Status: Complete! Prequel to Unbound (The Wild Ride).

Second Heartbeat

Chapter Six.

I don't recall falling asleep, but when I did wake up the bus was moving and Zacky was back in his bunch. The chatter from the front of the bus and the sound of the breathing between Zacky and Mr. Brightside were synchronized. I climbed down from my bunk and placed the puppy next to him, causing Zacky to stir in his sleep. I made my way towards the front where everyone was playing Rock Band and fighting over who gets to play next. They all said hello to me and I sat down next to Mistique who was playfully pushing The Rev, making me think a lot more on the one she is keeping from us. I was a little shocked that no one was talking about anything, but the game and so I decided to speak.

“So when was Zacky turned?” I asked looking down at my chipping red nail polish. I heard the TV shut off and the whole atmosphere in the room changed.

“Justice, I thought we talked about this?” Killa asked staring me down. Syn placed a hand on her arm and looked me straight in the eyes.

“A month ago, right after we visited the guys from The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus and all we knew is that Ronnie took him out and when we found Zacky he was in his room almost dead. Blood was running down his face from Ronnie, we all suspected that Zacky was going to die until he was all giddy and hyper out of nowhere. That was two days before we came to visit you girls and when I found out he gave you that rose…something is going to happen on this tour that is going to change all of our lives. I'm sorry if this might endanger any of your lives, I truly am” he finished looking at Killa with such care that I just wanted to jump up and down and hug her, but knowing how nice of a moment it was, I wouldn't dare.

“So, are any of you guy's vampires?” Olice asked becoming rather frightened for someone who reads about vampires all the time. We all heard Johnny laughing from the driver's seat and he turned his head back towards her, not even watching the road.

“Girl, if anything I'm the one with a vampire fetish!” he exclaimed making everyone, but her laugh.

“It means he's not a vampire, but he digs getting bit” I stated trying not to laugh loud so Zacky didn't wake.

“No need to worry about being loud…I was awake when you placed Brightside here, next to me. Oh by the way, amazing joke Christ!” Zacky said sitting next to me. He had a hoodie and some shades on even though the shades were drawn.

“Thanks man, ya know how I do” Johnny chuckled loudly before paying attention to the road once more.

“I have to say, it took some courage coming out and saying that” Zacky said to me as he took the guitar away from Mistique and chose the hardest song, putting it on Expert. What a show off! All of the guys took the instruments from the girls and started showing off. Guys and their cockiness! Next thing I know M. Shadows was actually LOSING?!?! What has this world came to? Soon he was getting saved by The Rev and back into the system, not failing a second time.

After about an hour of playing none stop, they decided to pop in a movie and that movie just had to be one of my least favorite movies, Tropic Thunder. Watched it with Mistique, my cousin, and his girlfriend and I wanted to shoot myself in the head halfway through. I excused myself from the room and walked up to where Johnny Christ was driving, wondering if he wanted some company. I knocked on the wall next to his head and he glanced into the review mirror, motioning his head towards the seat and so I did. He was softly singing to himself and I just lend back against the head rest, staring at him and that caused him glance over and smile.

“What? Is my singing bugging you?” he asked in a sarcastic tone. I laughed and shook my head, not really sure on what exactly to say and he sensed that. “Thinking about Zacky?” he questioned, chuckling a slight bit.

“Wha….what are you talking about Christ?” I said after I regained my voice and stared at him with utter shock. I leaned in closer to Johnny and whispered to him, “Is it that obvious?”

“Only a little, don't worry too much about it kiddo” he said ruffling my hair like it didn't matter.

“Ya know only on person is allowed to do that and live” I stated playfully hitting his hand away from me.

We sat there in silence as we pulled into a parking lot with a bunch of other tour buses scattered around, since it was dark and all everyone was out with a streetlights providing some light on everything. Good thing there were at least some light, because if not any of us could be a victim to all vampires. Before we got off the bus, Syn stopped us for a short meeting.

“Remember, no direct contact with any of the guys from The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus because they are all vampires. Ryan and Brendon follow William Beckett only and they should be of no harm to you, unless given word to attack you. Pete was bitten by William, but chooses to be good and kill those for revenge. So far, only Zacky is a vampire and if I'm correct…they might try attacking one of you to make you one of them.” He said petting Killa's face ever so softly and she grabbed his hand and held it in hers. “Also, none of the guys from Good Charlotte are vampires…yet” he finished off before there was a knock on the door and M. Shadows opened it to reveal a patient looking Patrick Stump, making me almost fall over to the floor in shock. I have always been a fan of Fall Out Boy and I have listened to every one of their CD's, but never been to one of their concerts.

We opened the door and filed out of the bus, introducing ourselves to Patrick as we did so. He seemed to enjoy the fact that we all were a little star struck by being in his presence. He walked us over to a circle of tables that everyone was sitting on and just hanging out. They all seemed to stop talking when we walked up and Ronnie Winter walked up to me, checking me out like a piece of meat.

