The endless story of a homeless teen

11.16.10 3:35PM

Its as if the world stopped. Seeing my mom on the ground begging and pleading the man to stop putting our belongings are the sidewalk. Her knees scrapping as the ground as she helplessly crawled back and forth from the pile of our stuff to cling to the man's leg in a desperate attempt to stop him. Another man walked out of our tiny apartment and went into a truck as the other man put another box of our stuff done on the dirty pavement and shook my mom off. My mom fell to the ground; her elbows smacking viciously at the pavement as she sobbed into her arms. The man locked our apartment door, got into the truck, and drove off. My little sister got loose from the grip of my hand and ran over to my mom in tears. I stood there not in astonishment, not in sadness, but in just plain emptiness. I knew this was coming. I knew it from the very start but I never wanted to accept it. I walked over to my mom and touched her shoulder.
"Come on mom. We have to find a place to go." I said softly as I looked down at her. By now her head was lifted from her arms and she sobbed incomprehensible words at my little sister. She looked up at my and continued to talk. Her eyes blood shot red and the tears streaking her cheeks. I looked down at her with a blank expression and sighed as I picked her up and sat her on our stuff.