You're My Favorite Explosion.

Bite My Lip and Close My Eyes Take Me To Paradise


"Celina, Celinaaa, Celina! You gotta get up! It's 7, and if you want to be able to get ready and get there in traffic you should get up now!" I heard jack yelling at me and shaking my shoulder.

I opened my eyes to see jack hopping off the bed and then walking to his closet. I laughed at how hairy his but is and he turned around and glared.

"What's so funny?" he knit his eyebrows together.

"Nothing, Chubacca." I laughed.

"You know what, some people find chubacca sexy." he stuck his tongue out at me and then turned back to looking in his closet.

I rolled out of his bed and groaned when I realized how sore i was from using Jack's chest as a pillow all night. I rolled my neck around a few times before taking my shirt off and letting my arms stay in the air, attempting to stretch. I just groaned in pain and gave up, I pulled on the jeans and Pierce The Veil shirt I had packed, then went in search for the vans I had been wearing yesterday. I skipped down the stairs with a smile on my face and patted Valencia's head before running into the kitchen where my Vans sat. I grabbed them and ran back up the staircase.

"Celina! What time do you get off today?" I heard Jack yell.

"I don't know, I'm probably going to get fired when I tell Dave about the modeling deal so I can just call you whenever I leave." I shrugged.

He turned around surprised that I was right behind him. He nodded and then I looked him up and down.

"Look at you! All dressed up, it's nice." I laughed.

He was wearing black skinnies with a plaid button up shirt and a leather jacket. He just smirked and then sat down to lace up his nike's . I did the same after finding a pair of socks.

"Jack, I gotta get going. Have a good day, I'll call you whenever I leave work." I looked up at him and smiled.

"Bye pookie." he smiled before engulfing me in a hug and kissed the top of my head.

I grabbed my purse and ran out the door. I was a little nervous for the reaction I'd get from Dave. I wasn't sure that he'd be to happy to hear that I had gotten a job as a model, and that modeling would come before my radio show. I pulled into the parking lot and swallowed the big lump in my throat. I shoved open the door glad that I was a half hour early, I'd have enough time to talk to him.

"Hey DAve." I called from the doorway of his office.

"Good morning Celina. We missed you yesterday." he smiled.

"Yeah, well about that. I actually got the job, and I have to sign a contract saying that modeling will come before any other career. So, there will be days at a time that I'll be out of town and times when I will be so busy I won't be able to make it in." I sighed.

He just shook his head and then smiled up at me.

"I knew this would be coming, you're too talented to just work at a radio station, so I prepared myself for this to happen. We were planning to let you go, we found a girl who can cover your radio show, we actually wanted you to meet her and get your approval first though we know that nobody can fill your shoes."

I nodded my head and then he dialed a number on his phone and called someone named Tiffany down to the office. I soon heard the click clack of heels and turned to see a pretty red head walking towards me. I smiled at her and she returned the smile.

"Hi, I'm Celina." I offered out my hand.

"I already knew that, I'm a big fan of your radio show, I'm Tiffany!" she smiled and shook my hand lightly.

"Okay, so I guess you can just come in with me during the show today and watch what I do, also pay attention to the kind of music I play, and how to mesh it up. You don't want to do like an hour of metal, and then an hour of punk because it will throw people off, you need to mix it evenly. Ya know?"

She nodded her head and then followed me into the booth. I got myself all set up and then began the show. Tiffany watched closely and took notes, Finally one o' clock came around and I signed out.

"And for the last time Baltimore, this is Celina on 90.7 rock." I said then turned the microphone off. I smiled over at Tiffany and then patted her shoulder.

"Good Luck hon. Also, here is my number, if you ever need anything, advice or anything you can text or call me." I wrote my number down on a small peice of paper and then handed it to her.

Walking out of the radio station I felt sad but at the same time relieved. Now I had a job that didn't require me to have a set time schedule or anything. I pulled out my phone and dialed Jack's number. He didn't answer so i resorted to sending him a message.

