Status: Complete! Prequel to Unbound (The Wild Ride).

Second Heartbeat

Chapter Three.

We all settled down to the table and began telling funny stories about the show we have played, telling them how much we adored them and that was an understatement. I folded my napkin, like an unwanted habit and I looked up and met eyes with Zacky. I looked away extremely fast and the voice contacted into my head once again, saying the same exact thing that it had before. My head snapped up and I looked straight at Zacky and smiled at him, knowing that I would possibly lose any chance of knowing him. I glanced over at Killa, who seemed to be enjoying herself next to Synyster as they talked about animals. Mr. Brightside was on Johnny Christ’s lap and he was laughing as the puppy licked some pizza sauce from his cheek. I whistled softly and he jumped down from Johnny’s lap and ran towards mine, but didn’t make it there.
Zacky then whistled for him and he actually went to him, instead of me. Zacky allowed the dog into his lap and whispered something into the puppy’s ear, which seemed to just perch up. Did he understand whatever Zacky told him? Mr. Brightside jumped from his lap and ran off out the doggy door we built for him recently. I turned around in my chair and stared after him, wondering where on earth that puppy was going so fast. I was drawn from my thoughts as The Rev began to speak to me.
“You know Justice, I have to give you major props” he stated staring into my eyes, smiling like no tomorrow.
“And why is this?” I questioned, facing him full on. I wasn’t accustomed to him talking to me, since I was the boring front man. I swore I heard Zacky scoff, but I let that slide past me and listened to what the Rev was going to tell me.
“Well, being able to go on stage with nothing to keep your mind on and just singing. Tell me, do you play any instruments?” he questioned the one thing I didn’t want anyone to ask. Everyone was staring at me now and I felt it, which made me a little nervous to answer.
“Well, I’ve tried to learn and yet no one could put up with my impatient ability and just gave up. I guess I’m just not cut out for playing an instrument, plus I have absolutely no rhythm and all that. Plus there are lots of front men who don’t play instruments, take Adam Lazara from Taking Back Sunday and yet he also hurt himself with a microphone…” I cut off laughing. Everyone else started laughing as well and I yawned, feeling sleep wanting to overcome me.
“That explains things quite well actually, thanks for telling me this and I’m sure Zacky could teach you guitar” he said gesturing to the still staring Zacky, which made me blush.
“That I could do, how about private lessons on the tour bus when you guys tour with us?” his question caught me off guard on two accounts. One because he was obviously flirting with ME! Come on, millions upon millions of gorgeous women out there and its ordinary me he chooses to flirt with? The second is…
“TOUR?” I screamed out the last of my thought, literally making everyone in the room jump in fright. The girls all came to realize what I said and they started freaking out with me, completely forgetting their cool. I don’t think the guys seemed to mind though, I’m pretty sure they were like this when they were signed. The next thing I know, Mr. Brightside jumped up on the table and barked, dropping something in Zacky’s hands. We all looked at him and I cocked my head as the others began jumping up and down, yes even the guys.
I walked the slightest bit closer to Zacky to see what was in his hands, but everything seemed to stand completely still. Next thing I knew, Zacky was gone and I was standing there and completely shocked by nothing. Everyone was still all happy go lucky and so I decided I’d just join right in, waiting for everyone to stop jumping up and down as I began to get a headache. When everyone did finally stop, we sat on the couches and began talking about the plans on where we were going to sleep. Turns out we get to be special guests on the A7x bus and they actually got a bigger bus with more sleeping quarters. They said that the tour would be starting in a full month and to make sure we have everything packed and dealt with by that time, seeing as though we’d be gone over the summer and then some, they sadly had to leave for a interview that night and told us that they would keep in contact, making sure we were ready and had all the necessary things.
We cleaned up the house and got a amazing tour of the bus, which like they said was huge! The sleeping arrangement was actually quite interesting, since Killa got a spot above Synyster and I told her no funny business. Completely joking of course and she just seemed to give me a sarcastic look, jumping on to Synyster’s bed.
“You know he is the first guy that I actually can get along with and he’s so sweet” Killa exclaimed once she knew that everyone was not in the room. I giggled and sat on the floor across from her. I could see it in the eyes that she was falling for him and that worried me, going on our first tour and all and they just met. I’m sure it’s just me being the type of person that worries too much over people, but it’s just who I am.
“Give it time please?” I asked biting my lip, trying to hide my worrying and that never worked. She nodded at me and bent over and hugged me, which reassured me a lot more. She pulled away and smirked at me.
“So, Vengeance eh?” she asked giggling a little bit louder than I did. I didn’t say anything, but my blushing face said a lot more than I ever could. She started laughing and everyone came into the back room of the bus, seeing what the commotion was. I looked up at everyone and got a shifty look on my face.
“What?” I asked in my fake innocent voice, making Mistique and Olice laugh.
“Don’t act all innocent, because we know the truth!” Mistique said as she tried catching her breath from laughing. Everyone chuckled at my glare I sent her and then M. Shadows cell started ringing.
“Hello…what are you talking about? Our interview is at eight tonight…those bastards did WHAT?” he yelled into his cell phone and caused all of us to jump. Something bad must have happened…duh. “They made it at six this morning? They didn’t even fucking tell us! They will get a complaint about this shit!” he exclaimed and shut his phone, throwing it on his bed with such force that it bounced off the bed and hit the wall and we all heard a crack.
“What did they do this time?” The Rev asked picking up the phone to look at it, seeing it had a cracked screen. I’m guessing this is not the first time someone has messed with the Shadow’s schedule and pissed him off royally.
“They said we had that interview this fucking morning, when I swear to god they said the time we ha…I’m sorry to say ladies, but we must bid you adue” he stated taking Killa’s hand in his and kissing it, then hugged her and then hugged the rest of us. We got off the bus and waved goodbye as they drove off like a bat out of purgatory down the street and out of sight. We all looked at each and screamed, before heading back inside and plopping down on the couch. Everything seemed to be like a dream to me that very moment and I never wanted it to end.
“Now what the hell are we gonna do for a month?” Olice asked us looking rather bored now. We all shrugged our shoulders and after about a hour of talking, before Killa’s cell went off and she excused herself from the room. I took this as an opportunity to go up to my room and check my facebook and when I opened my door and on my bed laid a single thorn less rose with a black lace bow on it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, chapter three.
I could be posting these everyday.
Making you all wait.
Love ya.
Liacide XIII