“It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss” he said putting his hand out for me to shake. I looked down at his hand and took a firm hold, matching even his strength…shockingly. I don't know where this strength is even coming from and it seemed to shock Ronnie.

“My name is Justice, get it? Got it? Good!” I said smirking while Ronnie's face became twisted with anger and confusion.

“Ha-ha, got ourselves a lively one guys” Brendon stated laughing at the fact that Ronnie turned and went back to his table. I heard Olice scoff as she walked over to introduce herself to Ronnie and his band. Even when told not to, she does and that could be an issue. She was told though and the rest is up to them, as long as I'm alive though…I'll try my best to stop them and the day she becomes one I will end the tragic mistake of all their lives. We walked over to Fall Out Boy's and Panic's table, where they made room for us.

“Nice to meet you all finally, heard so much about you…Zacky, might I speak to you for a quick second?” Pete Wentz asked him and they walked over to Pete's bus and went inside. They came back after a short period of time and Zacky had some blood on the side of his mouth, while we started talking about the tour I sat there touching one side of my mouth facing him. Jon Walker must have noticed it because he started laughing and nudged Spencer.

“Hey Vengeance, I think Pharos is trying to tell ya something!” Spencer exclaimed using my last name, also making me hit my face in frustration. He looked away as he wiped the blood off and smiled awkwardly. I felt a tug on my mind and a sudden dizziness.

“It's not blood, it is a mix Patrick had came up with during their video A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More Touch Me. Helps a lot actually, specially with the blood lust and all” Ryan stated pulling me from my confused thoughts.

“Ryan, what'd we say about talking about this?” Brendon growled hitting Ryan over the head.

“She knows for Christ sake” he whined and rubbed the back of his head.

“You know?” Almost everyone at the table asked all at once, scaring the hell out of me.

“Telekinesis works rather well, one of the many different powers you are given when you are bitten and some are lucky enough to even to survive the transformation. Some haven't been so lucky to when the vampire strain came into contact with the human strain which truly sorts out the strong from the weak, making the sorting out process much easier on all of us. Sad whenever the ones that we want to survive end up dead and the human part of us completely dies out from depression or the anger of what we have become. It's rather odd to be talking to humans about all of this, not sure how William will like that so much” Ryan finished looking over a Brendon who had been staring down Ryan the whole time.

“Oh wow” Killa stated as she leaned against Syn, who put an arm around her protectively.

“Are you two dating?” the sound of Billy Martin's voice rang out in our ears, while the rest of Good Charlotte followed.

“Not officially, but hopefully soon” Syn stated kissing the top of Killa's head.

“Aw…you do realize your friend is risking her life over there?” Joel Madden asked glancing over nervously.

“Yeah, we know this…she was warned and if we see anything unwanted going on, we'll interfere” Mistique stated for the first time since we got out of the bus. We all looked at her and I sighed, rubbing the back of my neck.

“Mist, you know you can't just do this shit that would be like going to a gun fight with a knife” I stated as I felt another pull on my mind, glancing at Ryan.

“Yet you would do it within seconds?” he asked cocking his head to one side.

“Well yes, but I'm more of the one to risk my life for people I love…not that she isn't…I just wouldn't allow any of them to die when I could do that. They have a lot more to live for and my sense of my name really fits me.” I said shrugging it off like it was nothing. Before any of them could speak, I heard a barking coming from our bus. “Shit, he's probably freaking out!” I exclaimed taking off towards the bus, forgetting all about the danger behind that could happen.

I opened the door open and Mr. Brightside jumped into my arms and then down onto the ground beside me. He started growling and I turned around to see the guys of RJA taking off with Olice, making Mistique and Killa were advancing and I took off towards them. Mr. Brightside was right on my heels as I started yelling Olice's full name trying to get her attention.

“Huh?” she said turning around as I finally came two feet from her, breathing heavily and anger flaring.

“Get to the group…NOW” I yelled glaring at her and she didn't argue and listened. Killa and Mistique got one look at me and brought Olice back to the group, while I faced them all. “You think you are going to change MY best friend?” I said getting up in Ronnie's face and letting my breath lace his face.

“You are not like your friends” he simply stated, ignoring my statement.

“Does it even look like I care about that?” I yelled feeling the want to punch him in his face and keep until he was nothing.

“Justice, he is not worth it” Pete said putting a hand on my shoulder, making a cold chill run up my spine. I turned to look at Pete and then looked back at Ronnie and his band, glaring at all of them before Pete guided me back to the bus. Mr. Brightside started panting and Pete reach down and petted him. “What's his name?”

“Mr. Brightside.”

“Good song” he said as Avenged Sevenfold and the girls came up to the bus. I thanked Pete for getting me away from them and he walked off, saying goodnight to everyone as he did so. We entered the bus and everyone was too silent for my taste and yet, I was glad it was. Silently we all left for our bunks and without another word the lights went off in our bus, but somewhere in my dreams a voice called to me.

“This is not over Justice!”
♠ ♠ ♠
hehe, I'm sorry I love me some vampries.
Liacide XIII