To: Jack (:

I predicted correctly. Dave said I was "too talented" to work in a radio station. I spent my day training the new me. I am scared for her, Dave was looking at her with the same creepy look he gives me. lol.

I didn't get a reply until I was in my car about to drive off.

From: Jack :)

I'm sorry! Well, if you're even sad about it. I am still at the photoshoot. But I will see you tonight at the Naughty or Nice party right?

To: Jack :)

For sure bro.

I quickly dialed Kayden's number. She had just gotten home after spending the night with Alex and was going to shower then meet me at the mall. I took this as my chance to go and buy a few things for christmas. I had no idea what to get for Jack, he was the one person who I had no idea what to buy for. I was going to bring Alex or Rian along with me later and then they could help me out.

After about an hour i got a text from Kayden telling me to meet her in Victoria's secret. I walked over to the store and found her smelling perfume's. She smiled when she saw me.

"Oh my gosh! I have so much to tell you!'' she exclaimed.

"Agh, you and Alex fucked, didn't you?" I rolled my eyes.

"How'd you know? Did he tell you?" she questioned.

"No, I'm just a good guesser." I laughed.

"It was so amazing, he wants me to come over after the party tonight. That's good isn't it? I mean obviously it isn't a one night stand if he wants me over for a second time, right?" she giggled like a little schoolgirl.

"Sure." I shrugged.

I began to look around the store for the little outfit I had seen a few days ago. I saw one left and ran to grab it. Luckily it was my size.

"Kayden! See, isn't it SO cute?" I exclaimed once I found her. She nodded her had and then smiled showing me the little 'santas helper' set she had found.

"Wow, atleast we'll BOTH look like complete sluts." I laughed.

She slapped me on the arm and began to laugh with me. After picking out some lip gloss and perfume we went up to the register. I handed over my debit card and then saw Sarah looking at a pair of sweatpants on the other side of the store. After grabbing my bag and my card back I walked over to her.

"Hey Sarah!" I said.

"Oh, Celina, wow weird meeting you here!" she laughed.

"Hey so, I know it's friday and you probably aren't going to see Roger over the weekend but I already filled everything out, and I don't want to lose it. So do you just want the paperwork now?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah sure! This way I can look over it and get everything set up!" she nodded her head vigorously and then I handed her the paperwork before turning back to Kayden.

"Kayd, this is my assistant Sarah." I introduced them and then after the awkward hand shaking and shit me and Kayden walked out of the store together.

"So, do you want to get ready at my house, or yours?" I asked.

"Just follow me to my house, I have like a mini makeup store in my bathroom." she laughed. I nodded and then walked over to my car and followed her out of the lot and to her house.


"Wow, you look- uh- WOW." Kayden said when she saw me.

I laughed at her. I was wearing more makeup then I normally did and had three barreled my long hair.

"That bad, huh?" I asked.

"No, you are like the prettiest person I have ever seen." she shook her head lightly while looking at me in awe.

"Well, thanks I guess." i shrugged while zipping my boots up.

"Shall we get going?" I asked.

She nodded and grabbed her purse, i did the same and as soon as we walked outside we both screamed. It was freezing outside.

"Come on, let's take my car." I said and then we both ran to my SUV and hopped in.

I immediately turned the heat all the way up and we both checked ourselves in the mirror before I drove off to Alex and Rian's house. When we got there I turned to Kayden.

"Okay, if we ACT like we're not cold, we won't be cold!" I said.

She nodded her head and we both opened our doors hesitantly. I took a sharp inward breath and then began the walk to Alex's front door. I rang the doorbell and Alex answered. He looked at both of us with wide eyes.

"Santa and her helper have arrived." he announced to the whole room.

Everybody's eyes were on us and I looked around to see every other girl here in some form of christmas lingerie. Kim ran over to me immediately.

"Holy shit! You look so sexy!" she yelled.

