You're My Favorite Explosion.

We've Gotta Make It Fly Faster Than I'm Falling In Love.


I woke up alone. I tried to ignore the hurt in my chest as I looked around for a note, or SOME sort of explanation as to why he had left. But I found none. I walked out into the kitchen and screamed when I saw Jack standing over the stove.

"Oh, fuck! Jack, I thought you left! Oh man.... You scared the SHIT out of me!" I exclaimed.

He laughed and shook his head. "I didn't leave silly, I'm making you breakfast!"

"Well, I see that now Jack!" I rolled my eyes and ruffled his hair. "What are you making me?"

"An omeletttttt. I was really hungry and my tuummy was growling really loudly and then I was like 'wow, i really want an omelet' so I came out here to make us breakfast." he smiled down at me.

"Okay, well while you finish that I'm going to go get dressed. What time are we going paintballing?"

"I told Alex we'd meet them there at noon."

I looked at the clock. It was ten already, I walked to my closet and threw on some clothes before going back to my kitchen.

"I'm wearing my lucky shirt today!" I announced. He looked at my shirt then began laughing at me.

"What's so funny." I pouted.

"Where did you get that shirt?"

"I got it for christmas like three years ago.... Why?''

"I designed that!" he laughed.

"Oh, so NOWWW you are a rockstar with a clothing line? Very original." I joked. I guess that explained why the sleeve said "JAGK".

"Bon Apetite." Jack smiled as he put our food down on the table.

"Thank you Jack. This was very kind."

"Psh. Being Kind is my specialty." he grinned.

We ate and just chattered mindlessly. It didn't seem to matter what we talked about because the feeling was just so comfortable.


I ran back out to my car to see Celina looking through my cd's. I had went to my house to change and decided it would be funny if we matched so I wore my purple "boner" shirt too. When I slid into the seat I smiled at the Cd she put on.

"Why are you listening to my band?" I asked.

"Because, I used to love All Time Low." she shrugged.

"Used too?"

"Yeah. Once Nothing Personal came out I kind of lost interest. I mean, your guys' first few albums were SO good." she shook her head disapprovingly.

"Really, so have you known who I was this whole time?"

"No, I kind of just peiced it together after our date at Paradise Cafe." she shrugged.

Okay... So this meant she wasn't some creepy stalker lady who was obsessed with me, but was she in high school?

"I already know what you're thinking... No, I wasn't one of those obsessed girls. Infact. in high school I had a thing for Rian. At the shows he was the one I would run to talk too, I followed him and ONLY him on twitter...." she trailed off.

"How have you acted so normal if you've known who I am?"

"Come on, you're a normal person. You may play guitar in some band that influenced my early teenage years, but that makes you no different then me." she smiled over at me.

"Wow.... You are just.... Amazing." I sighed.

"Well, thank you Jack. You aren't so bad yourself. Now come on rockstar. We gotta go kick some booty at paintball." she smiled over at me "I am determined to shoot Alex numerous times."

With that I drove to the old airforce base that we were playing at.

"JACKKKKK! CELINA!" Alex yelled as soon as we pulled up.

"You know her?" I asked him. He nodded then smiled over to Celina.

"Of course I do. Kara introduced her too me the second that babe got in town." I watched Alex wink at her and Celina rolled her eyes before getting out of the car. I followed her lead and felt a pang of jealousy when she hugged Alex. I could tell he thought she was hot with the way he hugged her. He was gentle and ran his fingers down her back. She seemed uninterested which made me feel better, she then went to say hi to Zack and Rian.

"Jackiiieeee!" I heard from behind me. I turned to see my sister May walking up.

"Hey sis." I smiled as she got next to me.

"So is that the girl?" she asked while staring at Celina.


"Well, she is really pretty, in a natural way too. Those are always the best." she winked.

I watched Celina walk over to us and smile at May.

"Hi! You must be May! I am Celina! Jacks Friend." May pulled her into a hug and I started to stare off into space while they did that 'girl talk' shit. I didn't see Celina again until during paintball when she shot me right in the neck then ran away laughing her ass off. I smiled widely. This girl would be the death of me.
♠ ♠ ♠ her paintballing outfit. :)