Status: Complete! Prequel to Unbound (The Wild Ride).

Second Heartbeat

Chapter Twelve.

As I lay in the darkness of the room that would be my personal hell
or heaven, depending on what I did in my free time, I could here Zacky silently breathing as the
dawn reached the horizen. I was supposed to sleep like the other undead in the house, but since I
couldn't sleep with the memories of earlier hours laced in to every nook and crany in my head. I
didn't want to disturb my sleeping lover as I search high and low for my clothes that were thrown
about the room, only to find that they were practically ripped to ribbons! Just my luck! Of course,
I knew that William wouldn't allow me to not have clothes to change into and I was right as I opened
the giant closet door. It looked like someone had thrown up Hot Topic in there and everything
was free for the taking! I don't think I have ever seen that many outfits in one closet before, not
to mention the wide assortment of dresses! You might not have known this, but I love dresses! I come
off to most people as the type of girl who is a dike or some shit like that, but I am greatly
misunderstood. I found a night gown in the far back that stood out from all the other stuff, seeing
as though most of the clothes were darker shades of all colors, but this was pure white with little
black bats flying along the front. I pulled the night gown over my head in hopes that it would fit
me, thankfully it did and I had to admit...I loved it!
Walking out I was hit with the smell that still lingered into the air, the smell of sex and blood
and it brought a silent giggle to my blood red lips. It was an amazing experience that I wanted to
last forever, but not just because it was sex, but because I shared my virtue with Zacky. It didn't
bother me that the thought that it was not his first time and I accepted him for him, knowing that
he made the decision in his life and that wasn't going to change. He treated me so well, like a
queen that he had to tend to, to make her hellish desires come true, and he handled me so gentlemen
like. I looked at his sleeping figure and watched his chest rise and fall, wanting to crawl into
bed... into his arms...but something was calling to me. I crossed the floor and opened the door
without a single sound, sneaking into the hall and walking a bit before coming to a white
door, odd seeing as everything else was either red, black, or purple. The something I had heard was
coming from behind this very door and a part of me wanted me to get out of the house, while the
other dared me to open the puzzling door. The thought of danger now did not frighten me, seeing as
though I was a danger magnent and lived for an adrinaline rush I was deprived of as a kid.
I turned the knob and found it to be locked? How odd, seeing that scenes like this is when the
stupid girl walks into the room to find nothing, only to turn around and find a cold blooded killer
or a attractive young lad they fall for instantly. Isn't it funny how most of the time their one in
the same? Of course, no one ever expects the stupid girl to be a cold blooded killer until the last
second right? Ugh, listen to me ramble on about nonsense as the curiousity was starting to eat its
way through my flesh. I figured the vampire nails that grew everytime I chewed them would come of
good use and get them out of the way, so I begain picking the lock with them. Shockingly, after
about ten full minutes and twenty five long seconds, the lock clicked and told me that I could now
open the door to my curiousity. It was a library that was deck floor to ceiling with books,
different languages, cultures, genres, and the whole shabang and it only made me feel like I was in
paradise! The something I had heard was coming from an old record player, you know the ones that you
cranked up and had that huge thing for the sound to come out? The music seemed so foreign to me,
almost not even human and I felt like I would just bust out into a dance with the beat of a snare
drum. Sadly, that is exactly what had happened.
I was to entranced by the music, letting it draw me into it's world that the opened door did not
bother me, letting me continue my twirling. The next thing I know though, William is leading me into
a inhumanly fast waltz and I was to shocked to even move my toes of my bare feet.
"You dance so beautifully, I should not have bothered you with my presence!" he exclaimed as he
twirled an unwilling me and brought me into his arms. I felt his breathe on my neck as I looked down
in utter embaressment, unwilling to meet his gaze. He lifted my head and made me look into his eyes,
faltering as he dipped me backwards and brought me back up to stand face-to-face with him.
Kill him! Both of my personalities exclaimed and yes I was calling my vampire and werewolf a
MPD now, meaning multiple personality disorder for those who don't know. Something kept me from that
though and I realized the music had been a part of his trap, making me so blind to his presence. I
was in his control now!
"That would have been kind of you, but I guess all good things must end right?" I questioned him as
I never broke eye contact, even with a blink.
"Sadly, but hey at least we can remember it forever right?" he questioned back, half jokingly and
the other half dead serious. Ha, Ha get it? Dead Serious? Yeah, yeah I'm gonna stop while I'm
still ahead. "So my dear, did you have fun with your little Zacky poo?" he asked another question
mockingly in a girly voice. I rolled my eyes and smiled at him, sizing him up a little bit as I took
a step towards him.
"More than you can believe!" I stated tousiling my hair a little in the back, making me think that
old habits don't die and I literally mean this! He was grinning wider and wider each passing second
and I swore that if his smiled got even wider, that I would officially name him the Chesire
Cat! He took my hand and led me towards a couch by the fire place which I instantly lit without
even thinking. Why was I showing mine my powers willingly?
"You see, Justice darling, that the dark lord intends for me to have two wives and you and Killa
just so happen to fit that great big plan of his. You to be my first wife and her to be my final,
seeing that without the first I can't get to the one I actually crave and that would be bad for me.
You, yourself are very perfect, but you see Killa pocesses the leader like roles that will make our
children leaders when they are older. To make him happy I must marry you and then once I have
convenced him other wise, I will simply let you go on with your life and take Killa as my bride."

"Haven't you over looked one two particular things?!" I exclaimed standing from my spot
next to him and he placed a hand on my leg, making me sit without moving his hand.
"I have not over looked the fact that her and Synyster are to be bonded for eternity and that Killa
is with child, but once that child is into the world I shall take Killa to be mine. Synyster will be
left with his son and it will kill him everytime he sees the boy with his long dark brown hair and
green eyes like his mothers, only to drive him to complete and utter madness. He will come to you to
ask you to kill him with your hell fire and you'll agree, seeing the pain that he is bearing. You'll
take care of the boy with Zacky and watch him grow, while Killa's once grieving heart with mend in
my hands. I don't expect much of you, but I don't want a replay of tonight happening and that means,
no Zacky, not leaving the bed chambers till the sun sets, and absolutly no contact with the outside
world!" he said in a demanding voice. I felt like my heart had started to beat again only to realize
it only did so to break in my very chest and something in my was letting William control me.
He came over and forcefully put his lips on mine, letting my head become a giant blur as I tried to
fight his influence, only to epically fail. He pushed away licking his lips and sighing in
satisfaction, letting go of my wrist that he had grabbed so tightly. He dismissed me and I was about
to leave the room when I felt him mentally entering my mind.
Oh and one more thing Justice, you tell anyone of this plan and the venom I injected you with
will kill you and anyone trying to get it out of you! Have Sweet Dreams Darling, untill later
I didn't even make a sound as I made my way back to my room, only to find it vacant of the once
sleeping Zacky.
♠ ♠ ♠
Bach you William!
Liacide XIII