Status: Complete! Prequel to Unbound (The Wild Ride).

Second Heartbeat

Chapter Nine.

~Killa's Point of View~

Two Months Later

I couldn't hold my excitement in while walking home with Synyster from our walk out in the night. So much has happened in these last two months that I just couldn't get my mind into my training, even if my power was just seeing into the future. We walked into the warehouse, kissing Synyster sweetly on the lips before trying to find Justice to tell her the news. I could see her with my power in the library, crying like always and it killed me every time seeing her do so. I felt as though she was never going to heal if we didn't get this mission over with, so she could have Zacky back. I jumped from the first floor, to the second in one leap and opened the door, causing Justice to jump.

“Oh it is just you Killa.” She said sniffing back her tears and rubbing her eyes, acting as though she was sleeping.

“Just, you know I know that you were crying…but I got news that hopefully makes you happier!” I exclaimed taking her hand and sitting down on the love seat. So I began what had happened that night…

“Syn, where are you taking me?” I giggled as Syn, sweetly lead me away from our candle lit dinner at the Italian restaurant called The Fangz. Awkwardly funny when your thinking about the fact that their Italian vampires, who only allow vampires in there and occasionally a human when the inspector comes a knocking. The moon was ever so full as we entered a park that seemed to sparkle with the millions of lights that wrapped themselves around beautiful evergreen trees. The bridge looked so inviting above the calm water that made me wonder of all the mystery's that it held. I was led to under the bridge, next to a lonely looking willow tree that's limbs were so perfectly together in anyway. I couldn't help, but to slide my shoes off to dip my feet into the water, causing a ripple affect.

I looked back to find Syn smiling at me, leaning against the willow tree and I knew at that split second that I had to tell Synyster what I had found out. I walked over to him, looking into his eyes deeply to possibly see what he was thinking.

“Syn…I have to tell you something…” I said gulping a bit in fear of what he'll think.

“I as well have something to tell you…well, ask of you!” he exclaimed running a hand nervously through my hair. I tried seeing what it was, but Syn block off his memory which caused his future to go black. “Mind if I go first?”

“Not at all!” I exclaimed, excited by the mystery he was blocking from me.

“I know we haven't been and well known each other very long, but from the first moment I seen you…I felt a strong bond with you. People say that to be in love you must be together for at least a year or so and even then they judge, but I say who gives a fuck what they think. All that matters is us being together for the rest of our unnatural, immortal lives, seeing as though we can't die all that easily. And with that I ask you Killa for your hand in marriage, until…well death do us part, even then will part of us die with the other?” he asked getting on one knee and pulling out a emerald green box, opening it to reveal a perfect princess cut diamond with green sapphires around it in roses. I felt my whole body leap with excitement as I tackle him to the soft grass, kissing him with such passion that gave him his answer. He slipped the ring onto my finger and began slow dancing with me as the wind blew through the willow tree and the smell of lavender rose into the air.

I seen that excited light fill Justice's eyes as she literally started jumping up and down, screaming like a little school girl. I laughed at her excited ness, saying ah what the hell and joining her in her excitement. This is the happiest I've seen her since the news of getting signed and it made me happy that my little squirt was happy. We finally settled down and sat on the couch, breathing heavily from all the noise.

“Wait, so what was your news to him?” she asked looking suddenly concerned, yet something in her eyes knew something almost exciting was to come.

`I'm Pregnant!” I screamed in yet another burst of happiness. I swear, she jumped up so fast and then a kind of disgusted/curious look crossed her face.

“What was it like? No I don't want to know…ok that's a lie…damn it I don't know if I want to hear this at all!” she said grabbing her head in confusion, causing me to let out a forceful laugh.

“I'll talk to you when your older.” I said patting her on the head, causing her to pout and cross her arms over her chest.

“Not fair!” she said, walking out of the room with me and it was dinner time, so we jumped from the top floor to the ground floor. Tonight's menu: Formula, much like every other night and once in a while we got a pizza and pop, but only if we behaved. Hah, I swear we misbehaved so much that Patrick was always running off to the library to get away from us loud vampires who spend our free time on Guitar Hero or chastising Mistique and The Rev.

“You two need to get ready for your mission ok? I'm not totally comfortable with Killa going out in this state, but it has to be done.” Synyster said wrapping his arms softly against my stomach and kissing the top of my head.

“I'll take care of her, don't you worry bout that!” Justice exclaimed, tossing Joel the guitar in the middle of Through the fire and flames, making him scream a little bit in fright. Much to my dismay, we had to dress provocatively to catch the attention of the enemy; shockingly Justice was ok with this. Never said she was a normal person!

I just chose some tight black leather pants and a dressy looking black shirt that showed curves, some awesome fingerless gloves and I put my hair up in a ponytail. Justice on the other hand, chose a black and red mini skirt, some black leggings, and a pretty red, silky top that looked gorgeous on her. We both put on Converse though, just because we could and we're just that odd. I got to get a nice gun out of this though, since my power is only seeing into the future and all that, a Desert Eagle that was modified to kill a vampire. Justice upgraded her dagger, where it was laced in werewolf venom and had it in a holster on her leggings. We got into the white Mustang GT; Synyster got me as a two month gift making me totally geek out over it. I let the engine roar to life and blazed out the parking garage in the warehouse. We approached our designated spot and I parked in a abandoned parking lot for a store, killing the engine before we got out.

“Whatever happens, if I get hurt you get out of there.” I told Justice, who rolled her eyes.

“No way in hell that's going to happen while I'm around, you can count on that!” she stated opening her door and stepping out into the night air. I sighed in aggravation and followed out, locking the door and placing the key in a safe place inside the wheel. It didn't take us long before we walked up to a giant fountain that had a angel overlooking it, lighted with multiple colored lights. Moments later, Ronnie and his group appeared around us, trapping us by the fountain with no way out.

“Well, well, well isn't this a pleasant surprise?” Ronnie said licking his lips, chuckling along with his group.

“Oh, but their not human anymore baby and you promised me that they would be!” Olice said as she walked from behind Ronnie. “Eh, this will be more fun won't it?”

“Heh, that's not for you to find out.” An eerie voice called from the darkness, catching all of us off guard. William and the rest of the Dandies appeared from the shadows and Justice seen Zacky from behind William, causing her to choke back tears. “They are the Dandies pets not yours, seeing as though your unworthy of his good presence…I don't think he'll care if we kill you.” With that the Dandies scattered everywhere around us all and trapped us in the fountain. Justice muttered something as she pushed her way beside me, staring down William.

“Damn it William, this is our fucking battle!” she yelled jumping out of the cold water.

“With what a simple little knife laced in werewolf venom?” Zacky snarled at her while William was making his way towards Ronnie. “Or with a woman who is caring a child with a simple little gun? You don't know what your doing Justice, your still a young vampire!”

“Why do you give a flying fuck? I will and shall protect the ones I love until my last breath is gone. Then I shall fight my way through hell to get back, dancing with the devil if I have to!” she spat at him and he appeared behind her, causing her to jump in a some what fright.

He said something in her ear and then William appeared behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

“Your coming with me.” He said then everything went black.
♠ ♠ ♠
haha, there will be a fight soon.
Liacide XIII