You're My Favorite Explosion.

Medically Speaking You're Quite Adorable.

Jack's P.O.V.

I sat bored. Flyziks parties were always the same. Loud Music, good music, but never the right girl. I walked in not really enthusiastic towards partying. i did my rounds of 'hellos' then sat at my normal spot next to the alcohol. Where i could watch everyone and at the same time have alcohol within arms reach.

I sat with my beer focusing in on Alex dancing with girls all around him. I laughed at him. He looked overwhelmed trying to deal with the four girls dancing on him. He was concentrating so hard on the beat that his tongue was sticking out of the side of his mouth. I began to laugh at this. I didn't notice the girl who had been sitting next to me until I heard her giggling too. I looked over at her and she was watching Alex intently. I took in her beautiful blue eyes and dark long eyelashes that looked vibrant next to her pale skin, and then her softly curled blonde hair that was pushed back in a headband. She was about to look up at me but I just turned back to my beer.

"Are you new here too?" I heard her ask. I looked over at her again and this time she was staring right at me.

"Uh- No. Just not in the mood for partying I guess." I mumbled. I didn't think I had said it loud enough me but she assured me by laughing.

"Wow, I guess you didn't really strike me as that kind of guy." she shrugged.

"Yeah. I like to be able to watch people be stupid yet have alcohol in my reach so soon enough I'll be acting stupid too. It's something i ease in too." I told her.

"Wow. My type of man. Even if I wasn't new I'd probably be standing here." she laughed.

"Where are you from?" I asked her. She did have a bit of an accent but I couldn't tell where it was from.

"Washington, as in the state. I moved out here a few weeks ago, and I met Matt's girlfriend at work. She invited me here."

"Oh, cool. Matt is my manager."

"OH! So you're in the band he manages?"

I felt hesitant to answer this. Whenever girls found out I was in a band they immediately wanted to jump my bones. For whatever reason I ignored this thought.

"Uhm, yeah. I'm lead guitarist."

"Mmmm. A rockstar, eh? I was a rockstar for halloween once." she laughed. This caused me to chuckle too.

"I was a Q-Tip for halloween once." I said shrugging. She partially choked on the drink in her hand and began laughing.

"A Q-Tip? How the fuck did you pull that off?"

"I wore all white and then my mommy made me a wig out of cotton balls." I smiled.

"You're mommy?" she smiled. "A rockstar who loves their mommy. I like you Mr. Rockstar." she turned her body to me and laughed.

"Oh, right. I'm Jack!" I said putting my hand out to her.

"I"m Constantine." she said putting her hand in mine.

Who the fuck names their kid Constantine? I thought.

She must have read my mind because she laughed and shook her head. "I was kidding, my name is really Celina I just secretly wish my name was Constantine."

"Why? Celina is a beautiful name." I smiled.

"Oooooh! He's a charmer too? Wow, well Mr. Rockstar, I mean Jack, I think you're proving my stereotype of band boys wrong!" she laughed and winked at me.

"I would like to be enlightened. Share your stereotype with me?"

"Hmm, well, self centered, good looking, arrogant, obnoxious, stupid, disrespectful, irresponsible, should I go on?" she explained.

"Well, how do you know I'm not any of those things?" I asked.

"I won''t deny the second one because you are good looking, but if you were self centered or arrogant, you wouldn't be talking to me right now. If you were obnoxious or disrespectful then instead of looking in my eyes you would have been staring at my tits, or you would've atleast tried to grab my ass by now." she told me and then laughed when I did glance down at her chest.

"And, all rockstars are irresponsible, but I won't hold that one against you." She laughed.

"Well, thank you. I'm glad i broke the stereotype. I must not be a true rockstar." I faked a cry and she jokingly patted me on the back.

"It's okay rockstar, you're friend Alex over there has enough of those traits in him to make up for what your lacking." she laughed.

"Yeah... Alex is something else. So you and kara work together?"

"Mmhmm. I am the DJ on 90.7 from nine A.M. to one in the afternoon everyday except sunday." she informed me.

"That's awesome. I will listen to your show tomorrow then!" I promised.

"Alright. I will make a special shout out for you then." she smiled. "It looks like I should get going soon, I have work in the morning." she sighed.

"Well, hey! I'd like to see you again? Do you think I could get you're number?" I asked her.

She smiled and the heat rushed to her cheeks, I was confused as she reached into her purse and pulled out a pen. She grabbed my hand then wrote her number on my palm and drew a little happy face and signed her name.

"See you around Rockstar." she smiled before turning and walking away leaving me breathless.
♠ ♠ ♠


Already. Gah.

Here is the outfit she was wearing at the party ---->