One in a Million

I Just had to :)

Justin's P.O.V

"Justin, why can't we go back to the hotel? its been 3 hours!"

"Ryan chill. She will be here in 15 minutes." I said. Ryan could be so annoying sometimes. Here we are waiting and he goes all berserk on me.

"That's what you said 2 hours ago! The fact that were are the only ones in the mall at 10Pm doesn't bother you!? There could be pedophiles in the mall at 10pm."

“What pedophile in their right mind would want to rape you?” I asked. Ryan gasped and put a hand over his heart.

“Ouch Justin, that hurt. And besides, all pedophiles are out of their minds.”

"Whatever just be patient! She will be here; I don't see Christian or Chaz complaining."

"Yeah because those two fools are sleeping!"

I looked up from my phone and Ryan was right. Chaz and Christian were knocked out cold. I shooked my head. We were still in the mall waiting for Jade; girlfriend number 4. I haven't seen her in like 2 weeks; Her family flew down to Dallas for vacation so I thought it would be perfect for her to come see me. But like Jade, she has to make an appearance. Can you believe it takes that girl 4 hours just to get her makeup done? Well I guess that's what I get for dating a girl who likes to put 500 tons of makeup on her face. But the main thing is she's gorgeous. That's the only reason why I’m dating her. And girlfriend number 1, Leah, she is pretty but not as good looking as jade. The reason why I’m dating her is because of her figure. Girlfriend number 2, Brittney, has a dad who is music producer. Girlfriend number 3, Cassandra, is from London, England and has a very hot accent. I like girls with English accents and last but not least girlfriend number 5, Ashley. I don't really know why I’m dating her, Oh well she's still hot. I looked over to see Ryan had also fallen asleep. I shook my head.

"Justin!" Somebody said getting me out of my train of thought, I looked up and I saw jade walking up towards me, Finally!

"What took you so long?" I asked her when she gave me kiss.

"Try convincing your parents that you’re going to your best friends house when really, you’re are sneaking out to go spend time with your boyfriend." She said in an annoying tone. What's her problem? I was the one who waited for her for the past 4 hours.

"What are we doing, now that I’m here?" She said aggravated

"Let's just go back to the hotel I’m staying at." I said rolling my eyes.


I got up and smacked the three stooges across their heads. In sync they all raised their heads.

"Huh wha?" Ryan said scratching his head.

"Lets go." I said smirking

"Who's this?" Christian said nodding towards Jade.

"Jade." I muttered.

"What? You’re afraid to introduce me to your friends?" Jade said crossing her hands over her chest.

"No it's not that its just -"

"My name is Jade, Justin's girlfriend." She said cutting me off, I hated when she does that.

Christian raised an eyebrow and looked at both me and Ryan.

"But I thought -"

"Not important." Ryan said cutting him off. Thank god he did that I couldn't afford another bitch fight with Jade.

We headed to the SUV and went back to the hotel. When we reached our floor, Ryan and chaz went to their rooms and Christian went to meet his sister back at his room. It was only me and jade left, I decided to take her to watch a movie or maybe play some video games back at my room. As we were walking to my room I saw a figure standing by the vending machine. When we got closer I noticed it was Aaliyah buying a chocolate bar. She turned her head and looked at both Jade and I and went back to buying her chocolate bar. The girl didn't look half bad for somebody who's in their pjs, Hell the girl looked sexy. I couldn't help but resist to check her out while Jade wasn't looking. To spice things up I decided to say something

"Hey sexy." I whispered as I stood beside her.

She looked at me, then at Jade, then back at me. She rolled her eyes and walked past me; in the process she brushed her shoulder against mine and I heard her mutter "Pathetic" Under her breath. Well that didn't go well I thought to myself and that's when I remembered that jade was still with me. I took her hand and we walked back to my room. When we got inside I changed into just sweatpants. I knew Jade liked it when I'm half naked.

"Who was that?"

"What are you talking about?" I said confused

Jade rolled her eyes "The girl that was at the vending machine. Who is she?"

"Oh, She's Jessica's best friend. She came on tour to spend time with Jessica."

"Who's Jessica?"

"Wow and you call yourself my girlfriend." I muttered.


"Nothing, Jessica is one of the opening acts for my shows." I said sighing.


"Are you coming to the show tomorrow?" I asked while fluffing my pillow.

"Depends, do you want me to come?" Jade said lying down beside me.

"Of course."

"Then I'll come." She said smiling.

I kissed her on the cheek and immediately we both fell asleep in each other’s arms.

Aaliyah's P.O.V.

"Jessica its 5 in the morning, you expect me to get up?" I was about to throw something at her but nothing heavy was within my reach.


"Well I’m not going to." I said stuffing my head under my pillow.

"C'mon let's go!" Jessica said while pulling my feet.

"Jessica, I swear to God. If you don't stop pulling my feet, I'm going to rearrange your face with them."

Jessica let go of my feet and starting laughing.

"You wouldn't dare to touch this face."

"Try me." I said muttering under my pillow.

"Aailyah, I give you 10 minutes to get up. If you don't, it's going to be very hard for you to find your laptop."

I shot up from my bed causing me to fall off of it "Don't you dare touch my baby!"

"Now that you’re up, I won't." Jessica said smirking.

I stood up from the floor and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. As I walked, I mumbled profanities under my breath.

"Are we the only ones awake?" I said coming out of the bathroom.


I stared at Jessica "Are you serious?"

"Mhm." She said walking past me.

"Perfect." I said walking towards the door. Not only am I sleep deprived, I’m alone as well.

“What am I? Chopped liver?” she asked.

“Oh, I forgot you existed for a second there. Sorry, but you don’t count!” I said. She stuck out her tongue as I walked to the door.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to give Caitlin a wake up call." I said smirking.

"You’re to cool." Jessica said laughing.

"We all know that."

I walked out the room and walked towards Caitlin’s. I knocked on the door and Christian opened it

"Hey Aailyah." He said scratching his head. I could tell he just woke up.

"Hey Christian. Did you just wake up?"

"Yeah like 20 minutes ago." He said smiling.

"Is your sister awake?"

"No she's still sleeping."

"Good, could I come in?"

"Sure, Is everything ok?"

"Yeah just fine. I just want to personally wake up your sister."

Christian chuckled and followed me to where his sister was.

"Do you have ice?" I whispered.

Christian nodded his head and motioned towards where the ice was located. I grabbed a cup and placed three ice cubes in it and walked to where Caitlin was sleeping. I checked to make sure she wasn't awake. Christian on the other hand couldn't stop giggling. He had to step out to the hallway to make sure not to ruin my plan. When I had the chance I took two ice cubes and placed it down Caitlin's shirt. Immediately Caitlin shot up from her bed.

"WHAT THE HELL?" She said screaming. I fell on the floor laughing historically

"Aaliyah are you on crack?" Caitlin said as she tried to retieve the ice from her shirt.

I Shook my head while laughing. I was inches away from peeing my pants.

Christian came in the room and saw that Caitlin was trying to get the ice cubes out of her shirt; He too fell on the ground laughing, his face red.

"You guys are mean!" Caitlin said as she pouted.

I stood up from the floor still laughing and gave Caitlin a hug.

"I Just had to." I said chuckling.

At that moment I knew this tour was soon going to be the highlight of my life.
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