‹ Prequel: Adjustments



It had been a month, and everything was just starting to seem right, even though everything was wrong in the world of the CSI’s.

Riley, the new CSI, was following Greg around and quite frankly it was making him uncomfortable as he walked into the victim’s bedroom.

Greg looked at the TV area while Riley searched at a night stand right when Nick got off the phone with Grissom “Grissom says to look for any S&M paraphernalia.” He said.

Riley smirked “I once had an old lady…seventies, I had to process her vibrators…some of them burnt out!” she said.

Greg stopped searching and thought about he had just heard before turning to Riley and cocked an eye brow “Why would you process her ‘tuning forks’?” he asked.

“I’m thorough…” Riley remarked.

Greg shook his head as he searched the room, looking on the TV to find an interesting find “…I found a booty smudge on the TV…” he said.

Nick couldn’t help but giggle to himself, he hadn’t heard Greg use the word ‘booty’ before.

It was silent for awhile before out of nowhere Riley sighed heavily “What does it say about me that I always find the smut?” she asked.

Greg stood up quickly “That you’re lucky!” he said, moving to the large suitcase of S&M tools.

The two CSI’s looked through the suitcase when Riley looked at Greg “Have you ever been tied up?” she asked.

Greg cocked an eye brow and smirked “What do you think?” he asked in a coy manner.

In all honesty, Emily had only tied Greg up once, only because he bruised her butt cheek with his fingers…it wasn’t pretty.

“I think you’re more into hair pulling!” Riley whispered.

Nick nearly chocked on air “Hey, knock it off!” he said. Nick’s sense of flirting between the two of them only made Nick’s heart ache…if only Emily knew what Greg was doing, Riley Adams would be a dead woman.

Greg let a small smile escape his lips as he turned away from Nick and back at the suitcase.
It was only a matter of time before Emily’s secret would bitch slap her in the face; she was feeding Lenni in the kitchen when she realized she was out of food.

Though the baby was fed, Emily knew she had to get more food before she forgot, which meant she had to go to the store tonight.

Emily grabbed her jacket as she walked out into the living room not paying any attention to the company in the room.

“Hey, Elenore is out of food, so I’m going to the store and—” Emily looked up to see her father staring at her in pure shock.

Grissom and Emily shared a glance that hadn’t been shared in a long time “Dad…” she whispered.

Lady Heather sighed “You need to tell him,” she insisted.

Emily shook her head “No, I can’t.” she said, resisting Heather’s request.

“Tell him.” Heather persisted.

Grissom took in a deep breathe “Tell me, what?” he asked.

Emily took in a deep breathe, her hands in her back jean pockets as she looked at her father “Dad, Greg and I are separated.” She said.

Grissom couldn’t believe it; first him and Sara, and now his own daughter and her husband.

“What happened?” he asked.

Emily shook her head “Dad, I really don’t want to talk about it.” She said.

“NO…what happened? You two are so in love!” Grissom persisted, coming towards his daughter in a distraught rage.

Emily backed up and put her hand in between her and Gil Grissom “I’ll tell you, when I get back from the store.” She said, walking away from her father and out of the house.
“You know, I got a real dominatrix vibe from Ms. Tournay.” Nick said, leaning against the table.

Catherine smirked “Her and Lady Heather could be sisters!” she protested.

“Whose Lady Heather?” Riley asked.

Greg smirked “Oh, that’s a whole other Oprah!” he said, turning back to Catherine, when it hit him.

He knew where Emily was! The victory was fresh in his mind, but he couldn’t just leave his case and go after his separated wife.

This was now going to be an even longer night for Greg Sanders.
“Are you okay?” Emily asked, staring at her father as he gripped his cup of coffee.

Heather was sitting across the way watching the father and daughter slightly interact for the first time in a long while.

Grissom didn’t look away from his cup “It doesn’t make any sense…” he said, turning to Emily “Why would Greg do that?” he asked.

Emily shrugged her shoulders “It’s very complicated dad…” she said.

“Can’t be too complicated!” Grissom said, putting his coffee cup down and looked dead into Emily’s eyes.

Emily sighed “Dad, we’ve having problems since the Miniature Killer incident…” she said, leaning back into her seat.

Grissom was confused “Why?” he asked.

“I needed more time to process everything…and I started to pull away from everyone. And life got really hard for Greg when I wasn’t around much.” Emily explained.

Grissom reached for Emily’s hand “Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked.

“Because you would’ve killed him, and I wasn’t sure what to do.” Emily said, taking in a deep breathe.

Grissom took in a deep breathe “How long have you been separated?” he asked softly.

Emily thought for a moment “…eight months…” she said.

“And you still haven’t made a decision yet?” Grissom asked.

Emily shook her head “No.” she whispered.

Grissom sighed “This explains so much. Greg’s been moping, just thought he wasn’t getting enough sleep. But it turns out he’s been in bed alone for eight months…” he said, thinking for a moment.

“…you should let it go.” Grissom said, getting up from the couch and walking into the kitchen.

Emily and Heather shared a glance “…and there you have it. An official opinion to the person whom it matters most to.” she said.

“I wouldn’t call it that.” Emily said, leaning back in her couch just as the baby monitor soared with the noise of Lenni crying.

Emily sighed as she slowly got off the couch, Heather persisted “No-no, I’ll get her!” she said, getting out of her chair and walking up the stairs.

The night, for Emily, had taken a turn for the horrific. She didn’t know how this was going to end for anybody.