Status: *sigh* enjoy? ^-^

One Drop of Water

Chapter 5 – The Cemetery

A black coffin as old as time sat in the middle of the room. It was dark and lonely. Silence filled the room, except for the whispers that poured from the graves. The whole place was dusty, and Shanon kept sneezing. Cobwebs were hanging from the ceiling. As she walked toward the big coffin, she saw a spider drop in front of her. The black widow ‘smiled’ at her and continued to the floor. Out of shock Shanon stepped back. A cobweb stuck to her hair like a veil.


Back in the library, Peter was looking at the dark book shelf. He pulled the three white ones forward, trying to follow Tenichi’s instructions. He went down the corridor looking at the strange doors that appeared in the light of the blue fire. He reread Tenichi’s text message as he walked down the silver steps. He walked through the gate, and stood there starring at the flowers.


A little boy, dressed up for church, was running through a dead rose meadow. He was wearing a tux, and they were torn from the thorns. As rain fell down he chased a little girl. He looked up at the clouds, his blue and green eyes shimmering the gloomy sky. The girl’s black eyes shimmered the same hope. Their eyes mirroring each other’s sorrow. It was as if they were connected, sharing everything that happened. In the frosted air, someone’s breath traveled to caress the kids’ cheeks. The girl grabs the boys had, and holds it tight. The boy hears the girl scream. A blond came from behind the trees. The girl’s hand slips from his grasp. He turns to see the girl melting into the ground. He tries to save her, and she tries to grab his hand. In moments he is left alone. A black rose bloomed, and the sunlight came through the clouds. The little boy picks up the flower, kisses it, and lays in the meadow letting the sunlight wash over him. His body is cold, even though there is no more signs of winter.


Shanon looked around the room, searching for a hint for who these people were, who she is. She couldn’t find anything but first names, and scratches where the last name should have been. The room was in a circular shape. Between the walls with shelves of corpses, and the middle coffin was a huge gap.
Shanon stared at the coffin in wonder, feeling at home for the first time. The whispers spoke faster as she hesitantly walked down the steps to the all too familiar coffin. Her fingers traced the words on the coffin. She felt safe, until she noticed that the key hole matched the shape of her necklace. The butterflies in her stomach returned. She stared blankly, holding her necklace tight.
Her hand slid to the clasp, she unclasped it with shaking hands. Outside she heard a thunder storm. The whispering stopped, as if it were taking a deep breath before diving into the water. She pressed her necklace, and turned the circular key platform slowly. A gust of wind came in. the coffin lid popped open and she pushed its heavy weight off the top. Two decaying skeletons appeared. The rib cage was broken in, and the way the skeletons looked, the couple would have been in their early twenties. In the slender hands of what was left of the woman laid a well preserved letter. The other fat skeleton held pictures that were faded. The letter was addressed to her, but like the coffins, the last name was crossed out.


Peter walked into the cemetery. A tall pale woman was bent over a coffin. Lightning flashed in the back ground. The woman’s face was hidden in her hands. Rain fell from the ceiling and landed in front of her. She was wearing a strapless dress. It poofed out like a ball gown. In the moon light the dress shimmered silver. The torso was as white as snow, along with the rest of the dress. Over the skirt was a black spider web netting. This matched the veil, but the veil was made of real spider webs. Next to her lay a bouquet of black roses. Her hair flowed down her back, and a silver spider pin kept it from covering the right side of her face. Peter heard her sobs, and the sniffling of her nose.
“Why did he do this? Just because I’m aging backwards? Or is it because Nick and I are so close, and just happens to be living backwards with me?” the woman cried.
“Who are you talking about?” Peter whispered. Inside he felt a longing to go and comfort her.
“Who said that?” the woman turned to see Peter. The front of the dress had a black widow across the top. Her black hair escaped the pin, falling in front of her face. Her sad eyes seemed to change to happy smile. “Oh, it’s you.” Her voice was soft, and almost childish.
“Who are you?” Peter had a sense of familiarity with her, but he couldn’t remember where he knew her from.
“Isn’t it funny how there’s a black widow on my wedding dress? Seems like I’m damned to be a widow.” She let out a little light hearted laugh. “I am Zetsumei. I was supposed to marry you, but you stood me up. About a few moments ago, you were leaving the alter to go take over for your father. You could have married me, but you just left me there. Do you know how much that hurt?”
“I don’t know anyone with the name of Zetsumei.”
“Ah, but you do. You just don’t know it yet. Before you leave me, again, I have something to give you.” She leaned over and picked up a small white bagged that matched the dress. From it she pulled out a flower. She stuck her small, pale fingers through the top of the rose. From the center she pulled out a glass bead. She reached her hand out, and Peter went over and got it. At her touch he had shivers moving through is body. Her skin was cold, but somehow they were also warm. Peter held the bead up to the light. It was ocean blue, and had a drop of water in the center of it.
“Pretty isn’t it?” She giggles, “I just stare at the bead for hours, but it’s time to find a new one.” Sadness takes over her face again. “That will be clear when you get back. But don’t worry it will change back eventually. . . hopefully.”
Peter wanted to ask her what she meant, but she was gone before he could.
In her place was Shanon, and she was reading a letter. The webs in her hair shimmered in the light reminding him of the beautiful woman that had been there moments ago. The thunder was still there, and he could tell it wasn’t from nature’s choice.


