You're My Favorite Explosion.

Take Me Down To The Little White Church.



I awoke to the sound of shuffling on the carpet. When i wiped the sleep out of my eyes I looked up to see Celina getting dressed while whisper-shouting into her phone. I sat up fully and she glanced over at me sending a smirk my way. Once she finally hung up her phone she looked over at me.

"Well, good morning rockstar." she smiled.

I smiled back, I didn't want her to leave, I wanted her to get back in bed and cuddle with me. Instead I just quietly kept watching as she brushed through her soft blonde hair and then put on some lip gloss and mascara. I loved how simple things were with her. She didn't try hard to impress people. Most girls come into casting calls with pounds of makeup on and high designer clothes, but Celina had a tee shirt on and a pair of skinny jeans.

"Well, I better get going.." she sighed. She walked over to me and kissed me softly on the lips. She tried to pull away but I grabbed her leg and pulled her onto the bed.

"Celina, I don't want you to leeeaaavveee." I whined. She just smacked my head and tried to get her leg free of my grip.

"Jack. I have to go! I actually want this job!" she pleaded.

"Well, can you come over after?" I begged. She laughed at my puppy dog eyes and then kissed my cheek.

"I can't I promised Alex I would hang out with him today. We're going shopping!" she laughed.

I felt almost angry, after last night she's going to ditch me for Alex? I guess I still hadn't asked her out though, so she had no obligation to me. She wasn't just some casual fuck though, she was more. I wanted to tell her that but it feels like everytime I opened up with my feelings, I got shot down.

"Fine. I will only let you go if you promise to stay the night again tonight!" I compromised she just rolled her eyes then nodded her head yes.

"You have to say out loud that you promise you'll stay the night!" I told her.

"Fuck, Jack. I am going to be late. Okay, Jack, I promise-- even though I have to work in the morning-- that I will spend the night." she rolled her eyes.

"Celina I have to work too. The JAGK shoot is tomorrow." I said releasing her leg. She bent down and grabbed her purse before walking out.

I laughed when I heard her open the door and then yell 'my clothes will be on at ALL times tonight Rockstar!' then quickly shut the door before I could protest.


I shoved open the door of Dorrance Phototgraphy afraid I was late due to Jack's whining. I sighed in relief as I saw that the waiting room was still full of tall stick thin girls. I walked up to the secretary who smiled at me.

"Bradham, Celina." I stated. She ran her finger down the list of ladies and then gave me a sticker with my number on it.

"Good luck darling!" she gave me a thumbs up and I nodded a thank you before taking a seat next to a pretty red headed girl.

I felt out of place as I looked around me at all of the girls who looked like they got their makeup professionally done, and had a personal stylist who had dressed them. The redhead next to me looked out of place as well. She was wearing barely any makeup (like me) and a pair of american eagle jeans with a cardigan. I turned to her and smiled.

"Hi, I'm Celina." I offered out my hand and she took it flashing me a warm smile.

"I'm Kayden. It's nice to meet you." I withdrew my hand and then took another look at the girls in the room and gulped.

"Are you new to this?" Kayden chuckled. I just nodded my head and Kayden continued "Don't worry. It's girls like us that usually get the job. The judges see right through all the broads in here, they can tell when some girls try TOO hard to be pretty."

"Well, that's nice to know. Thanks, alot!" I smiled. It was nice to get some reassurance and hope from someone who didn't even know me. I looked over at Kayden's purse and smiled when I saw she had an Oregon Ducks key chain.

"Are you from Oregon?" I asked her. She nodded her head vigorously then eyed me.

"You're definately a pacific northwester. I can spot them from a mile away here." she smiled and began to giggle. I joined in with her laughter.

"Yepp. I am from Seattle Washington." I told her.

"Hmm, coffee capitol of the world eh? Speaking of coffee. I need caffeine, do you want to go get a Starbucks after this?" she asked. I began to nod and then remembered Alex. My face fell.

"Do you mind if my friend Alex comes? I promised I do something with him today."

"No, that's completely fine. A boy eh? Is he like a love interest?" she laughed.

"No! Not at all! I am actually with his best friend- well sort of- and me and Alex just have a good relationship. You know, I think you'd like Alex! And You're just the kind of girl he needs, are you single?" I asked. She must have seen the hope in my eyes because she laughed and then rolled her eyes.

"Let me guess, he wants you, but you don't feel the same way? Sure. I can take one for the team I guess. Is he cute?" she asked biting her lip.

"Holy shit, you have no idea. He makes me cream in my shorts. He is one of the most attractive males I have ever laid eyes on, I just have so much more in common with Jack. So I control my attraction to Alex." I laughed.

She hunched over in her seat and clutched her sides as she laughed.

"Okay, well if he is as hot as you say he is, I bet I'll enjoy him."

"NUMBER 432098. PLEASE COME." I heard over the intercom. I realized that was my number and stood up.

I gave Kayden a nervous smile before I walked back to the room where the judges were waiting. One of the models I had seen earlier walked out of the door with tears and mascara chunks running down her face. I felt my stomach plunge. I was afraid of failure, if they critiqued me in a terrible way I might not be able to handle it. I opened the door the model had just walked out of and plastered a smile on my face as I looked at the four scouts sitting at the table. The angry looking man on the end was the first to speak.

"Name, age, and occupation please."

"I am Celina Leigh Bradham, I am 19, and I work for a radio station I have my own radio show." I smiled. The nerves were wearing down as I took deep breaths and thought about Jack. I pretended it was him I was talking too.

"Have you ever modeled before?"

"No sir, this is my first time."

"A rookie eh? Okay, well we're going to take your measurements and then we will take a few head shots, alright?"