"Thanks look at you! I mean who knew Kim would willingly go to a party in lingerie." I laughed. She just rolled her eyes and then grabbed Kayden and I leading us into the kitchen to get a drink. I grabbed one of the cups with pink liquid and a candy cane in it.

"That will get you drunk off your ass after just two." A male's voice advised from behind me.

"That's okay. I came here to party, right?" I turned around and smiled up at the unattractive male behind me.

After a second it clicked that it was Dave from Every Avenue.

"Celina!" I heard Jack's voice call from the kitchen doorway.

I smiled over at him and waved. Kayden and Kim were pulling me I finally spotted Jack sitting on the couch. I headed over to him and sat on his lap.

"Hello there Santa." he smiled. "shouldn't I be sitting on YOUR lap?" he asked me.

I just smiled and shook my head, "we can break the rules" I proposed.

"You look really good." he said looking me up and down over and over again.

"Thanks! You aren't so bad yourself. How come all the girls have to be naughty while all the guys get to wear cute little christmas sweaters and be nice? It's not fair. I actually had to put effort into this." I motioned my hands to my outfit and face.

"Eh, I think you look better with nothing on." he shrugged.

"I don't think coming naked was really an option." I laughed.

"Celina! Come be my beer pong partner!" Rian called from the table that was set up in the corner.

I walked over to him and laughed, we were playing Alex and Kayden.

"Just warning you, I fucking suck at this game!" I told him.

"That's alright, so do I. So, we'll probably lose. But, hey! That means we get to get drunk!" he shrugged.

Alex and I had to look eachother in the eye and shoot. We both sunk the balls. So we then played rock paper scissors and it was decided that Alex would go first. He got the ball in and I chugged the cup of beer then put it to the side.

After about ten minutes, we had already lost and Rian and I were left to drink ALL of the beer. The last thing I remember is taking my shoes off and stumbling over to Jack and sitting on his lap.


I opened my eyes and saw that I was in Jacks room. I groaned and looked over at the man laying next to me.

"Jaaaack!" I groaned trying to make him wake up.

"What baby?" he turned around so he was facing me and opened his sleepy eyes.

"What happened last night?"

"You don't remember a thing?"

"No... Should I?"

"LAST NIGHT WAS THE BEST FUCKING NIGHT OF MY LIFE." he sat up straight and began to laugh "You took off your clothes and you wrapped yourself in a shower curtain claiming you were some kind of super hero. And then you got tired of holding the shower curtain so you ran around naked with ratboy. Then when we got home, you banged my brains out. Like honestly, you saddled up and rode me like you were a true cowgirl." he laughed which earned a smack on the arm from me.

"I guess that explains my naked body, and your naked body." I laughed.

"Do you remember anything of what I said to you last night?" Jack asked with a frown on his face.

"No.... I don't remember what was coming out of your mouth. I just remember you said something that made me really happy.." I sighed.

"Last night I told you, that I loved you. And you said you loved me too. Was that your drunk personality, or do you really love me back?" Jack stuttered.

I smiled over at him. He was blushing and looked really nervous. I thought it was super cute.

"Of course Jack. I love you. i really do." I smiled over at him.

"WOOOOHOOOO! I am now the luckiest man on earth." Jack started to jump up and down on the bed.

"Jack. I really don't feel like watching your hairy ass jump right above me." I winced as he began to jump over me.

"You are so mean to me." he sat down and began to pout.

"Jacky poooo. You know that I'm not mean." I leaned over and kissed him right on the nose.

"So, does this mean you'll be my girlfriend?" he asked with a smirk on his face.

"Of course. It'd be my honor to be Sasquatch's girlfriend." I giggled and kissed him once more, this time on the lips.

Jack had a wide smile plastered on his face and he did a little happy dance. His dance however was interrupted by his stomach growling.

"let's go get some food." jack whined.

"Yeah! I want some fucking french toast!" I said imitating the 40 year old virgin.

"I love you." Jack said.

"I love you too." I smiled.

"Wow, I think that's the best thing i have ever heard." Jack smiled and grabbed my hand.
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