Status: Complete! Prequel to Unbound (The Wild Ride).

Second Heartbeat

Chapter Ten.

Justice's Point Of View

Zacky appeared behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, making movement rather slim for me to
get away.
``Justice, please don't let do stupid stuff because of me. I would die even more if you got hurt
because of me…'' he whispered into my ear, before my whole world got blacker than night. When
I awoke, I was sleeping on a comfy mattress that I did not want to get up from even with his
presence in the room. I forced myself to sit up and look at the plate of fruit in front of me which
caused me to look from the fruit, to Zacky, then once more at the fruit.
``You guys live in a frickin' mansion and the least you can give me is FRUIT?'' I yelled at him,
pushing the fruit off the bed. I hated healthy food…well veggies and fruit, I personally
called myself a meatatarian and I wasn't even joking about that. I loved a nicely cook Medium Rare
steak and I didn't waste a bit of it, taking after my grandfather a lot.
``Hey, be glad William is even letting me feed you!'' Zacky said rescuing the fruit at the last
second and sitting it back on the bed, sitting beside me. I grabbed the plate and scooted farther
away from him and started eating the grapes. ``Why did you try pulling that stupid stunt of yours?''
he asked, taking the fruit from me. This kid was trying to piss me off!
``To get you back you idiot!'' I said as the tears threatened to escape from my eyes.
``Well, what if I didn't want back?'' he questioned me, coming closer to my face and that did it for
me as the tears began to fall. I didn't like this Zacky and I hated being a vampire!
``Then why the hell did you come to get us then? Why didn't you just let us die trying!?'' I
screamed, slapping him with my full force and jumping from the bed as I tried getting to the door,
but he appeared in front of me. His eyes were blazing a violent red and his teeth were clenched and
I knew his beast has taken over. He grabbed my arms and pushed me up against the wall, causing me to
scream out in a searing pain as I found out that he was cutting me with his nails. I kneed him in
the groin and he hunched over in pain and I took his shoulders, bringing my knee to connect with his
face and it didn't connect. He grabbed my knee and flipped me over where I was on the ground facing
him, making him crawl on top of me. I felt my heart run into overdrive as I knew I probably wouldn't
be breathing soon, closing my eyes in fear.
``Get out of here before I end up killing you!'' Zacky said getting off of me as he fought his inner
demon for dominance. I crawled over towards him and touched his face with my hand, kissing his
forehead before I ran out of the room. I didn't want to leave him, but apart of me wanted him to
make his own decision and do what he wanted to do. I left that room, running and not wanting to stop
until I was either out or I was with Killa. My thoughts were running rapid like a mob of bulls
during the bull run and then were interrupting in a split second as I ran straight into a hard
``Going somewhere love?'' Brendon asked grabbing a hold of my wrist, twisting it to it's almost
breaking point. My anger began to boil and within second my arm was streaming, combusting into red
flames and catching Brendon off guard. He screamed in agony as his hand began to burn, giving me the
chance to stab him in his heart with my dagger. He toppled over in pain and began to go into a sort
of seizure, going completely still soon after. His eyes were still open and returned to their
natural color, but alas he was dead. I crouched down and closed his eyes, hoping he would be sent to
a better place, away from this earthly hell. I heard a scrapping sound just in time to turn and see
Ryan coming at me with curved knifes, full intention to kill. My first instinct was to combust him
into flames, but before I could even do anything more than blink my eye…he was dead.
Behind him, smiling like no tomorrow was Killa who looked completely exhausted as she stood up
normally from her fighting stance. She walked over to me and touched my cheek, which was stained in
tears and blood since I was not used to killing and because of all that has happened. She pulled me
into a hug and lead me down the corridor, straight to the very source of all our problems.
Ronnie Winter.
Everything after killing Brendon was an illusion that he conquered up to get me to be off guard,
making me weak with seeing my best friend safe and out of harms way. He sat on top of his bed,
patting the spot next to him and acting as if Olice was not even in the room. I refused and tried
walking out the door, but he pulled me to him with a gesture of his claw. He sat me on his lap and I
could hear Olice begin to growl under her breath, catching a swift glare from Ronnie which caused
her to shut up fast.
``You have potential my dear!'' he exclaimed as he petted my cheek softly, sending waves of anger
through my body. I probably did not state this before, but NOTHING about this guy turned me
on in any way! And I mean, looks, personality, and mind.
``That's what they all say.'' I muttered as I got up from his lap and sat on the bed. He rolled his
eyes and took my hand in his.
``Do you realize that even when you were with Zacky, you were with me?'' he asked looking down at my
``What are you getting at Winter?'' I spat at him with pure venom.
``I made him, for him to break my control, someone would have to kill me or someone would have to
break the bond by re-biting him. Obviously, he is under both William's and my control, but he has to
be bitten by the one he truly cares about. Anyone that was bitten by me could easily just kill me
and break it, but they don't because I control them.''
Anyone else think he's running in a complete circle?
``You know you stated the same thing over and over again?'' I questioned him, cocking my head to the
side as a smart ass grin spread across my face. He began to say something and it was like the words
had caught in his mouth, leaving him completely confused. ``So my turn for the questions. Where is
Killa?'' I questioned, pushing him backwards on the bed and placing the blade to his throat.
``I do not have her!'' Ronnie stated in fright as Olice tried to run to the rescue of her mate, but
I was one step ahead of her as I cast a black fire around the bed. She screamed and then fled the
room as it engulfed every inch of the room, except the bed.
``I'm not going to ask twice!'' I yelled at him, slicing his wrists as he screamed in pure agony. I
knew he wasn't going to give in easily and I knew that he was much stronger than Brendon, so the
poison needed a stronger dosage. He refused to speak so I began leaving cuts on his body, letting
the green poison mix with his black blood as it leaked out. This went on for about and hour, before
I was about to strike him dead in the heart, my flames were extinguished! I glanced back to see
Mistique, Killa, and the guys who were holding an unconscious Olice. I felt my anger start to
disappear as I laid the dagger on the bed and ran to embrace them all, knowing these were no
illusions. They were all happy to see me, but something got deadly wrong in the atmosphere in the
room and as I turned around to see what it was, I felt a pare of fangs enter my neck!
♠ ♠ ♠
Enjoyable right?
Liacide XIII