl who I don't know the name of hugged each other and gave each other a high five. Me being the most loveable person in the world that I am, decided to find out who this mysterious girl was. I got up from where I was sitting and walked up towards her and Jessica.

"Hey." I said casually while putting my hand over Jessica's shoulder

"Hey." Jessica said shaking her head. I chuckled and she just smiled. Meanwhile, the Girl that was with Jessica was busy texting on her phone: not even paying attention of what was going on.

"Who's that?" I whispered to Jessica

Jessica furrowed her eyebrows and replied "that's my best friend" She said casually.

I was giving Jessica signals to introduce me and when she finally figured out what I was doing she shook her head and laughed.

"Aaliyah?" Jessica called. Her friend looked up and that's when I saw her face clearly. Boy did she have amazing features. She had the most beautiful piercing green-hazel eyes. Her Brown hair fell down to her shoulders with some coming down over her eyes. And what she was wearing... Lets just leave that to a another story all I could say was that she was just so damn HOT!

"Yeah?" She replied.

"I would like for you to meet the center of attention of the tour, Justin Bieber." Jessica said smiling, I chuckled

"Hey!" I said smiling. She looked at me from head to toe and replied

"Hey." She said softly, and went back on her phone.

"Well I wasn't expecting that." I muttered to myself, Jessica stifled a laugh and smiled at me sympathetically.

"Well ,we are going to get going now." Jessica said shrugging out of my arms. I had forgotten that I had them over her.

"I guess I’ll see you guys tomorrow?"

"Yup" She said popping the P.

"Aaliyah, let's get out of here." Jessica called, Aaliyah got up and walked right passed me without giving me any eye contact. Jessica followed right behind her. They said bye to everyone and left the studio. All that was running through my head was Aaliyah.
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