Don't Jump

Don't Jump

I walk up the stairs of the building determined, brave. I can do it this time. i won't chicken out. I can't take this anymore. The stairs become harder to climb. with every step my heart speed up. Step. Badump. Step. Badump. Badump. I reach the top of the building and set my hand against the cold metal door. My breathing slowly calms and I smile to myself. This is the closest I've come. I know I can do it now.

I push the metal door and hear the sound of scraping metal. The door opens and I feel the cool night wind caress my face. Don't do thisit whispers. I ignore the warning and let my feet carry me out of the rust filled stairwell. Air slaps me in the face the second I step out as if it's trying to push me back. It pushed and pulls t my hair, causing me to be blinded. "Leave me alone!" I scream at the top of my lungs. Everything goes quiet and my hair falls back to my shoulders.

I take confident steps towards the ledge telling myself over and over, this is for you. I reach the ledge and pull myself up to stand on it. As I look down at the city I think, if only you were here. We would be walking those streets together. A tear slips down my face and is replaced by coldness as it falls into the city that means nothing to me without you.

I look down to the street to find you standing there, tears in your eyes. Your mouth moves and wind rushes to my ears. Don't jump. I can't catch you. This will only end in sadness. Don't do it. I look down in shock at you, not hearing a thing you say. I let myself fall from the building, arms reaching towards you. As I fall you disappear into mist. I told you I can't catch you. your voice whispered as my mind went into blackness.
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I got the idea from music video by tokio hotel. The name also. The song is don't jump. This story does have meaning even though it's short. No it didn't happen to me. I did put thought into it though. If you don't get what I'm saying ask me if you want to know. I might have not showed it or you don't get it. Either way. Hope you liked.