The letter read:
Dear Shanon,
Hello dear child. I’m sorry we couldn’t be there right now. Your half-sister,
who is still alive, unfortunately, (stay away from her) killed the whole family before
you were born. We (your real parents) died right after you were born (more like a
second later). It’s not your fault.
The pictures in your father’s hands are: One, the whole family
(including your ancestors); the second is your first baby picture, with us dead,
your sister behind us, and you in my (mom) arms; and the third is your sister
since you can’t tell what she looks like in the other two. She’s the shadow with
the glowing blue eyes.
You probably know that there is no record of you anywhere; not even
at the hospital where you were born. Let’s just say (in a PG-13 or M rated
way) all the nurses were killed, the place burned down from a great fire,
and other R rated gruesome things. Anyway, hope you have a wonderful life.
Take the ankle bracelet; it’s yours. Oh, you’re wondering how I know all this.
It’s because I’m physic.
Mom & Dad

Shanon put the letter back, and grabbed the photos. The top was in color. There was a picnic table in the background, and the sun was shining brightly. In it were rows and rows of well-dressed people. Some of them were translucent, the rest were all normal. In the second photo was a blond girl, with blue eyes. She had on a grin that would give anyone the chills. The third was dark, and depression. A woman’s shadow stands in the back ground, sword resting across the back of her shoulder blades. Her eyes glow blue. In front of her are two bodies leaning against each other. Both of them are limp. The woman is holding a child. The walls, ceiling, and floor are covered in blood.
Shanon stares blankly at the last photo. Flash backs of blood being everywhere rushed back. She quickly stuck the photos in her back pocket. She picks up the ankle bracelet. The ankle bracelet was very clean compared to how old everything else looked. On a silver chain hung a silver star. In the star lay a red diamond. On the back the word’s ‘Devil’s Child’s Angel’ were inscribed. She whipped it off with the sleeve of her skull hoodie. She clasps it around her left ankle. She retrieved her moon necklace, and slipped it back on. She walks around the coffin, and pushes the lid back into place. She looked up, and saw Peter.
“Ahhh! Why did you have to scare me like that?” Shanon asked, glaring at Peter.
“Tenichi told me to come. I guess she knew what was down here, and was worried about you,” Peter answered.
“How long have you been standing there?”
“Since you read the letter.”
“That’s a long time. Tenichi’s smart for having you come here. I can’t believe Isabella didn’t tell me.” She said in a sad and angry tone.
Shanon told him about the letter, the photos, and the ankle bracelet. “How did she die if she’s physic. Couldn’t she have saved herself?”
Peter noticed that the moon on her necklace had a loop. It was a perfect fit for the glass bead. “Maybe it was one of those meant to be things.”
They walked in silence through the entryway, and across the meadow. Peter was lost in thoughts about Zetsumei, Shanon, and the glass bead that was given to him. Peter picked up a flower and gave it to Shanon. She placed the thornless rose behind her ear. When they got halfway up the stairs Shanon passed in front of a painted glass window. A shadow went through the window. She stared at the window blankly. She hoped the shadow would come back and explain everything, but it didn’t. she continued up the steps.
“Shanon are you okay?” Pater asked, concerned. The torches light up when they started to walk down the corridor.
“Yeah. Sorry. I’m still shocked about it.”
“You need a hug?” He said, his arms open wide waiting for her to lean against him.
“You know what hugs do to me, but thanks for the offer.”
“Right. You sure you’re okay?”
“Yes, I’m fine.”
Shanon put the books back in place, closing the door. Shanon rushed out of the front door. Running home, it started to rain. She went to her so-called ‘mom’ and asked, “Where did my real parents live?”
Shanon pulls the photos from her back pocket, and throws it in her face. Her ‘mom’s’ mouth drops open, surprised that her daughter had found them. She was also surprise that they weren’t completely ruined. “Where did my REAL parents live!” She screamed with fury. Anger showed in her eyes like fire. Her hair was radiating hear as if It were on fire. Her adoptive mother stared into them as they changed. Shanon had this weird thing with her eyes to make them cold, and mesmerizing. When her ‘mother’ looked into them, she saw the thing that scared her the most. “The parents that gave birth to me!”
