One in a Million


It was the night of the concert, Jessica couldn't stop freaking out

"What if I fall off the stage while I’m dancing and brake my leg and never sing again?"

"Ok now your just being ridiculous."

"It could happen."

"Jessica, you have done almost 50 shows and at this point you still have stage fright?"

"Uh, actually, 53 shows to be exact!"

I shook my head and chuckled. She was going a bit overboard

"Aaliyeah, I’m being serious! what am I going to do?"

"Jessica shut up and snap out of it, you’re an amazingly talented artist and nothing can bring you down, tonight is your night and you’re going to live it, no excuses!"

"Well that helped" Jessica said laughing and I joined in. We were at the venue and I was helping Jessica get ready for her show tonight. I have never in my life been in a place so huge. The stage was huge and backstage was even bigger!

"Are you still nervous?"

"Who me?" Jessica asked.

"No, Kim Kardashian." I said sarcastically. Everyone in Jessica's dressing room including me, started laughing.

"She's pretty" Jessica's Stylist said.

"Uh Caryn, what planet do you live on?"

"The planet you wish you were on." She replied smiling. We all started laughing again.

"And to answer your question, Leah, no I’m not nervous anymore, Because of your inspiring speech." Jessica said grinning.

"That's good to hear." I said chuckling. Jessica was done with wardrobe and it was 5 minutes until the show started. we headed down to where everybody was. We got to what we call the "Blue room" it's spot/place basically behind the stage where everybody can sit and watch the show from backstage. Plus the place looks like everywhere is blue

"Hey Guys!" Caitlin called when she spotted us

"Hey" Both Jessica and I said in unison when we reached where Caitlin was. Ryan, Chaz and Christian were staring at me in awe, I chuckled to myself when I noticed them and decided to play them.

"Hey guys" I said winking

"H-e-y Aa-liyeah" Ryan said stuttering

I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his neck and whispered into his ear.

“Nice shirt"

Ryan gulped "Tha-nk-s" He stuttered once again.

Both Caitlin and Jessica burst out laughing and then so did I.

I unwrapped my arms off of Ryan's neck and sat beside Caitlin.

"What did you say to him?" Jessica asked.

"I told him he had a nice shirt." I said still chuckling.

"His shirt isn't that nice." Chaz said mumbling to himself.

We all burst out laughing once again.

"Aliyeah is the type of person who likes to play people." Jessica said.

"You were playing him?" Caitlin asked surprised.

I nodded my head.

"So you don't like the shirt?" Ryan asked confused.

"No, the shirt's nice." I said chuckling.

"It’s just the fact that she was being sexual about it." Jessica said smiling.

"Damn." Ryan muttered to himself.

Everybody laughed again.

That’s when Justin walked into the room.

“Hey, guys.” He said. Justin received a range of different salutations.

“So, whats up?” he asked/

“Well, Aliyeah here, has been going around seducing people.” Ryan said and jabbed his thumb at me. Justin’s eyebrows flew up and he glanced at me.

“Want to try seducing me?” he asked with a smirk. I looked over a Jessica with a smile. This is going to be fun
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm soo sorry guys! I have been just soo busy to update my stories! But i promise to be updating regulary... I pinky swear Lol hope you guys enjoy! and pls comment and tell your ppl/ friends to check out this story pls i need more suscribers! :) THANKS!