Lets Just Sit...And Watch the Sun Set

I Ran Right into His Arms

I sat next to him, running my fingers over the rough dirt and dry leaves. This was our favorite spot; this was where we first met each other. I turned to him, taking in his shaggy brown hair that I loved running my fingers through, his warm caramel eyes that were always filled with happiness and love for the world, his sun-kissed skin that always made me look even paler but I loved standing by his side anyway. Everything about him pulled me in made me melt; his contagious laughter, his cute dimples, his angelic voice, everything he did sent the butterflies fluttering in my body.

I inched my way towards him and leaned my body against his, resting my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer. I slipped my hand into his as he intertwined our fingers.

He smiled down at me. “Do you remember the day we met?”
I smiled back at him. How could I forget…?” I’ll never forget the day I met the angel heaven was cursed not to have, the angel who brought color back into my life.

-------------------------------------------- Flash back -------------------------------------------------

Tears blurred my vision as I ran, branches grabbed at my bare arms, tearing the skin, but I kept running. Rocks dug into my bare feet but still I kept running, leaving a trail of red everywhere I stepped. I pushed through the edge of the trees, tripped over something and slammed down hard on the ground, landing with my arm twisted under me. A scream bubbled in my throat but I bit down on my tongue until I tasted blood. I lay there by the side of the lake, wishing I had bashed my head open or fell in the lake and drowned, any form of death would do.

“Are you okay?” I snapped my head up to see a boy standing above me, looking down at the pieces of a broken girl. I whimpered in response, wishing that he would leave me yet hoping he would stay. He bent down and wiped the tears from my face. “What’s wrong?”

“N-nothing j-just please g-go away.” My voice cracked and came out sounding harsh and rough. The boy leaned down and wrapped his arms around me. He picked me up bridal style and began walking. “Just l-leave me…”

“Your hurt and I cant leave you out here when it gets dark… so you can either tell me what happened or we can well I can walk all along in awkward silence.” He walked for a couple minutes before he broke the silence. ”Okay, so at least tell me your name.”

“What’s yours?”

“Ohh yeah right, I didn’t tell you, well I’m Brandon.” He smiled down at me. That one smile from a stranger, oddly, made me feel safe. It woke up the butterflies in me.

“I’m E-Ember.”
“You said Ember right? Not Amber.” I nodded my head at him. “Cool name, but how bout you tell me what happened to you?”

“Well…my parents always wanted a son. They were so disappointed when I came out to be a girl. They never took interest in anything I did, they tended to ignore me and it only got worse when they finally did have a son. It’s as if I d-don’t exist. M-my p-parents are now g-getting d- divorced, they’re fighting over whose g-getting what but m-mainly over whose g-getting my b-brother. They d-don’t even c-care about m-me, its l-like they d-don’t even know I’m th-there…” I broke down in tears, the boy; Brandon gently rocked me as he walked, wiping away my tears and running his fingers soothingly through my hair. Why did I tell him that? Well what do I have to lose? Nothing.

“Shh don’t cry. They don’t deserve your tears.”
“Th-they don’t c-care about m-me…no one c-cares about me.” Tears pooled in my eyes once again. Weird how I haven’t run out of tears yet.

“I care about you.” I snapped my head up.
“But y-you just m-met me.”
“Doesn’t matter, I still care about you, so don’t cry.” I smiled up at him as he looked down at me and smiled back.

-------------------------------------End of Flashback---------------------------------------------
♠ ♠ ♠
this is for a contest by Moe Smith
hope its good...

check out the Contest