“We are your birth parents, sweet-heart.”
“No, you’re not! I saw EVERYTHING! The library, the grave, and everything else you didn’t want me to see!”
“Oooh? Oh! All you have to say is ‘oooh’!”
“You saw that?”
“No, I didn’t. of course I did!” Shanon shook her head, her hands were curled into tight fists.
“Well, the library is only for you since you own it. No one can really go there without invitation.”
“But I see adults go in all of the time.”
“That’s because they keep it clean. They’re like maids, and butlers.”
“Anything else?”
“They wouldn’t say anything more.”
“Some of the maids. The only thing else they said was your old name?”
“Old? That’s right. Tenichi mentioned something about that.”
“It’s the name you had in your first life.”
“Which is?”
“Is that Chinese?”
“No it’s Japanese. It means death.”
“Death? Well isn’t that pleasant. Hmmm . . . Zetsumei. It kind of suits me. What’s the rest of it?”
“In full it would be Zetsumei Tenma Ketsueki Mitsukai.”
“That’s long. What’s the rest mean?”
“Over all it mean Death Demon, Blood Angel.”
“Sounds awesome. Hey, can I leave?”
“Leave? What do you mean by that?
“Well, I don’t really fit here. Since that library has a house attached, and it’s mine; I thought I’d move in.”
“You’re not old enough.”
“But there’s all of those adults in the house. They could watch me.”
“This is completely out of the question.” Shanon glared at her ‘mother’. “Fine. Do whatever you want. But do know that there is still a place here for you if you ever need it. I bet it gets lonely in that big house.”
“I’ll never forget. Thanks mom. And you can come over and visit too. It’s not like a completely hate you or disown you. I’m just trying to find out who I am.”
“As long as it’s for the right reasons I don’t mind. Let’s get you packed.”
Shanon headed into her room, throwing out a lot of old things that she didn’t need any more. Mrs. Lovely came up the steps with tons of boxes. They got everything packed up and moved to the house. Shanon sat in her new room, light by blue light bulbs. She was organizing photos into albums, and decorating the pages with fun stencils. She put her clothes into the walk-in-closet, and stocked the shelves with CD’s, movies, games, books, and her nick-knacks. She hung up HIM poster, and put her fairy statues all around the room. She made her bed with the black silky sheets, and dark purple cover. She got her favorite three pictures and hung them on the wall.
One of the pictures was of Shanon, Alexandra, and Isabella at the beach as little toddlers. They were building a sand castle that was two feet tall. Alexandra was pouting because the water washed what she was building away, and Isabella was sticking a flag in the middle. Shanon was writing The Lovely Sisters on the front of the castle walls. In the second picture was Shanon and all of her friends at the bowling alley. They were in fourth grade, and most of their teeth were missing. Shanon noticed for the first time that Peter was trying to kiss her. The last picture was much more recent. It was of the past summer. Her and Peter were sitting on a tree branch in the middle of the night. The moon was full, and Peter had a big smile on his face. It was Shanon’s favorite tree. It’s where she met Peter, and where they love to hang out.
She remembered that as if it were yesterday. Peter was five, and he was still pretty tall for his age. He was trying to climb the tree when he realized that a girl was sleeping there. He had woke her up asking why she didn’t sleep at home. She had told him she ran away, and had forgotten who here real parents were. He offered to help. He took her and walked her to his parents. His parents know who she was since they were best friends with the Lovelys. According them Shanon and Peter met before that. The whole dang they hung out playing games in the summer sun. When it was time to go they hugged each other good bye. This is when Shanon found out about her hugging problem. It was also the last time Peter hugged someone.
Shanon shook her head out of the memories. “There’s no need to dwell on the past. I’m not dyeing and I’m not leaving.”


