You're My Favorite Explosion.

I Would Kiss You Even If You Were Dead.


"Kayden! You were right! I got it! I'm in!" I screamed she just laughed and smiled at me and grabbed my hand before pulling me out of the office with her.

"Hey, don't you still have to go in?" I questioned.

"Honey! Please, I'm not wearing a number am I? I've been modeling for them for years. I was in there just to renew my contract, which I did while you were in there." she chuckled.

"Oh, alright. Well let me call Alex and see what he wants to do or where he wants to meet." I told her before pulling my iPhone out and dialing Alex's phone number.

After about three rings he picked up his phone.
"Hey there! Are we still on for today?"
'yeah. Where do you want to meet?'
"I don't know we can go eat because I am starving, and I have someone for you to meet." I said while throwing a smirk in Kayden's direction, she just rolled her eyes and laughed.
'Really? Who?'
"Oh, you know, just one of my model friends, because you know I am a model now!" I exclaimed.
'okay. Well then I will meet you at Panera in twenty minutes. You can tell me about how the thingy went there. Bye Celina.' I rolled my eyes at his lack of excitement and then turned to Kayden who was lighting a cigarette.

"Do you want me to drive?" I asked her.

"Sure" she shrugged.

We walked to my car just mindlessly chattering about random things. I remembered that Kim had mentioned something about a naughty or nice party coming up that the guys have every year. I looked over to Kayden who had just put her cigarette out and was stepping into my car. I started up the car and then turned down the music.

"There is this holiday party coming up, my friends throw it every year, it's called the Naughty or Nice party, I was wondering if you'd like to go to that?" I asked her. She smiled over at me and nodded.

"Most girls just wear some form of christmas lingerie. We can go shopping for it together." I suggested. She once more nodded and then fiddled with the iPod that was plugged into my cars stereo.

"Wow, we have like the exact same taste in music my dear." she exclaimed as she kept scrolling down my iPod's artists. She settled on 'Whoever She Is' by The Maine and we both began to sing along. When we had finally reached Panera Bread we were both singing very loudly to Here It Goes by Jimmy Eat World, and laughing our asses off at the same time. I saw Alex's car parked up by the front door and parked right next to it. I took the keys out of the ignition and then put them in my purse.

"Okay, be prepared. Alex can be a little- uh- silly at times." I warned her. She just smiled and shrugged.

"No big deal. I love weirdies."

We walked in and I immediately spotted Alex sitting in a booth staring at me.

"Wow, you weren't lying. I just came in my pants." Kayden giggled from beside me.

We took our seats and I watched Alex eye Kayden.

"Well, who is this pretty girl?" Alex asked. Kayden began to giggle like a madwoman and I smiled at Alex.

"This is Kayden. Excuse her odd behavior. She's just really high." I laughed.

Alex rose his eyebrows while Kayden smacked me on the arm.

"She's just kidding. I don't do drugs, I swear." she laughed and then extended her arm across the table. "Kayden Marie Cole" she smiled.

"Alexander William Gaskarth." Alex smirked before shaking her hand and then bringing it to his lips. I just fake gagged as I watched the scene unfold before me.

I spent the next hour and a half rolling my eyes and sighing as I watched Kayden and Alex relentlessly flirt. I didn't even get to tell Alex all about the modeling thing because he was making googly eyes at Kayden the whole time. I felt saved when Jack text messaged me asking me why I hadn't called him yet. I lifted my head up and cleared my throat.

"Uh, guys, duty calls" i pointed to my phone "I have to go."

Alex groaned and Kayden just smiled sadly.

"I would stay but she brought me here." Kayden sighed.

"Well, I will just take you back to your car later." Alex offered. I just shrugged.

"Okay see you later lovebirds!" I laughed before walking out the door and to my car.

I immediately began driving to Jack's house and then ran to his doorstep and knocked a few times. I heard the dogs all barking and Jack screaming at them to shut up. I laughed when his voice cracked from yelling to loud. He opened the door and his eyes lit up as soon as he saw me. He pulled me into his chest and gave me a hug.

"Yay! I was just about to call you and bother you until you came over!" he exclaimed. I laughed at how childish he acted sometimes. It was so cute.

"What can I say? I just couldn't resist Rockstar!" I smirked. He leaned down to kiss me and I kissed back before pulling away.

"So, Jack guess what!" I smiled.

"You want to give me a blow job?" he asked with his eyebrows raised.

"Oh my gosh, No. Shut up Jack." I chuckled "In my purse, I have a bunch of paperwork to fill out because I am now a model for Dorrance photography and publishing."

He looked at me with wide eyes.

