Status: Complete! Prequel to Unbound (The Wild Ride).

Second Heartbeat

Chapter Fourteen.

Killa and I waited without a wink of sleep, pondering on if our master plan would actually work in our current state. I had told her of my other inhabitant living within my body and she was a little taken aback by it, heck even stated that it could be the only way to stop this madness. The werewolf and the vampire have always been major enemies and when it came to those two came together, it was like an epic war inside of me. When it came to killing the same man, they actually cooled down and started getting along, planning this mans death! I've been communicating with the wolf a lot more the past three days since we have been locked into the dungeon of radical chaos. She has told me when the time comes that I will have to let her take over, losing control is not my strong point and the vampire side knows this. She said that the wolf venom that they have would cause the bitten to turn human, enviably anyone that thus has bit…

My thought pattern was interrupted by a soulful harmonica playing next to me and when I looked over, Killa was the one playing IT!

“Where and why may I ask do you have a harmonica!?” I exclaimed just so dumbfounded by this. She just smiled a big smile.

“Well, I carry it on my person at all times, a token from a kid I saved back in the day and it just reminds me to keep going.”


“The kid you ask, was you and I know you don't remember that and everything, but you have helped me through so much and you gave me one when I came to Michigan for you sixteenth birthday. Even though you knew that I could not play, but when I went back home I decided to make it a goal to actually to learn how to play and here we are!” she exclaimed and began playing once again, while the door opened to our cell and Zacky appeared with our food. Exactly what I had been waiting for!

“Food girls, I think it might actually be good today and I'm not even lying!” he exclaimed super hyper like.

“What got you all hyped up?” Killa questioned putting her harmonica away, looking towards me for my particular input.

“If it was my say in anything, I'd say you were up to something.” I laughed a bit under my breath. He looked at me with a cheesy grin and took my hand in his, kissing it which caused me to blush. What was he up to?

“Boss says that you two can come out and he said that you can stay with us!” he exclaimed happily and I just couldn't believe it.


“I know it is just so am…”

“Don't finish that sentence Baker! I swear to god just don't even finish that.” I screamed at him, jerking my hand away. “Do you honestly think I want to live my life as a servant to some low life like William? Zachary, I want to spend my life in freedom with you and William is just in the way…” I was cut off by a glare from Zacky, which I tried to blow past the threat of tears.

“Justice, I think you should go before this commotion draws the world” Killa muttered to me and Zacky tilted his eyebrow upward.

“Are you seriously planning on leaving?” Zacky asked all most hurt in a since.

“Zacky come with me please, I can not do this without your help” I pleaded looking into his eyes, but his commitment to William seemed to strong for its own good. “You claim to love me, to do anything for me and I believe that you do, but I need you now.

“Please Zachary, come with me to help overthrow William and possibly demolish the vampire disease once and for all!” I was partially crying at this point and he looked heartbroken by this.

“Leave while the leaving is good Justice!” Killa exclaimed putting a hand on both Zacky's and my shoulder.

“Though I'm going against my word, I shall go with you and help you in this…on one condition my love?” he asked taking my hand in his and getting on one knee. I felt my breath catch in my throat and the tears splinter my eyes. “Will you be my bride?”

“Of course!” I screamed overjoyed and I kissed him. Killa smiled and hugged us both before pushing us towards the exit. My hand was hovering over the door when William's metallic voice graced my ears.

“Not so fast m'dear!” as his nails dug into my shoulder, causing blood to roll down my back.

“Oh William dearest, come hither and grace my lips with yours!” Killa practically sang and immediately William was in a sort of trance.

We booked it out of that building, passing any breathing vampire and into the forest outside. It started raining and the path in front of us and I began to slip, when Zacky picked me up and put me on his back.

“I see the house up ahead, looks like they are all in the same room!” he shouted over the pounding rain and booming thunder and flashing lightening. We literally jumped the fence that barrier the house and ran into the front door, where everyone stood abruptly.

“We need your help!” I exclaimed after catching a mere breath of air to fill my lungs.
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I love cliffhangers!
Liacide XIII