“Sorry Shanon, I never told you. It’s just been so long that it felt like your weren’t adopted.” Isabella apologized.
“Since my old name was Zetsumei. Maybe I can finally get the nick name that I wanted. So call me Zet instead.” Shanon said.
“Zetsumei? What does that even mean?”
“Cool. I really am sorry.”
“It’s okay. Hey, you know you’re still my big sis, sorta. Are you going to church on Sunday?”
“Yeah. I thought you were Christian.”
“I’m not, but Alexandra wants me to see the new priest. I heard he was a creeper. By the way. I might try out for cheerleading this year.”
“You might?”
“I am.”
“Awesome!” Isabella put her hand up to give Shanon a high five. Shanon, unwillingly, high fives her back.
“I’m not telling anyone unless if I know for sure that I am in. Which isn’t until the school dance. Got it?”
“Okay. What else?”
“I’m moving out.”
“Actually I’ve moved out already. But you can come and visit it me any time.”
“I guess I can live with that. Ready for movie night?”
“Of course. What horror movie are we going torcher Alexandra with tonight?”

Back at the Lovely’s house Alexandra, Shanon, Isabella, Peter, Tiffany, Ai, and Tenichi are sitting on the floor munching on popcorn. Peter moves restlessly next to Shanon.
“Peter are you alright?” Shanon asked.
“No. Something’s bothering me.” Peter replied.
“Chucky isn’t really going to come after you. It’s just a movie. And all of the other dolls won’t hurt ya, because I’ll kick there but if they do.” Shanon winked at Peter.
“See here’s the thing.”
“Shhh. I’m trying to watch the movie,” Tiffany interrupts.
“Let’s go to the kitchen.” Shanon suggests. They get up and walk into the kitchen. Shanon turns to face Peter.”
“I really need to ask you something.” Here’s your chance just ask her out. The worst she could say is no, and I don’t think that will happen. Oh, please don’t hear my thoughts. Peter thought to himself.
Shanon stood there waiting. She wanted to sneak into his mind, and see what’s up, but she thought that it would be better to let him tell her himself. It can’t be anything bad. Could it? Maybe he’s finally going to ask me out. I hope he does, I’ve been waiting forever. What he never does? Ugh. I’m so pathetic. At least all of my thought are my own. Maybe later I can check Peter’s mind for a hint on if he really likes me. Shanon thought to herself.
He opened his mouth ready to ask her. But nothing came out. He tried a second time when Mrs. Lovely walked in. “Peter, the phone is for you dear.”
“Thanks Mrs. Lovely.” Peter left the room to answer the phone. The person on the other end was breathing heavily. And then he could hear the sound of bars clanging in the back ground.
Shanon stayed in the kitchen glaring at her mom.
“Mom, you did that on purpose.”
“You know you’re not allowed to be along in the room with a guy.”
“But it’s Peter.” Peter came in with a confused look on his face. “What’s wrong?”
“There was no one there. At least at first.”
“And then?”
“And then a woman kept asking about Zetsumei.”
“Why were they asking for her? Don’t they know she’s dead?”
“I don’t think so. He also asked for a glass bead, and for me to leave you along.”
“That’s kind of creepy. Was that all?”
“No. He said he knows you. That you guys are best friends.”
“Best friends?”
“Yep. He says he’s coming to visit it you. And he’s bring his new friend with.”
“PJ? Do you know who they are?”
“Does Nick Mathews and James Brown sound familiar to you?”