‹ Prequel: Adjustments



Lenni was asleep as Emily read a magazine on the couch, the silence in the house was beautiful for her ears until her cell phone vibrated.

Emily reached out for it and smiled as she picked it up “Hey.” She said with a smile.

“Oh, my god…Emily, did you know? I didn’t see it coming what are we going to do!?” Greg asked, almost pleading with his wife.

Emily was shocked “Woah, woah, woah, Greg…slow down!” she said, putting her magazine aside.

Greg took a deep breathe “Grissom’s quitting…” he said.

“What?” Emily said in disbelief.

Greg nodded “Yeah, Grissom told us that he was quitting…and Catherine was going to be the new supervisor…and—and…god, Ems…” he said.

Emily was in a daze as her husband nearly had a panic attack, she didn’t know why he was so worked up when Grissom was HER father.

“Listen, I’ll talk to Grissom when I have a chance…okay?” Emily said, sitting on the edge of the couch.

Greg took in a deep breathe “Alright.” He said.

Emily nodded “Now go do what you got to do, alright?” she said.

“Alright, I love you.” Greg said before hanging up his phone.

Emily was in total shock as her cell phone slipped out of her hands and onto the carpet, she tried to contain herself as she slowly stood up and paced around the house for a moment.

There came a knock on the door, Emily sighed as she slowly walked towards the door and opened it.

Grissom stood before Emily with a sullen look to his face.

She couldn’t help herself, she teared up as she leaned up against the door frame “…where you gonna go?” she asked.

Her father sighed as he held her in for a hug and closed his eyes tightly. He never actually thought this day would come; when Emily and Gil Grissom would have to part and go separate ways.

Grissom let go of his daughter and looked into her blue eyes “So you know?” he asked.

“Greg called, he was hysterical, I couldn’t believe it…” Emily said, closing the door behind her as Grissom finally walked into the house.

Grissom nodded “I just feel that it’s best if I go…” he said.

Emily smirked “Best for you or for the team?” she asked.

“For myself,” he insisted.

Emily nodded “The first selfish thing you’ve ever done, congratulations…” she remarked.

Grissom shook his head “No, my first act of selfishness was adopting you.” He said.

Emily sighed as she sat at the dinner table, she looked at her father with nothing but confusion in her eyes as she let her eyes water up.

“I don’t think I can let you go…don’t want you to leave Las Vegas…not without me.” Emily said, knowing she was sounding crazy.

Grissom sat next to her and took her hands “Just because I’m gone, doesn’t mean you can’t pull a Grissom anymore…” he said.

Emily let a small chuckle escape her lips “…I haven’t pulled a Grissom moment since I was in high school…” she whispered to him.

Grissom nodded “Emily sighed as she sat at the dinner table, she looked at her father with nothing but confusion in her eyes as she let her eyes water up.

“I don’t think I can let you go…don’t want you to leave Las Vegas…not without me.” Emily said, knowing she was sounding crazy.

Grissom sat next to her and took her hands “Just because I’m gone, doesn’t mean you can’t pull a Grissom anymore…” he said.

Emily let a small chuckle escape her lips “…I haven’t pulled a Grissom moment since I was in high school…” she whispered to him.

Grissom nodded “You’re going to be fine.” He assured her.
Grissom and Greg sat alone in the A.V. room, trying to find the location of the Dick and Jane killer’s hideout.

Greg sighed “I just wanted to thank you for putting me out in the field…” he said, turning to Grissom.

Grissom smiled “I bet sometimes you wished I hadn’t…” he said.

“Yeah, but…you changed my life.” Greg said, being the most sincere he possibly could.

Grissom smiled at Greg, the moment between Son-in-Law and Father-in-Law was probably once of the most impacting moments for the both of them.

Greg cleared his throat “So, anyway…”

Grissom turned to Greg “You’ll take care of Emily?” he asked.

“Of course!” Greg promise, he turned back to Grissom “I know that the separation is going to do some damage…” he said.

Grissom patted his back “Don’t let this get to her.” He said.

Greg nodded “I won’t.” he promised Grissom, turning back to the screen.
Grissom was going through the stuff in his office, the pictures of Emily immediately went into the boxes but one caught his eye.

It was old, crumpled up and Grissom was pretty sure he had lost it.

The picture was of Emily in high school in a park with Warrick having a Hula-Hoop contest.

Grissom smiled as he looked at the picture, finding Warrick’s funeral pamphlet behind the picture.

The fond and tragic memories of being in Las Vegas made Grissom a vulnerable man as he put it all in the box with all the other pictures and files.

Grissom walked down the hallway and watched as his team continued to work and enjoy each others company.

He was going to miss everyone dearly as he made one final glance at Catherine, who smiled at him before looking back to Ecklie.

Emily came running up behind Grissom “DAD!” she yelled, she was nearly out of breathe when she got to him.

She took him by the shoulders “It clicked…I know where you’re going…go to her!” she said, being confident with her words.

Grissom smiled as he hugged her tightly “I’m going to miss you the most…” he told her.

“You better.” She said, letting a tear fall down her cheek.

Grissom pulled away from the hug and looked at Emily “Promise me one thing.” He asked.

“Sure.” Emily whispered.

Grissom stroked his daughters hair “Try and have another baby…I want lots of grandchildren in my retirement!” he said.

Emily giggled “I make no guarantees…but I’ll try, even if it means adopting…” she said.

Grissom smiled as he took his hand back and away from Emily and turned around to leave the Las Vegas crime lab for the last time.

Emily sighed, she didn’t want it to be the end, but she knew this wasn’t the end of anything, except Grissom’s time and career in Las Vegas.