"Oh my gaga! I knew it! You're too pretty too not be a model! This is so AWESOME! I've fucked a model! I think I've fucked everything but that. A tree, Alex, A dog, a playboy bunny, a barbie doll" he began listing off just random objects as I laughed and slapped him in the chest.

"I'm serious! This is exciting! Jack, I get to travel! And model for all my favorite designers! My assistant already texted me asking if I'd be interested in modeling for Glamour Kills!!" I exclaimed while laughing.

"I know, I'm happy for you Celina!" he chuckled before kissing me and pulling me over to the couch where I sat on his lap while he continued to watch the movie he had been watching before I came over.

I just rested my head on his shoulder and ran my finger up and down his chest while he focused on the TV screen. As I took in the moment I began to wonder, what are we now? Isn't this the kind of thing couples do? Were we just together but without the title? I mean usually people don't just randomly fuck. We had to have significant feelings for one another right?

"Hey Jack! I almost forgot to tell you! I made a new friend. Her name is Kayden. Her and Alex are like, on a date right now, and then tomorrow we are going shopping for the Naughty or Nice party." I lifted my head and looked at him.

"Ooooh. Are you going to be naughty or nice?" he wiggled his eyebrows and winked at me.

"I'm thinking of being naughty. I found the cutest little santa lingerie set at Victoria's Secret, and then I'll just put on a santa hat. It'll work." I laughed.

"Well, if I am a nice boy and I beleive in santa will santa pay me a visit on christmas?" he asked looking up at me with hopeful eyes. I just laughed and shook my head as I played with his hair.

"Sorry, this santa only likes naughty boys." I purred into his ears.

"I can be naughty...." he gulped.

"No. You're too cute to be naughty. Sorry Jackie." I smirked and hopped off of his lap and stretched. I felt him staring at my midriff.

"Jack, you're a perv." I laughed. He looked at me and laughed.

"I know. It's my specialty." he shrugged. I sat down on the ground and called for Valencia. She ran over to me and we began to play. I looked over at the TV and Jack's movie had ended. I looked over at him and found him sleeping on the couch, I laughed at how cute he looked. I draped a blanket over him and then left a note on his coffee table.

If you wake up before I get back, don't think I ran away. I am just running home to get clothes for tomorrow. I'll be back, if you wake up before I get back text me and I will bring you something to eat.

love, Celina.


"Jaaaaaaaack!" I called.

i had just returned with my bag of clothes but he wasn't on the couch where I had left him. My note was still on the coffee table but it had been folded up. I slowly walked up the stairs and heard Jack's voice coming from his bedroom. It sounded like he was singing Singled Out by New Found Glory. I walked into his bedroom but didn't find Jack. Instead I heard the shower running, I crept into his bathroom trying to stay quiet.

I bit my lip to keep from laughing as I sat on the toilet seat and kept listening to him sing. He had switched to some Cobra Starship song and I just waited patiently for him to finish. As soon as he quit singing I broke out into a round of applause. I watched him through the see through shower door, he froze in his place.

"Okay, whoever you are in my bathroom I don't want to know. If you are hear to rob me then my wallet is in my jeans pocket, and my safe is under my bed, combination 9-3-4-6. Just don't hurt me!" He said slowly.

I bit my lip and laughed internally. I began to take my clothes and then slid the shower door open. He still had his back to me and he began to shake.

"Oh my god. I am about to die aren't I? Please do it quick!" he cried.

I couldn't hold it in any longer. I began to chuckle and then wrapped my arms around his waist. He turned around to face me and his cheeks got red.

"Holy shit. Celina! You fucking scared me!" he threw his hands up in the air.

"I'm sorry, you're just too easy! I had too!" I snickered.

"What happened to 'my clothes will be on at ALL times'?? You're in my shower, and you are very NAKED." he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Well, I have work in the morning. So a shower sounded nice." I shrugged.

Jack and I finished our shower and then got out and wrapped ourselves in big fluffy towels. Jack had walked into his closet to get changed and I set my bag on his bed and then searched for the T-shirt I had packed for bed. I pulled on a pair of underwear and then the Glamour Kills Tour 2009 shirt.

"Wow, Celina. Wow." I heard Jack say behind me.

"Yes Jack?" I turned around and raised my eyebrows at him.

"You are just so cool. I have never met a girl who just willingly gets naked and hops in the shower with me, without making me beg first. AND then she just throws on a T-shirt and underwear to sleep in? I mean it's just wow. You don't have to go out of your way to impress me, because I am impressed by you just being you." he shrugged.

I smiled at how sweet he was being and leaned in to give him a kiss. He kissed back and then pushed me onto the bed and we cuddled while conversing about random shit until we both fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
3rd update of the day! WOOP! WOOP!
Okay. That is all for today. This was just a filler and I am very aware of that but we need to get the story in place so some more drama can happen.