I just nodded a reply and smiled at him warmly. For the first time the angry look was washed off of his face and he smiled back at me. I was always told that my smile was contagious, so I used it to my advantage alot. I just stood still as a girl who looked about my age with glasses on came over and measured me in various places. She then lead me over to a little white back drop and placed me in front of a camera.

"Okay, we usually take three headshots. So for the first one I want it to scream confidence, alright?" I just nodded in reply and then hooked my fingers into the belt loops of my black skinny jeans and lifted my head up and made sure I had good posture before smiling big in her direction.

"Now, act like you are just REALLY frustrated."

I knotted my hands in my hair and scowled in her direction, I remembered how irritated I was that night at the bar with Jack and it made my scowl grow. She smiled at me

"Wow, you're a natural rookie. I think you may be what they're looking for today. Now for the last one I am going to give you this volleyball, act like you're having fun."

She threw the ball at me and I tossed it into the air and attempted to catch it. When it landed on the ground I hunched over in laughter, I was just so uncoordinated sometimes.I heard the camera snap and then continued laughing.

"Sorry, I meant to catch that. I just really suck in anything that has to do with sports."I laughed.

"No, it's alright. That was probably the best anybody has done with that pose today. I will take these over to Roger- He's the one who looks angry all the time- and then you need to fill out this." she handed me a peice of paper that looked to be a survey.

When she walked away I sat down on the ground and began to fill out the survey.

1. Do you have any tattoos or piercings?

I have tattoos on both of my hips, both of my shoulder blades, one on the back of my neck, one behind my ear, and one on my foot. Only my ears and my nose are pierced.

2. Are you on a set diet plan?

No, I pretty much eat whatever I want. I have a fast metabolism so I am naturally thin, but I do work out alot.

3. Are you fine with travelling? Would you relocate if you had an oppurtunity in this business else where?

I love to travel, like, ALOT! I would definately consider relocating if it was the best for my career.

4. Does your other occupation come before your modeling?

I have been thinking about quitting for a while now. I love what I do, but the pay sucks and the other employees creep me out. Modeling would come first if it was a set in stone thing, and I knew for sure I'd be able to take care of myself and make a living off of it.

5. Are you sexually active, do you plan on getting pregnant in the near future?

I don't want my own children. I plan to adopt, so NO. Trust me, I have taken the necessary steps to make sure I will not be getting pregnant anytime soon.

"Celina? They'd like to see you again." the girl with glasses said to me. I looked up to her and smiled before following her back to the table that the four men were sitting at.

Roger stood up when he saw me approaching and smiled at me once more.

"Celina, you're head shots were very impressing for it being your first time."

"Thank you sir." I smiled at him again.

"We are actually very impressed with you, can I see that paper if you're finished?" he asked.

I nodded lightly and handed it to him. He read the first question and raised his eyebrows before looking at me.

"Do you mind showing us all of your tattoos and explaining them?" he asked. I just smiled and nodded. I loved my tattoos, they were what I was most proud of. I pulled off my shirt and then turned around.

"As you can see here on my shoulder blades there are two sparrows flying towards eachother, there really is no meaning to this one, I just like birds."

I then lifted up my hair and showed them my neck.

"This is an actual picture of a heart. I found it in a medical magazine, and then below it in french it reads "I Will Possess Your Heart" which is a song by one of my favorite bands Death Cab For Cutie. Then the small one here behind my ear is a treble clef, representing my love for music." I let my hair fall back down onto my neck and then turned around.

"On the right hip you see two swallows flying together, me and my best friend got them together as a symbol of our friendship. The left hip is two girls that look as if they just jumped off of something and they have their arms around eachother, and as you can see there is birds flying around them. This is from an album cover from this band I used to absolutely adore in high school. I got it in my junior year, it was kind of just a symbol of my love and respect for them." I gulped as I pulled my shirt on over my head and then slipped the toms I was wearing off. "Now on my foot. I have this tribal flower, it actually represents love for your father in some indian tribe. My dad died when I was younger, so I just thought it would be cool to have that on my body."

Roger nodded and then looked back down to the paper as I slipped my shoes back on. I sat there in silence as he talked with the three other men and they would glance at me every now and then.

"Celina, we love you. We think you are so original, we love how simple you are and just your personality about things in general. We would love to add you to our company." Roger stood up.

"Seriously? Like, no joke?" I stuttered.

"No, infact we can draw up your contract right here right now, I will be your new manager,and Sarah over there is your new assistant." he pointed over to the girl with glasses who had been helping me out earlier.

"Wow, uh, yeah! Wow. Just tell me where to sign." I laughed. Roger began to chuckle too and then they put their heads back into a circle as they pulled out paper and paper from a file cabinet. Sarah walked up to me and smiled.

"Well, I am now your go to girl. Anything you need, I cover it. I schedule you're appointments, I handle your paychecks, I make sure everything is set up for you so your life runs easy. So here, take this blackberry, it is your work phone. It is the one I will contact you on, and so will Roger. Also that is the phone that designers or magazines that are interested will contact you on. Though they will mostly call me and then I will just run it by you before confirming. So take this home with you this weekend and fill it out. It is just forms that will tell me all of your medical information, and banking numbers and stuff. So I can get it set up so I can schedule you appointments as needed and deposit your checks for you. It is completely private, I will not be allowed to see your balance nor will I be able to take money out so don't worry about getting stolen from. My number is already programmed in there, I will see you monday. We'll go for coffee. Alright?"

I tried to process everything she had just said and then nodded before placing the blackberry in my bag and turned my attention to Roger who handed me a contract for me to look over and fill out then give to Sarah on monday. After I hugged him I walked out of the office and screamed with joy.
♠ ♠ ♠
2nd update today! Wooohooo!

So, what are you guys feeling? What do you think is gonna happen? Give me feedback!

Outfit for Casting Call-