Status: Complete! Prequel to Unbound (The Wild Ride).

Second Heartbeat

Chapter Fifteen.

“Your meaning to tell me, that we should trust you after you went completely a wall!? I don't think so and you,” Matt glared at Zacky and got in his face, leaving no room what so ever. “I expected more from someone who is like a fucking brother to me! You trusted those who could have killed us all, left your band of brothers, and you think you can earn my trust back?” Zacky's eyes were blood red at this point, glaring at Matt, who Olice was trying to calm him down.

“Damn it, Matt, your not listening are you? I don't give a flying fuck if you want to do this or not, but the matter of my best friend is at stake!” I yelled pushing him away from Zacky.

I looked at all the faces that were watching me and they were a little taken aback by the fact that I was so pissed, though I have been before. Something was different about this time, more scary that I would even raise my voice to one of my friends, no matter how much they aggregated me. I sat down and put my head in my hands, refusing to look up at anyone for almost an hour straight and when I finally did look up, everyone was staring at me. I went back into my head and started talking to the vampire side and the wolf side.

What should I do? They will not believe a word I am saying without Killa…I'm useless without her! I was practically yelling in my head, an internal battle I fought alone.

Justice, you need to calm down or you will lose control. The most logical thing to do is to defend your stance and do NOT back down. The vampire side was the more logical one as always, wanting to think things through, but the not backing down thing was new.

Have you two been talking things out? I asked them both and I heard a chime like giggle and a throaty chuckle from both sides.

That would be nice would it not? More like we came to a mutual agreement that while we dwell inside your body, you are the one that shall need the most concentration to do what you are going to have to do. William will stop at nothing to have you dead, knowing that you will release all of his secrets at any chance you get, but you have the upper hand. The wolf side sounded so sure of her self and what was on her mind. Hear me out; with the task ahead you are going to need us both and yet only werewolf venom can kill a vampire as strong as William. To merge all of us together you must place all of our trust and your mission in us and we shall do the rest. Do not worry Justice, we will not let anymore of our family die tonight.

I breathed in slowly, contemplating all that was said and finally coming up with my decision. I breathed out, placing all that they needed into my thoughts and I felt my body start to shake. The battle of heat and cold had begun and yet I was not faced by it, then I felt my bone structure growing stronger and bigger and when I finally opened my eyes, everyone was in awe.

“Justice, what…what are you?” Mistique asked a little frightened from her place behind the Rev. I now was noticing the slight fear that inhabited Zacky's eyes as I turned around which frightened me so. I walked over to the long mirror and looked at what they were so scared of and I screamed when I seen. My shoulder length reddish brown hair now flowed to the small of my back in a cascade of curls and my once grey eyes now were silver as the full moon that shown tonight and the outer rim of the iris was a blood red. My eyes were the thing that freaked me out the most, but then I realized that I was completely naked!

“What the hell happened to my clothes?” I screeched, causing hands to cover ears and a mad scramble to find something for me to wear. I was extremely bewildered and sat back against the mirror, hair covering my body and started rocking back and forth. “What a day I picked to be a special case.” I muttered to myself as Olice brought me all my necessary things and a bathrobe for the nakedness. I looked over at Zacky whose face was extremely red and he was biting his lip. “Get those thoughts out of your head, we have business to do.” I growled at him and then walked up to the bathroom to change. I stood in front of the bathroom mirror in a pair of black ripped jeans and a corset like top that had a single red rose embroidered on it. I walked downstairs and stood in the presence of all the beating hearts, preparing myself for the announcement. “For the time being, Justice asks that you respect our presence in your lives just as if she were here. The vampire side is called by the name of Val and I am under the name of F?? the werewolf.”

I glanced about the room and seen M. Shadows raising his hand…what were we in high school? I rolled my eyes and pointed towards him.

“I will go, but not to please you, but to save my friend. Syn talked some sense into me, whilst you were having your little episode.”

“Well, at least someone has a little sense around here!” I scoffed, rolling my eyes and sitting at the head of the table.

“So what is our plan F??” Mistique asked quietly as she sat on the Rev's lap. They look so cozy together, as well as M. Shadows and Olice. I could see the sorrow in Syn's eyes knowing that his love was in the clutches of a tyrant such as William. Zacky sat on the right side of me, running his hands through my hair and kissing my head for support.

“Well, if I know as much of William as I have learned from the months I have been…stuck with the brat then I shall know his schedule better than any person, because Zacky of course who was there longer. In the morning, William wakes to check on his house, his people and after that he will fall back asleep until the dark falls in which he orders breakfast in bed, a steaming mug of type AB- blood and a rare steak with a side of…” I stopped when I noticed people getting annoyed. I coughed, “Then he will take his favorite of the day out for the nightly hunt, depending on who has honored him well that day. They get back fifteen minutes after nine and then they all have a dinner slash movie night in the den that is located on the third floor, which is located all the way to the left. My plan is that we come from the basement, which I found an escape route when I was there and some others come from the roof. They will be taken by surprise, but I will go in first, to make them attack me and yes that is what I want. I do not want any of you to die today, your lives are too meaningful to Justice and she would kill me from the inside out if I did not make sure you all were safe. Take on anyone that comes at you first, preferably killing them by beheading, but you are not to fight William. Do I make myself clear?” I growled loudly. They all nodded and we started figuring out which weapons to use and Syn tapped me on the shoulder.

“Follow me, please?” he said taking my hand in his, in a brotherly way. I nodded and followed him to the porch outside, gazing up at the moon in admiration, “Justice, before Killa had left, we were talking about who should be the god mother to the baby and we decided on you. You mean the world to Killa and there is something that she wants you too know, but I think in time, she will have to tell you herself and yet what ever should be the outcome of this event, know that you are loved by all, even your greatest enemy.” He embraced me and then walked back inside to prepare for the coming event, whilst I stood in the moonlight, pondering on his meaning. And yet something in me felt a prick of sadness, the other part envy, and the side that I was now, curiosity.

When all was quiet in the house and I finally lay down to sleep, I felt an odd presence watching me and it was strong than any I have met. The even odder thing is…it was singing my name and sleep overwhelmed me.
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Doing this at schoool. haha I love internet.
Liacide XIII