You're My Favorite Explosion.

You got the key to my heart make it start.


"Seriously Kim, your family wears me out every time!" I groaned. She laughed before sitting next to me with the box of nail polish.

"Sorry, Celina. Now you know why I make you go with me! We're the most sane people in that house!" she exclaimed.

"That's saying something! Because we're both pretty crazy!" I laughed. My phone began to vibrate in the pocket of my hoodie, when I pulled it out I saw Jack's name flashing on the screen. I smiled before sliding my thumb across the screen.

"Miss me already rockstar?" I asked him. I could hear him laugh on the other end.

"Yes, actually! It's a saturday night and I am sitting at home, ALL ALONE." he whined.

"Wow. The life of a rockstar isn't so glamorous after all." I laughed.

"You know usually after I've whined the person I am whining too comes up with a solution!" he sighed.

"Okay, well come over. All I'm doing is painting my nails. We can watch a movie?" I proposed.

"Alright. Give me your address and I'll be there before you can say LickABigFatPenis five times!" he yelled.

I gave him my address then hung up. Kim looked over at me with a mischevious grin on her face.

"I think I'm going to leave." she said backing away.

"Fuck you Kim." I laughed "I'll call you when he leaves."

I watched her grab her purse and then left. I finished painting my hands then went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. I heard a knock on my door and I smiled wide. I walked to the door and opened fastly.

"JACK!" I announced. He smiled at me before pulling me into a hug.

"Come on in. Can I get you anything?" I asked as I went back to pouring a glass of water.

"No, I'm okay. I like your apartment."

I began to laugh. "Jack, you've only seen my doorway and my kitchen. Come on."

I showed him the living room and dining room and then took him to my bedroom.

"And THIS is where dreams come true." I joked as I pointed to my bed. He rolled his eyes at me and then sat down on the canopy covered bed.

"Where are we going to watch the movie?" he asked.

"Well, we can watch in the warm comfort of my bed, or we can sit on the couch where we will be forced to cuddle just to keep eachother warm." I stated.

"Celina. I think we could cuddle in the bed too." he laughed.

"That is very true! Who knew? A rockstar that is smart!" I laughed while lightly slapping his chest.

"I like your pajamas" he smirked while looking me up and down.

"Thanks pervert. Now what movie should we watch?"

"You pick pookie!"

"Hmmm. Okay! It's almost Christmas! Let's watch a Christmas movie!" I said excitedly knowing exactly what to put on. I took Home Alone out of the case and then popped it into my DVD player before returning to my bed and getting underneath the covers by jack.

As soon as the beginning credits began rolling he looked over at me with wide eyes.

"What? Do you have something against Home Alone?" I asked.

"CELINA. THIS IS MY FAVORITE MOVIE EVER! YOU ARE AMAZING!" he exclaimed pulling me into him. I laughed into his neck.

The entire movie I tried to focus on the screen but I couldn't with Jack nuzzling into me and constantly cuddling his head into my chest. He was making the butterflies in my stomach erupt.

"JACK! Watch the movie!" I laughed.

"I don't want too. You're so much more fun than watching a movie!" he pouted. I watched as he jutted out his bottom lip and began to make his eyes water.

"Okay Jack. We can cuddle instead of a movie." i gave in.

"YAAYYY!" he grabbed the remote and turned the movie off then pulled me into him.

"Jack, you are so crazy!" I giggled.

"I love the way you laugh!" he whispered. i felt him lightly kiss my neck.

"Jack, do you like me?" his head jolted up and he looked in my eyes.

"Do you want me to like you?" he asked.

"You can't ask that after I asked if you like me!" I told him.

"well, yes. I mean we barely know eachother, but that's okay. There is like this undeniable chemistry we have going on." he said.

"Exactly. That's all i needed to hear. I just needed to know you're feeling this." he put his head back into my neck after I said that and I mindlessly played with his hair. Before I knew it he had fell asleep on me so i turned into him and got comfortable snuggling closely to his chest.

Soon enough, i had fallen into a deep slumber.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kind of short.
I apologize.

Here is her PJ's that she was wearing.